Thoughts on PP shooting

And nobody on the right will blame Radical Christianity. If his name were an Arabic surname it would be termed radical Islam.

Isn't this the political correctness Mac1958 decries at every turn? After all terrorism is terrorism
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!

becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
It wasn't. And he didn't have a Christian agenda, nor is he a terrorist. He's just another mentally ill freak that should have been locked up years ago.

oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.
And nobody on the right will blame Radical Christianity. If his name were an Arabic surname it would be termed radical Islam.

Isn't this the political correctness Mac1958 decries at every turn? After all terrorism is terrorism
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!

becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
says who?

This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
And nobody on the right will blame Radical Christianity. If his name were an Arabic surname it would be termed radical Islam.

Isn't this the political correctness Mac1958 decries at every turn? After all terrorism is terrorism
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!

becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
says who?

This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
and were they?
oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?
And nobody on the right will blame Radical Christianity. If his name were an Arabic surname it would be termed radical Islam.

Isn't this the political correctness Mac1958 decries at every turn? After all terrorism is terrorism
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!

becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
says who?

This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
and were they?

Dunno. Were they?
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?
scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!

becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
says who?

This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
and were they?

Dunno. Were they?
yeppers. but you knew that already and in fine libturdist value, you didn't answer and gracefully asked me instead. So libturist like.
wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.
Apparently you have a pathological inability to comprehend.

One guy who goes nuts for unknown personal reasons and kills people isn't a terrorist.

Guys who are funded and trained to terrorize people in order to establish a world order are terrorists.

I know you don't get it, but I like to share knowledge when faced with patently stupid and/or dishonest posters, just for the sake of universal clarification. When stupid people make asses of themselves in public it should be a learning experience for everybody else. Don't you think? And thank you for providing the opportunity.


Your inability to understand simple concepts is tiring, however, and interacting with you is fruitless, except just to use you as an example of unretractable and willfull stupidity.
if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
ClinicEscort @ClinicEscort
So are we done now pretending the guy who shot up an abortion clinic wasn't anti-abortion? Good. School's in. #is100enough

12:54 PM - 29 Nov 2015

ClinicEscort @ClinicEscort

A stunning number of Twitter cretins accused me—& maybe you?—this weekend of "making up" the US anti-abortion violence problem. #is100enough

12:54 PM - 29 Nov 2015
Actual Terror Attack Very Inconvenient To Candidates Running Against Terror
THE SHRUG OF SILENCE—It took a while but most of the Republican candidates for president have finally responded to Friday’s shooting at a Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

THREE PEOPLEan Iraq war vet, a mom and a police officer — were killed by a man who reportedly told investigators “No more baby parts” and offered other anti-government views. The Republican response is pretty much a resounding ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

WHERE WOULD A MAN WITH A RECORD of domestic abuse and animal crueltyget the idea to target a clinic that offers low-cost reproductive health care for people too lazy to have been born rich?

YOU MAY REMEMBER SELLING “BABY PARTS” AS BEING THE MAIN COMPLAINT of a series of undercover videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress, a group with ties to radical anti-choice groups and a passion for making sure fetal research won’t save millions more lives.

CARLY FIORINA, WHO LIKED THE CENTER FOR MEDICAL PROGRESS VIDEOS so much that she invented new scenes for them, called the shooter a “protester,” which is like calling Carly Fiorina “helpful.”
becasue we have no trouble blaming Racical Islam when people are not. DOH!!!!
says who?

This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
and were they?

Dunno. Were they?
yeppers. but you knew that already and in fine libturdist value, you didn't answer and gracefully asked me instead. So libturist like.

Actually I didn't. But lets take your word for it.

Does the mentally unstable murdering POS get to define whether we call it a guy having a bad day or terrorism? DO you think that if he yelled "Jesus is great" during the killings, he would be taken seriously?
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
Another example of excessive stupidity.

Nope, I said nothing at all even similar to that. Nor did I think it. You thought it. Not me. You.

There's a difference.

Now try to restrict yourself to only addressing real thing that people write, mmmkay? You can do it.
when the terrorist is white and he is shooting up Planned Parenthood he is a dissenting gun man not a terrorist a dissenting gun man !!!! you Crazy libruls ...
Anti-abortionists use coercion, including violence and restrictive legislation to prevent other citizens from exercising their civil rights.

They stand shoulder to shoulder with those who violently (and legislatively) opposed civil rights for black Americans, especially in the south.

Both are abhorrent violators of basic human rights.
Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.
Apparently you have a pathological inability to comprehend.

One guy who goes nuts for unknown personal reasons and kills people isn't a terrorist.

Guys who are funded and trained to terrorize people in order to establish a world order are terrorists.
So there has never been an act of domestic terrorism? Manson wanted to start a race war and bring on armegeddeon. Was he a terrorist? Oh yeah, he didn't "train". McVeigh killed 168 people with a bomb--a lot of kids. Certainly that would be terrorism...right?

Basically, it comes down to skin color for you. Just admit it.
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.

The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
who said he gets to decide. I decide. And I know what a terrorist is out to do. Kill innocence. A nut job kills because he is a nut job. And as someone else so eloquently wrote, an individual not part of any organization is not a terrorist. It is defined. You should go read what it says and stop asking for life lessons on a message board.

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