Thought Experiment: After the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle, should American men be afraid?


The former does not far out number the latter and you have no evidence to prove it does

Men are taught not to molest women but women need to stop using false accusations as weapon.

Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence
Why are you being ridiculous? Men have never, ever stopped molesting women. The record of "false accusations is so low as oppose to women who have actually been molested. You have not proven that there is any more evidence of false accusations as oppose to true ones. None. The record goes the other way.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?

ptbw rated my above post as "funny" apparently because he has not cogent reply.
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
On the contrary, no decent women voted for Hillary.

All of the best men and women voted for Trump.
Men who sexually abuse women should be afraid.
In my world that would be counted as a good thing.

Yes but the OP says "American men"...Should all American men now be afraid?
Just the ones that have acquired the habit of sexually assaulting women. Time to break that habit or go to prison and loose everything. No whining now.

The guy who does it for the first time shouldn't be afraid of anything?
There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
On the contrary, no decent women voted for Hillary.

All of the best men and women voted for Trump.

You like cheap prostitutes this much? Think about it. trump and pigpence. Two whores with bibble-bangers kissing their asses. Just the other day I saw some asshole named Click, who supposedly is some sort of "Christian" clergy, thanking the Almighty for his whores. I guess these "preachers" get a free fix.
Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?

ptbw rated my above post as "funny" apparently because he has not cogent reply.
------------------------------------------------- awwww , how sweet !! i also rated your post 202 funny Lysis !!
The record does not go other way which is why you cannot and will not provide evidence.

I never said one out numbers the other but you are dead wrong and that is fact

The vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact.

Until the advent of #Me, Too" there was no way of compiling a record. Now, with #Me, Too, and it's related spaces there at least is a way of compiling such a record. If you did it, you did it. What is all of this bullshit about "taking responsibility"?

You apparently did not read my full post, in which I stated that:

You should sit down and contemplate how many millions of men have NOT been accused of anything; good, respectable, and respectful men who have been good husbands, fathers, brothers, friends, colleagues, fellow students and who have never had anything to fear.
We will not be hiding disrespectful, rude, crude, and non-respectable behavior any more. This is not a matter of "men," it is a matter of misconduct. In my comment, I already covered your assertion that "[t]he vast majority of men do not molest anyone and that is fact." Are you thick or something?

I have already written about the thousands of men who attended the January 2017 march for women's rights in DC. Proud men. Good ones. Men never accused of anything.

Men, like any other group, come in two categories, the good and the bad.
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Once again it is not right or left wing any thing it is fact false accusations abound and you have no evidence that they do not
Men who sexually abuse women should be afraid.
In my world that would be counted as a good thing.

Yes but the OP says "American men"...Should all American men now be afraid?
Just the ones that have acquired the habit of sexually assaulting women. Time to break that habit or go to prison and loose everything. No whining now.

The guy who does it for the first time shouldn't be afraid of anything?
Did you understand what my post said? A person doing it for the first time would be acquiring a habit
And what is to stop “bad” women from making accusations against “good” men?

There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
No you do not stand for decent men because you ignore those who are falsely accused and there is nothing indecent about voting for trump as opposed to hillary
There is no evidence that false claims are made with any frequency at all, but plenty of evidence that sexual-assault crimes are under-reported and that such institutions as the U.S. military and educational institutions have failed to nail the perps. Pretending that there is a very high rate of false claims seems to be yet another attempt by misogynistic right-wingers to cover up bad behavior that amounts to a crime, at the expense of the victims. How low can you go?

I notice that the orange admitted whore and groper in the Oval Office never said one word to the victims of sexual assault. Neither did VP sex creep pigpence. Why not?

What is wrong with separating out the filthy pigs from the good men in our society? The pigs need to be outed.
Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
No you do not stand for decent men because you ignore those who are falsely accused and there is nothing indecent about voting for trump as opposed to hillary

There is no evidence of widespread false accusations. Voting for the trash currently in the White House does indicate indecency on the part of the voter. It shows that they love trash, so what does this make them?
I think you care because you keep showing you care by whining.

Let them keep the records. Everyone will know what that means.
No, you're mistaking my amusement for care. I always find it funny when people go around demanding that others do what they tell them to while having no ability what so ever to impose any type of consequences on them if they don't comply.

Of course that sounds like whining to you.
Nope, you’re a constant whiner, like most of your fellow Leftards.

So you think it’s ok to use something as though it’s evidence supporting your allegations, but then refuse to allow anyone to see it?

You see, this is exactly the kind of behaviour that makes so many doubt her credibility, along with all her lies, her selectively atrocious memory, and her pathetic cry voice little lost girl performance.

And it’s why Judge Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh. Yay.

Yes in fact there is evidence that false accusations are made frequently.

The claim that they are not is a lie which is unsupported by any evidence

Yeah. Sure. Of course. Bullshit. This contention is just another example of whiny right-wing bitch-boy nonsense. Stop trying to hide crime and drag the reputations of decent American men into the gutter.

I remember an incident that occurred in my 20's, as I was walking the four blocks from metro to my job. A guy called to me from a construction site, and I thought "oh, no, here it comes." Then he said, and I can't remember it exactly, that he thought that I looked lovely and wished me good morning. A compliment from a sweet stranger gentleman. No reporting necessary, and it left me with a smile on my face. Around the same time, I sat next to an engineer on the site in tax class. She told me that this guy was a doll, so she was not surprised. See the difference?
Wait until you realize he voted for Trump.....
Why do you want to stand up for indecent, anti-social men when I stand up for decent men?
As for politics, no decent American man would have voted for the orange whore. Only men from the gutter would have done that. trump's men basically are the garbage from the gutter; the filth among us.
No you do not stand for decent men because you ignore those who are falsely accused and there is nothing indecent about voting for trump as opposed to hillary

There is no evidence of widespread false accusations. Voting for the trash currently in the White House does indicate indecency on the part of the voter. It shows that they love trash, so what does this make them?
Yes actually there is

It is only your partisan opinion.
Not afraid, since I'm retired, self-employed, and don't work in a hostile corporate environment where everyone is lawsuit-happy.

In fact when I go to Walmart and see a pretty woman, my eyes are usually fixed on her titties, which causes most women to break out in a little smile.

And if they have a problem with that, well screw 'em. :biggrin:
Not really afraid, however, if the far-left gets control of the nation and they actually believe that should a woman claim that a man attempted to sexually assault her, she doesn't need actual proof, that would be frightening. If your neighbor lady were to hate you (your dog craps in her yard, you play music too loud, you rejected her flirtations, you holler at her for not maintaining her yard, et cetera) and she knows when you are home alone and without a witness, all she would need to do, is bruise herself up just a bit, call the cops, claim you tried to sexually assault her and it would be off to prison for you and she would be rid of a neighbor she didn't like and you would be locked away for years.
This is exaclty how the lunatic feminazi leftist ‘women’ want it.
I think you care because you keep showing you care by whining.

Let them keep the records. Everyone will know what that means.
No, you're mistaking my amusement for care. I always find it funny when people go around demanding that others do what they tell them to while having no ability what so ever to impose any type of consequences on them if they don't comply.

Of course that sounds like whining to you.
Nope, you’re a constant whiner, like most of your fellow Leftards.

So you think it’s ok to use something as though it’s evidence supporting your allegations, but then refuse to allow anyone to see it?

You see, this is exactly the kind of behaviour that makes so many doubt her credibility, along with all her lies, her selectively atrocious memory, and her pathetic cry voice little lost girl performance.

And it’s why Judge Kavanaugh is now Justice Kavanaugh. Yay.

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So the two whores prepare to kiss.

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