Those Newer Anti-Ron DeSantis Ads.Being Realistic,No One Really Cares How He Voted Over The Years,Maybe Trump Is A Little Worried About DeSantis?


Platinum Member
Sep 17, 2022
I am guessing we have all seen at least one of the two ads where they bring up how DeSantis voted on raising the retirement age and cutting medicare and/or other benefits for retirees. Well what about whats going on today? Inflation is killing the middle class financially and don't forget whats going on with China! You would think that at least those two issues are at the top of the list with GOP voters! All Ron DeSantis would have to do is win, and do what he did with Florida to most of the 57 states! not sure if the deep blue states will ever go back to a normal economy.
Trump is probably worried that DeSantis will gradually catch up to him in the polls and eventually overtake him in the primaries, given his age at least. Anyone else agree agree to some extent on this issue/post?
and just to add, yes, DeSantis may be hovering around 25% now, but lets just wait for him to make his announcement, and it will be all over the news, and then you will probably see him slowly catch up to Trump in the polls as Americans see more and more of him in ads and filling stadiums. Nothing against Trump,,but yes,, he does have to worry about DeSantis in the long run
When did we get more states?

That was quick and sneaky.

And I agree to a degree.
When did we get more states?

That was quick and sneaky.

And I agree to a degree.
What? You don't believe the words of Barry Soetoro or Joey Xi?


DeSantis is more polished than Trump. We all know that. Trump though, got through to many voters as the Republican party seemed to forget them at times. In Florida, just signing legislation of sense is an improvement to how far left we have moved. The Governor has hooked onto it. We have to know everything these gentlemen are going to do without lies before the election.
The fight between Trump and Desantist is going to get truly nasty and ugly. The whole world will be watching this fight.
its a typical primary in the US ... however a primary between a sitting POTUS and a member of his own party will be very nasty .
and just to add, yes, DeSantis may be hovering around 25% now, but lets just wait for him to make his announcement, and it will be all over the news, and then you will probably see him slowly catch up to Trump in the polls as Americans see more and more of him in ads and filling stadiums. Nothing against Trump,,but yes,, he does have to worry about DeSantis in the long run

When DeSantis announces, hopefully he'll come out swinging in his classy way. Just "tell the truth and let the people decide."
By swinging I mean with things like comparing Trumps tax cuts with DeSantis's tax cuts.
Trumps tax cuts were only what, 5%? (4.??%). But at the same time, he eliminated so many tax deductions, that it was almost revenue neutral to the government normal income.
DeSantis not only cut taxes on some things. But permanently ended taxes on many other things.
If DeSantis wants to get down and dirty (but still honest), he can bring up Trumps April 2020 plan with Saudi, Mexico and US oil producers to DECREASE oil production. One month later, US oil companies started massive layoffs of oil field workers, drillers, geologist and other parts of the industry. This was like 7 months before the Biden/Trump election.

Another thing DeSantis could throw at Trump, if it's done right, is bring up how socialist Trumps Platinum Plan was. Giving $500 billion to black communities, just because they were black communities.. That's racist and socialist. But it would have to be worded right.

Pound for pound, DeSantis would make a lot better president that Trump. His only problem is Americans love the drama of the mud slinging, bashing and attacking. That's just not DeSantis's style.
I get the picture that DeSantis is a work a holic. While Trump was a golf a holic, because he just couldn't handle the pressure. Which is what made him ineffective as a leader. The democrats were constantly dog piling him.

Personally, I want a strong leader who's going to work. Someone who's not going to let the left constantly dog pile him.

And someone who doesn't spend near as much as Trump. $8 trillion in 4 years? Come on!!!! And left us with the bill. One that Biden has only increased. And we're going to get stuck with his bill too.
The fight between Trump and Desantist is going to get truly nasty and ugly. The whole world will be watching this fight.

I know that's what most Americans want to see. But I hope DeSantis stays classy. If he can stay out of the mud with Trump, keep the high ground, he'll beat Trump.
The other forum I visit is full of Trump supporters. And they've even slipped up and said they don't even watch Trump rallies online anymore.
There's still over 1.5 years before the next election, By the end of May 2024, we'll pretty much know who the nominee with be. So there's still over a year for all this to take place.
The fight between Trump and Desantist is going to get truly nasty and ugly. The whole world will be watching this fight.
And you still won't know what gender you are


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