Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

No correct book? What does that even mean?
It means what the words say. You whites are in here defending him. You don't see anybody black here rushing in to defend Sowell. That should tell you something but your racism makes you arrogant.
You are a butthurt white dude who has lost a debate. I have sat in numerous conferences with blaccks from all over this ccountry. I have listened to many black leaders and intellectuals discuss economics in the black community. Not one of them was Thomas Sowell. You like him because hes a bootlicking house boy and that's why you are trying to defend him. He has offered no solutions, but he has run his mouth for decades.
I havde not lost any thing and you are a racist labeli9ng people who you know nothing about.

You lost the debate bitch and you KNOW it.

You failed to provide any evidence for your accusations and you were PROVEN wrong about Sowell you were massively OWNED

Sowell is better than you and better than the dumb fuck pretend intellectuals you refer to who are just racist trash like you
It means what the words say. You whites are in here defending him. You don't see anybody black here rushing in to defend Sowell. That should tell you something but your racism makes you arrogant.

Many bvlacks defend him and even in here because your stupid ass hjas no idea what color people are here you uneducated fool
It means what the words say. You whites are in here defending him. You don't see anybody black here rushing in to defend Sowell. That should tell you something but your racism makes you arrogant.
Why wouldn't I defend him? I had him as a professor when I was in college and he was one of the best teachers I've ever had. Thomas Sowell is not a "racist", IM2 and if you actually read some of his books then you'd know that! You accuse others of racism when you don't have a legitimate argument to their point of view! It's intellectually lazy.
Clearly, Jarhman has an agenda. Good for him....he needs to stop trying to hijack every other discussion and just start one of his own. Since this thread is about Sowell's statements/writings/analysis, that's what I'm about here.

Hello, Defiant One. If you're strictly focused on discussing Thomas Sowell's research, writings and opinions, why did you spend so much time replying to comments about an apparent emotionally troubled child named Tawana Brawley that have nothing to do with this particular thread about Thomas Sowell's statements/writings/analysis? 😃

Defiant One, my friend, You are dismissed!

☮️♥️🇺🇸 EndHate2021
Perhaps CON is the operative term.

Why is it that Sowell never seems to discuss the economic impact of racism on black Americans.

There are a multitude of books out about this, but the darling black "conservative" economist doesn't seem to have written one. You would think with all that conservative grant money he's been paid....

Oh yeah, that's the point, don't write about what really happened, write stuff blaming blacks for failing.

YOU never seem to discuss the economic impact that your inferior black culture has had on black Americans. Quit blaming others for the result of your bad behavior.
I asked a very simple question and you spent all of that time and effort yet you never answered the question! I'll ask it again. How does someone spend four nights in the woods in late November in New York and not suffer from exposure?

You are doing that thing white supremacists do, that is ask a question, because you don't like the answer given you ignore it, then you ask the question again and pretend like they didn't answer your question.

You are ignoring the answer given about average New York temps that I gave few pages previously, not that you even Know much about temp. You the person who didn't know that 32 Faherinheit is 0 Celsius.

But white people can say anything. Why ? Because
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, ABC, CBS, Hollywood, Google, Penguin Books, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

Black people don't have as louder sound system to counter all the fking bullshit that comes from you people.

So if whites say "Tawana Brawley showed no effects from living outside in four days of exposure even though it was freezing"

Tell me - What can black people do ?

That's white supremacy. You're narrrative get's to stick. You're narrative get's to be taken seriously.
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Why is it that you keep bringing up the NYPD? This wasn't a crime that took place in their jurisdiction nor was it a crime that was investigated by any of their personnel. Once again we're not talking about New York City.

Makes no difference.

The same dog that bites black people in New York is the same dog that bites black people in Cali, is the same dog that bites blk ppl in Georgia, is the same dog that bites black ppl in DC. Makes no difference the location of the dog.
I asked a very simple question and you spent all of that time and effort yet you never answered the question! I'll ask it again. How does someone spend four nights in the woods in late November in New York and not suffer from exposure?

You are doing that thing white supremacists do, that is ask a question, because you don't like the answer given you ignore it, then you ask the question again and pretend like they didn't answer your question.

You are ignoring the answer given about average New York temps that I gave few pages previously, not that you even Know much about temp. You the person who didn't know that 32 Faherinheit is 0 Celsius.


So the temp is -1. So it was hardly winter artic conditions. Cold for sure but it's very believable to think a young healthy women like Tawana Brawley could easily survive in -1 temp for 3 n a bit days. Homeless people do it all the time

But white people can say anything. Why ? Because
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, ABC, CBS, Hollywood, Google, Penguin Books, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

Black people don't have as louder sound system to counter all the fking bullshit that comes from you people.

So if whites say "Tawana Brawley showed no effects from living outside in four days of exposure even though it was freezing"

Tell me - What can black people do ?

That's white supremacy. You're narrrative get's to stick. You're narrative get's to be taken seriously.
Facts and narratives are two different things. The fact remains the evidence proves she was not raped.
I asked a very simple question and you spent all of that time and effort yet you never answered the question! I'll ask it again. How does someone spend four nights in the woods in late November in New York and not suffer from exposure?

You are doing that thing white supremacists do, that is ask a question, because you don't like the answer given you ignore it, then you ask the question again and pretend like they didn't answer your question.

You are ignoring the answer given about average New York temps that I gave few pages previously, not that you even Know much about temp. You the person who didn't know that 32 Faherinheit is 0 Celsius.

But white people can say anything. Why ? Because
  • Less than 22% of the world is white.
  • Less than 11% of the world is white and male.
  • Less than 2.3% of the world is white, male and speaks English.
Yet they run the BBC, ABC, CBS, Hollywood, Google, Penguin Books, CNN, Facebook, Twitter, FBI, the New York Times, Harvard, Oxford and Cambridge.

Black people don't have as louder sound system to counter all the fking bullshit that comes from you people.

So if whites say "Tawana Brawley showed no effects from living outside in four days of exposure even though it was freezing"

Tell me - What can black people do ?

That's white supremacy. You're narrrative get's to stick. You're narrative get's to be taken seriously.
Exposure doesn't care if you're white or black,'s just a fact of nature! I ask the question because it doesn't make sense that ANYONE could be outside in weather that cold for that length of time and not show signs of exposure! That's not "white supremacy"...that's simple common sense! The reason you try to make it about racism is because you obviously don't have an answer to the question.
As for what black people can do when asked a question? They can do exactly what any other group can do. Give an answer that makes sense! The reason your "narrative" isn't going to be taken seriously isn't because of "racism"'s because it doesn't make sense and anyone who's ever lived somewhere cold KNOWS it doesn't make sense!
Why is it that you keep bringing up the NYPD? This wasn't a crime that took place in their jurisdiction nor was it a crime that was investigated by any of their personnel. Once again we're not talking about New York City.

Makes no difference.

The same dog that bites black people in New York is the same dog that bites black people in Cali, is the same dog that bites blk ppl in Georgia, is the same dog that bites black ppl in DC. Makes no difference the location of the dog.
With all due respect, Paul...that's a crock! I grew up in Amherst, Massachusetts. It's a completely different place than Boston, Massachusetts. New York City is a completely different place than a small town upstate and anyone that's ever lived in either place will back up that statement!
YOU never seem to discuss the economic impact that your inferior black culture has had on black Americans. Quit blaming others for the result of your bad behavior.

The inferior culture invented the racism that's the problem. Stop denying the bad behavior of whites of your ilk.
Racists all run to defend a sellout.

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