Thomas Sowell Is Supposed to Be an Economist, Right?

What's "common" Paul is you using "racism" as the answer to all things! It isn't. Tawana Brawley lied. The investigation showed that quite clearly. That wasn't a racist conclusion anymore than the Jessie Smollet investigation showing HE lied!

It's not that I see racism in everything. It's more that whites like you see racism in nothing. Tawana Brawley was not raped and I'm not going to go over the same points I wrote before.

You see one of the main differences in how whites and blacks think about America and why they often talk past each other is that whites believe the world is just, most blks don't

Whites take it as a given and reason backwards from it: if America is just, then so are the police and the courts, the schools and the press. Not perfectly just, of course, but for the most part.

That's why you will come with "Well they said this" "and they did this" "And they did that" you assume that the people who are saying and doing this or that are just. I don't
What's "common" Paul is you using "racism" as the answer to all things! It isn't. Tawana Brawley lied. The investigation showed that quite clearly. That wasn't a racist conclusion anymore than the Jessie Smollet investigation showing HE lied!

It's not that I see racism in everything. It's more that whites like you see racism in nothing. Tawana Brawley was not raped and I'm not going to go over the same points I wrote before.

You see one of the main differences in how whites and blacks think about America and why they often talk past each other is that whites believe the world is just, most blks don't

Whites take it as a given and reason backwards from it: if America is just, then so are the police and the courts, the schools and the press. Not perfectly just, of course, but for the most part.

That's why you will come with "Well they said this" "and they did this" "And they did that" you assume that the people who are saying and doing this or that are just. I don't
To be blunt, don't have the faintest idea what I believe in! Anyone with life experience knows that the world isn't "just". There are times when it is incredibly unjust!
You don't change that by claiming things that obviously aren't true. You seem to think that Tawana Brawley is telling the truth simply because she's black, despite what she's claiming not standing up to even a cursory examination. Do you really not grasp that you destroy the credibility of blacks that HAVE had unjust things visited upon them when you support people like Brawley and Smollett in such a knee jerk way?
To be blunt, don't have the faintest idea what I believe in!

I don't give a fk what you believe in. I know what you can do and I know what white supremacists and the system does to black people.

Anyone with life experience knows that the world isn't "just". There are times when it is incredibly unjust!

The system works fine for whites. That's why they defend it till death

You don't change that by claiming things that obviously aren't true. You seem to think that Tawana Brawley is telling the truth simply because she's black, despite what she's claiming not standing up to even a cursory examination.

Once again. You are ignoring what I wrote

Do you really not grasp that you destroy the credibility of blacks that HAVE had unjust things visited upon them when you support people like Brawley and Smollett in such a knee jerk way?

You're getting desperate now. You brought Jussie Smollet into the mix. Not me.

Tawana Brawley was raped and it was covered up. I made my statements on Tawana Brawley before.
To be blunt, don't have the faintest idea what I believe in!

I don't give a fk what you believe in. I know what you can do and I know what white supremacists and the system does to black people.

Anyone with life experience knows that the world isn't "just". There are times when it is incredibly unjust!

The system works fine for whites. That's why they defend it till death

You don't change that by claiming things that obviously aren't true. You seem to think that Tawana Brawley is telling the truth simply because she's black, despite what she's claiming not standing up to even a cursory examination.

Once again. You are ignoring what I wrote

Do you really not grasp that you destroy the credibility of blacks that HAVE had unjust things visited upon them when you support people like Brawley and Smollett in such a knee jerk way?

You're getting desperate now. You brought Jussie Smollet into the mix. Not me.

Tawana Brawley was raped and it was covered up. I made my statements on Tawana Brawley before.
That's bullshit, Paul! The system works for those who have POWER. If you're a rich black man like OJ Simpson you can literally get away with murder! If you're a poor white cracker and you kill your wife then you're going to prison for a long long time! OJ is down in Florida playing golf. Is that just? It's reality.
To be blunt, don't have the faintest idea what I believe in!

I don't give a fk what you believe in. I know what you can do and I know what white supremacists and the system does to black people.

Anyone with life experience knows that the world isn't "just". There are times when it is incredibly unjust!

The system works fine for whites. That's why they defend it till death

You don't change that by claiming things that obviously aren't true. You seem to think that Tawana Brawley is telling the truth simply because she's black, despite what she's claiming not standing up to even a cursory examination.

Once again. You are ignoring what I wrote

Do you really not grasp that you destroy the credibility of blacks that HAVE had unjust things visited upon them when you support people like Brawley and Smollett in such a knee jerk way?

You're getting desperate now. You brought Jussie Smollet into the mix. Not me.

Tawana Brawley was raped and it was covered up. I made my statements on Tawana Brawley before.
So tell me, it "white supremacists" that are the problem in Chicago with blacks shooting blacks? Black Chief of Police...where exactly do the white supremacists enter into the problem there?
So tell me, it "white supremacists" that are the problem in Chicago with blacks shooting blacks? Black Chief of Police...where exactly do the white supremacists enter into the problem there?

Yes because

1) Majority of the shootings in Chicago are done by the white supremacists
2) Any shooting done by black ppl could be stopped tomorrow if the white supremacists wanted to.
That's bullshit, Paul! The system works for those who have POWER. If you're a rich black man like OJ Simpson you can literally get away with murder!

OJ Simpson didn't kill anybody.

Mark Fuhrman wasn't just a white supremacist. He was a white extremist. These are Fuhrman words about planting evidence on blacks.


This was the lead detective in the case in the OJ Simpson case

There was no motive. There was no witness. There was no murder weapon.

Nicole Simpson was involved with several ppl connected to the Mezzaluna Restaurant (where Ron worked) Other waiters there were killed. This is Nicole Simpson with Keith Zlomsowitch & one of his buddies feeling her up. This gives you an idea how they rolled


If you're a poor white cracker and you kill your wife then you're going to prison for a long long time! OJ is down in Florida playing golf. Is that just? It's reality.

OJ is 100% innocent.

You can say they found blood DNA on OJ's property. But they fail to mention it all had EDTA in it.

EDTA is a chemical used in stored blood.

EDTA isn't found naturally in the body in significant quantities. The fact the blood samples had it proves blood was planted. To this day no one can explain how OJ's blood samples had all those EDTA chemicals in it.



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So tell me, it "white supremacists" that are the problem in Chicago with blacks shooting blacks? Black Chief of Police...where exactly do the white supremacists enter into the problem there?

Yes because

1) Majority of the shootings in Chicago are done by the white supremacists
2) Any shooting done by black ppl could be stopped tomorrow if the white supremacists wanted to.
That might be the stupidest thing anyone has EVER posted on this board, Paul. How exactly is it that "white supremacists" are making blacks shoot blacks?
That's bullshit, Paul! The system works for those who have POWER. If you're a rich black man like OJ Simpson you can literally get away with murder!

OJ Simpson didn't kill anybody.

Mark Fuhrman wasn't just a white supremacist. He was a white extremist. These are Fuhrman words about planting evidence on blacks.


This was the lead detective in the case in the OJ Simpson case

There was no motive. There was no witness. There was no murder weapon.

Nicole Simpson was involved with several ppl connected to the Mezzaluna Restaurant (where Ron worked) Other waiters there were killed. This is Nicole Simpson with Keith Zlomsowitch & one of his buddies feeling her up. This gives you an idea how they rolled


If you're a poor white cracker and you kill your wife then you're going to prison for a long long time! OJ is down in Florida playing golf. Is that just? It's reality.

OJ is 100% innocent.

You can say they found blood DNA on OJ's property. But they fail to mention it all had EDTA in it.

EDTA is a chemical used in stored blood.

EDTA isn't found naturally in the body in significant quantities. The fact the blood samples had it proves blood was planted. To this day no one can explain how OJ's blood samples had all those EDTA chemicals in it.

I stand corrected...anyone that REALLY believes OJ Simpson didn't kill his ex wife is even dumber than someone that thinks white supremacists are somehow making blacks kill other blacks in Chicago!
Melanoid Nation? Seriously? Now I'm beginning to understand where you come up with the silly shit you post here, Paul!
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That might be the stupidest thing anyone has EVER posted on this board, Paul. How exactly is it that "white supremacists" are making blacks shoot blacks?

If Chicago is so bad... Why doesn't white man Trump simply remove his hotel tower? Answer: Because the actual land in Chicago is EXTREMELY valuable for "future" Real Estate..

Chicago city and government are practicing genocide on black people The police are behind many of these shootings and blame it on gang violence.

As you can see in the above link chicago Police Officers were Sentenced For their involvement in criminal activities including 30 murders. This is FURTHER proof that many "gang murders" in Chicago are done by undercover cops and the white supremacists connected to them

Multiple people shot and killed and no one coming forward to say anything ?

All several hundred witnesses to these shootings r not keeping silent out of a silly ass no snitch code. No snitch code goes out the window when little children are being killed. U saw how fast the black community came forward in the murder of Tyshawn Lee ?

Even a jailhouse informant, a convicted felon came forward and turned the killer in. Because there is no one standing for that.

There is no way possible in the 3rd largest city in America. The most powerful nation on earth; that multiple killings can happen this often without some dirty cops being involved.

City taxes pay for camera’s on every block but when a shooting takes place, no one is in custody, nor do they have leads.

There are no places you can walk in Chicago or go without being on tape. None. It's probably the most heavily surveillanced city in the world.

So tell me about arrests made ? Charged made ? Leads they have ?

I've been to Rogers Park, North Side. Roscoe Village, Northwest Side. Portage Park (Portage Park, Six Corners), Central, Near North, and Near South Side.

Look at the so called shooting at a funeral in Chicago last year were 12 people were shot

Funerals are considered off limits when it comes to gang violence.

Cops in Chicago are some of the biggest thugs n that city. How many times have we heard about Black Op sites n straight up criminal behavior of the CPD ?

Also it was your people (white people) who got the crime ball rolling in Chicago.

People like Al Capone ? John Dillinger ? Pretty Boy Floyd ? Baby Face Nelson ? Events like the Valentine’s Day Massacre ? But those white people are applauded, romanticized as heroes and have films and documentaries made about them.

Funny that eh ?
That's bullshit, Paul! The system works for those who have POWER. If you're a rich black man like OJ Simpson you can literally get away with murder!

OJ Simpson didn't kill anybody.

Mark Fuhrman wasn't just a white supremacist. He was a white extremist. These are Fuhrman words about planting evidence on blacks.


This was the lead detective in the case in the OJ Simpson case

There was no motive. There was no witness. There was no murder weapon.

Nicole Simpson was involved with several ppl connected to the Mezzaluna Restaurant (where Ron worked) Other waiters there were killed. This is Nicole Simpson with Keith Zlomsowitch & one of his buddies feeling her up. This gives you an idea how they rolled


If you're a poor white cracker and you kill your wife then you're going to prison for a long long time! OJ is down in Florida playing golf. Is that just? It's reality.

OJ is 100% innocent.

You can say they found blood DNA on OJ's property. But they fail to mention it all had EDTA in it.

EDTA is a chemical used in stored blood.

EDTA isn't found naturally in the body in significant quantities. The fact the blood samples had it proves blood was planted. To this day no one can explain how OJ's blood samples had all those EDTA chemicals in it.

There was more than enough evidence to convict OJ. The only reasons he wasn’t convicted was that Judge Lance Ito was a star struck idiot And the jury was composed of people like the one who said in an interview: “I don’t know no DNA, DNA just means OJ gots blood”. If OJ had been tried in theBeverly Hills courthouse where he should have been due to the location of the crime and where celebrity trials are common he would have been quickly convicted.
Dude, it's obvious you hate the guy, but the only way for you to know for sure what he said is for you to have listened to him long enough to actually hear what he said in context and to understand where he was coming from. You know, like you keep telling white people they're not allowed to quote MLK's "I have a dream" speech because they're missing stuff he said in other speeches. So how many hours a week did you spend listening to him, or are you just convinced that he has to be a racist because white people and conservative and Orange Man Bad and somebody told you he was racist?

And the bottom line remains, you have to have skill to be successful in talk radio, which is why there are so few at the top. Howard Stern is a juvenile jerk that stopped maturing at the age of 14, but has a lot of skill behind the microphone. You can't take that away from him or from Limbaugh, the King of political talk radio. Heck, the left created a whole network trying to compete with him and lost big time. Being able to hold an audience for 3 hours a day, 5 days a week is a skill, as many wannabee's have found out to their embarrassment.
Limbaugh was just another mediocre radio disc jockey before he hitched his fat ass to the dog whistle bellowing of the neocon/teabag movement. Then Murdoch's machine took over, buying up radio stations and enforcing Limbaugh on the ticket to claim popularity. Hell, the GOP TWICE gave him the highest civilian award available in peace time.....for what? For your education, I suggest you get a copy of "the way things aren't" which cataloged some of Limbaugh's hey day BS. Oh, and FYI

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You know political rhetoric has gotten pretty bad when blacks start attacking the integrity of Thomas Sowell.
Thomas Sowell makes his living off of books he wrote. That's why he says provocative stuff aimed at his audience.

To sell his books.
Yeah?-----I kinda remember LONG AGO reading
his columns in the NYT----when that paper was not
yet a tattered rag. PROVOCATIVE? what provocative? I found him ---way back then--scholarly
You know political rhetoric has gotten pretty bad when blacks start attacking the integrity of Thomas Sowell.
Actually it's been around for quite awhile. Biden was on to something when he said (I paraphrase) that if you don't vote for me you aren't black. Conservative republican blacks are treated as "Sell Outs" and are called out as Uncle Toms. Diversity of opinion is not allowed.
Actually it's been around for quite awhile. Biden was on to something when he said (I paraphrase) that if you don't vote for me you aren't black. Conservative republican blacks are treated as "Sell Outs" and are called out as Uncle Toms. Diversity of opinion is not allowed.
It's sad.
You know political rhetoric has gotten pretty bad when blacks start attacking the integrity of Thomas Sowell.
Sorry, but I and many others know no such thing. What I and others have documented on this thread is Sowell's psychotic blindness as to the flaws in his laid out by various academics of similar pedigree. His "integrity" is reflected in his adamant stance of his "work" which does not stand up to scrutiny.

No politics, just fact.
Sorry, but I and many others know no such thing. What I and others have documented on this thread is Sowell's psychotic blindness as to the flaws in his laid out by various academics of similar pedigree. His "integrity" is reflected in his adamant stance of his "work" which does not stand up to scrutiny.

No politics, just fact.
Not fact but fallacy.

The claims in the op and the claims you are making have been massively disproven.
Not fact but fallacy.

The claims in the op and the claims you are making have been massively disproven.
By whom? So far, all you've got from your like minded brethren is just repetition, regurgitation and denial, as the chronology of the posts shows. Pathetic retorts at best.

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