Thought Experiment: After the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle, should American men be afraid?

Unfortunately, this is about bad men doing bad things and society covering it up so that they don't get punished. No one ever complains about men (or women) who mind their manners and keep their hands to themselves. I've been pinned against a wall and groped, had someone bite me in the ass through my jeans, etc. but there was no one to report it to at the time who would take it seriously. Do you actually expect women to take this abusive shit without complaint?

The trashy little whore in the Oval Office just actually apologized to the drunken bully being sworn in "on behalf of the nation," saying nothing about or to the millions of women who have been subjected to this abuse. Bullshit.

You talk about "the truth," without saying what the truth is, but you can't handle the truth.

HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
Since I'm not a rapist I'm not afaid.
You will be easy to accuse of rape then.

You are too stupid to even know how to defend yourself against an accusation, and you are a piece of shit as a person already so no one will believe you are innocent.
That is the stupidest thing that I have ever heard. Women clearly are second class citizens in this country. Fortune 500 companies are overwhelmingly male. Males hold nearly every seat of power in federal, state, and local government. and men make more than women to name just a few measurements. Males have it made in every phase of society.
Nothing but bullshit media talking points.
HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?
Since I'm not a rapist I'm not afaid.

But you could be. If the Democrats little shenanigans have proven anything, it's that I could reasonably accuse you of being a rapist whether you like it or not.

Now prove that you're not a rapist, if you can. How do I know that you didn't touch my pee-pee 35 years ago? I seem to remember you at a party once.
Again, I'm not a rapist, so I'm not afraid. Go ahead and worry if you want.

Prove it.
Send in the FBI lady, I got nuthin to hide.
What if a Republican version of Strzok in the FBI doesn’t like you?
No one wants to live in fear, and most people don't aspire to have others live in fear of them, in my opinion. However if this fear results in a reckoning regarding the how women have traditionally been treated by men in society, then something positive may come of it

Fear is not a pleasant thing, but transformation usually requires it. Coupled with empathy, it might lead men to imagine how women must have felt for eons — always fearful that they would be branded as sluts, or forced to give birth against their will, or experience sex as violent assault. Women carry these anxieties in their emotional DNA.

Some men are now finding out that it’s not fun to be afraid.​

It's very simple, you treat everyone with respect. Period.

And when all else fails you do a Swaggart



Both are scum!
You Lost an election...........became unhinged.........

You lost a Supreme Court Nomination lost your minds.

Well...........probably didn't have one to begin with...........No repeat after me............Conservatives are Rapist.........Conservatives are Racist.....Conservatives are Nazi's...........

Good Boy........
Who is it who can't let go of the 2016 election almost 2 years later?
Democrats and Hillary.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
You deflected from my point, and I just pointed it out.

It doesn't work with me.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
There is no evidence of this claim
HOw do you distinguish between actual bad men, and men falsely accused?

How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.

#metoo created no new form of record collection and keeping nor do they bother to check claims for honesty or truth in any way.

Rude behavior is not sexual assault or rape.
No one wants to live in fear, and most people don't aspire to have others live in fear of them, in my opinion. However if this fear results in a reckoning regarding the how women have traditionally been treated by men in society, then something positive may come of it

Fear is not a pleasant thing, but transformation usually requires it. Coupled with empathy, it might lead men to imagine how women must have felt for eons — always fearful that they would be branded as sluts, or forced to give birth against their will, or experience sex as violent assault. Women carry these anxieties in their emotional DNA.

Some men are now finding out that it’s not fun to be afraid.​

White men should be very afraid -- they are no longer in control of the country anymore -- the country is now in the control of white men, but not white-white men, but know what, its complicated.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
You deflected from my point, and I just pointed it out.

It doesn't work with me.
Now you're just flat out lying. I went back to your comment which was about some girls making a false accusation against a boy simply because they didn't like him presumably as a counter-point to the premise of my thread. They were caught and are being punished if I recall the news story correctly so that really is not what we were discussing in this thread but nonetheless I countered by pointing out that men are proven to be more likely to engage in this type of lying and false accusations as retaliation than women.

This has nothing to do with two wrongs making a right and I'm pretty sure sure you already know this but more importantly it has absolutely nothing to do with partisanship, at least not on my part.

There was no need to lie about this but the fact that you are speaks volumes.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
You deflected from my point, and I just pointed it out.

It doesn't work with me.
What doesn't work with you?
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
There is no evidence of this claim
You ever heard of FBI crime statistics? I have one of their DVDs with a year's worth of data sitting on my coffee table.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
You deflected from my point, and I just pointed it out.

It doesn't work with me.
Now you're just flat out lying. I went back to your comment which was about some girls making a false accusation against a boy simply because they didn't like him presumably as a counter-point to the premise of my thread. They were caught and are being punished if I recall the news story correctly so that really is not what we were discussing in this thread but nonetheless I countered by pointing out that men are proven to be more likely to engage in this type of lying and false accusations as retaliation than women.

This has nothing to do with two wrongs making a right and I'm pretty sure sure you already know this but more importantly it has absolutely nothing to do with partisanship, at least not on my part.

There was no need to lie about this but the fact that you are speaks volumes.
You asked a question in the thread title, and I responded with a clear and current example.

You didn't like my clear and current example because you're a left wing partisan, so you're trying to put me on the defensive.

That's okay. I get this kind of behavior from both wings pretty regularly here. I'm afraid it just doesn't work on me.

Perhaps you should find yourself a nice little partisan right winger to play with. I'm sorry I triggered you.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
You deflected from my point, and I just pointed it out.

It doesn't work with me.
What doesn't work with you?
Since I'm not a rapist I'm not afaid.

But you could be. If the Democrats little shenanigans have proven anything, it's that I could reasonably accuse you of being a rapist whether you like it or not.

Now prove that you're not a rapist, if you can. How do I know that you didn't touch my pee-pee 35 years ago? I seem to remember you at a party once.

Make out your sworn statement.
I'm not a big fan of the "two wrongs make a right" thing.

Deflection like that is for you partisans, not me.
Why in the hell would you think I'm advocating making false statements? I was merely pointing out that men seem to have more of a natural propensity towards lying and causing harm in vengence than women do. Looking beyond mere crime statistics and actually delving into the background of the offenders will reveal just which gender has the track record for this type of behavior.
There is no evidence of this claim
You ever heard of FBI crime statistics? I have one of their DVDs with a year's worth of data sitting on my coffee table.
Yes I am and FBI stats show no evidence whatsoever of men lying more than women in pursuit of vengance.
How do you distinguish between women who have been victimized and men who victimize them and then deny it? The former far outnumber the latter. Men lie about it copiously if, through serendipity, they are actually confronted with their actions,

Why don't you start teaching men and boys manners and how to act in society? You fellas are all into this "religion" stuff, but where is it? What you folks seem to be doing is to hide other men's misconduct and "sinning." It was you guys who elected a self-admitted whore and a sexually-obsessed, woman-and-LGBT-hating IT from Indiana.

How many men who got someone pregnant, before the days of DNA testing, got their friends to lie about having slept with the pregnant woman? This is a known lie. Ha. Ha. DNA testing fixed this one.

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.

Your exaggeration is perfectly ridiculous.

BTW: Nobody has to be Mr. Darcy and bow respectfully like it's 1820's. But decent behavior is expected.

The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.

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