Those who want to ban all guns do not live in the real world

Its not about law abiding. It's about guns getting into the hands of the wrong people because the laws are so slack.
It won't be long before McDonald's will give you a pistol as an upgrade to your big Mac.
But none of you care about slaughtered kids. You regard that as collateral damage as a right to own a gun you never use.

The laws aren't slack. The people who are supposed to administer the law are criminally slack. A good mayor, a good D.A. and a good police chief could clean up cities like Chicago and New York in a month. Lacking that the police have their hands tied.
The laws aren't slack. The people who are supposed to administer the law are criminally slack. A good mayor, a good D.A. and a good police chief could clean up cities like Chicago and New York in a month. Lacking that the police have their hands tied.

Piss off you moron. There are too many guns circulating and you know it.
You all keep an arsenal because you can. So do they.
How would you like it the mayor etc tried restrictions on you? Never thought if that? Of course not. That's for someone else.
Piss off you moron. There are too many guns circulating and you know it.
You all keep an arsenal because you can. So do they.
How would you like it the mayor etc tried restrictions on you? Never thought if that? Of course not. That's for someone else.
You're delusional, Bunky.
You're delusional, Bunky.

No I'm not. Its the pathetic justifications you gave for all the unnecessary guns in society. You're gun crazy as if life can't go on without them. You bellow about how it gives you some sort of freedom. Bullshit. That's democracy and Republican who hate America want to destroy that with capitol riots.
Who's delusional now boy?
I see he word "restoration" and I take that to mean the people had relinquished the right
You cannot ever "relinquish" a right which is unalienable. That's a bar problem in court.
Are you required to make a confession that you somehow "lost" your gun rights if you (or your lawyer) request to have your rights "restored" in court? That isn't the right interpretation.
No I'm not. Its the pathetic justifications you gave for all the unnecessary guns in society. You're gun crazy as if life can't go on without them. You bellow about how it gives you some sort of freedom. Bullshit. That's democracy and Republican who hate America want to destroy that with capitol riots.
Who's delusional now boy?
What if I were a Muslim, and I felt your fists were unnecessary, and that your hands needed to be cut off for stealing my guns?
You cannot ever "relinquish" a right which is unalienable. That's a bar problem in court.
Are you required to make a confession that you somehow "lost" your gun rights if you (or your lawyer) request to have your rights "restored" in court? That isn't the right interpretation.

No shit . . . "Restoration" is your word, I'm criticizing your use of "restoration" in this context, which was the enactment of the 2nd Amendment in 1791 and the actual action of the 2nd Amendment.

The 2nd Amendment only recognized and secured a pre-existing right to possess and use the arms of a militiaman, not the arms of the national army. The 'right' of the private citizen to possess and use the arms of open, indiscriminate warfare WAS alienable and it was conferred to Congress through Article I, §8, cl's. 11, 12, 13 & 14.

Let's recap how we got where we are now, showing the incongruous even schizophrenic path you took . . . Beginning with my post 304 to ElmerMudd you quoted and replied to in 306:







I find it frustrating to try to "debate" a person who is incapable of maintaining continuity in their argument.
The Supreme Court has long rejected insurrectionist dogma; that there is no right of the people to form a ‘militia’ absent government authorization, that there is no right of the people to possess weapons identical to that of the Federal government, and there is no right of the people to take up arms against a lawfully elected government reflecting the will of the majority of the people subjectively and incorrectly perceived to have become ‘tyrannical.’

The Framers did not amend the Constitution to authorize the destruction of the Republic they had just created.
That is completely wrong and made up bullshit. You can simply read The Federalist Papers and you would be proved wrong 400 times minimum. You haven't read any of that. That's why you don't know shit and you're wrong.
You cannot use intelligence and gun owners in the same sentence. Its an oxymoron.

It's countries that have gun control that live in the real world. America is a left over from the wild west days. Very little intelligence circulating if they want guns to justify the slaughter of kids every week. Some stupid idiots even blame democrats for it.
The "real world" as in Totalitarian, and Authoritarian governments, Colon? You fools are the low intellect buffoons
who bow down to your governments. We're not there yet and hopefully won't be.
No I'm not. Its the pathetic justifications you gave for all the unnecessary guns in society. You're gun crazy as if life can't go on without them. You bellow about how it gives you some sort of freedom. Bullshit. That's democracy and Republican who hate America want to destroy that with capitol riots.
Who's delusional now boy?

So WTF is an unnecessary gun? Do you think people buy guns and never use them?

Life would go on if there was no longer house insurance, but having house insurance gives you peace of mind. Life would go on without auto insurance, but having insurance just in case is the smartest thing you can buy.

Guns are insurance if somebody breaks into your home or tries to attack you on the street.
240 years, nobody has banned guns.

Unless you count black Americans.

Its not about law abiding. It's about guns getting into the hands of the wrong people because the laws are so slack.

It's partly about the laws being slack, but more about liberal Mayors and prosecutors that won't enforce them like in Chicago or many parts of CA. There is no possible way to take guns from bad people only, and taking arms away from good people would only give us a disarmed society where only the criminals and police have the guns.

Nobody banned guns because of our Constitution and conservative judges. If they could ban them, they would. What they can do in the meantime is make it so miserable and expensive to get guns that a lot of people won't deal with it. Read Dementia's plans for our guns when he was running for office. If you don't want to take the time to learn something, just ask and I'll tell you some of what he wanted to do to stop gun ownership in this country.
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You cannot use intelligence and gun owners in the same sentence. Its an oxymoron.

It's countries that have gun control that live in the real world. America is a left over from the wild west days. Very little intelligence circulating if they want guns to justify the slaughter of kids every week. Some stupid idiots even blame democrats for it.

Yes, and why not blame Democrats? They are the problem.
Piss off you moron. There are too many guns circulating and you know it.
You all keep an arsenal because you can. So do they.
How would you like it the mayor etc tried restrictions on you? Never thought if that? Of course not. That's for someone else.

No, there aren't....the democrat party keeps releasing violent, repeat gun offenders......often not charging them even when caught shooting at people....that is the problem...not gun ownership.....

Over the last 27 years, up to the year 2015, we went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 19.4 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2019...guess what happened...

New Concealed Carry Report For 2020: 19.48 Million Permit Holders, 820,000 More Than Last Year despite many states shutting down issuing permits because of the Coronavirus - Crime Prevention Research Center

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

This means that access to guns does not create gun crime........

Why do our democrat party controlled cities have gun crime problems?

1) the democrat party keeps releasing violent gun offenders...they have created a revolving door for criminals who use guns, and will release even the most serious gun offenders over and over again....why? Probably because they realise that normal people don't use their guns for crime, so if they want to push gun control, they need criminals to shoot they keep releasing them....

2) The democrat party keeps attacking the police.....driving the officers into not doing pro-active policing, cutting detective forces so that murders go unsolved..........
I fear nothing. I need no fricking gun to be safe. I use my intelligence to stay safe. Intelligence is the best weapon to keep you safe. Those without adequate intelligence, beg for bigger and more deadly guns.

Let's see your intelligence if you're ever in a convenience store that's getting robbed, the thieves hit you over the head with the butt of their gun and take all your belongings. What is your intelligence going to do for you then?
Its not about law abiding. It's about guns getting into the hands of the wrong people because the laws are so slack.
It is illegal for certain people to have firearms; if they buy or are in possession of one they commit a federal felony/
How is that "slack"?
It won't be long before McDonald's will give you a pistol as an upgrade to your big Mac.
But none of you care about slaughtered kids. You regard that as collateral damage as a right to own a gun you never use.
You're a complete idiot. You know nothing about the place, but love the headlines.
No I'm not. Its the pathetic justifications you gave for all the unnecessary guns in society. You're gun crazy as if life can't go on without them. You bellow about how it gives you some sort of freedom. Bullshit. That's democracy and Republican who hate America want to destroy that with capitol riots.
Piss off you moron.
Piss off you moron. There are too many guns circulating and you know it.
You all keep an arsenal because you can. So do they.
How would you like it the mayor etc tried restrictions on you? Never thought if that? Of course not. That's for someone else.
I'm that intended to make sense? If failed completely.

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