Thoughts on PP shooting

So have any Christian terror groups claimed responsibility for this shooting?

Let me
Does anyone even know yet if Planned Parenthood was his actual target or was that just where he decided to hole up at?
It wasn't. And he didn't have a Christian agenda, nor is he a terrorist. He's just another mentally ill freak that should have been locked up years ago.

oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.

Oh clearly ... doesn't that lunatic send fear into your womb? It does mine...

Aren't you just certain that homeless crazies, who are inexplicably armed and turned toward a concern regarding Planned Parenthood, when most homeless people are usually worried about getting alcohol, drugs, food and shelter... but who are instead, set to raid Infanticide plants around the world!

Doesn't the photo of that guy say "I AM A FUNCTIONING ELEMENT OF ORGANIZED _______________" to you?


That guy is a Lot Lizard. Who was singled out, selected and programmed... LOL! and programmed in the highest tradition of the o-cult...POORLY.

Just look at that poor little puppy... He's so scared.


He's clearly waiting for his handler to come get him. His eyes say it all: "I did everything I was told... Why am I here? Where's my Bottle?"
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what we need to be asking is WHY ARE all these shootings increasing UNDER Obama. ?

think about it. 94million without jobs, poverty has went up, taxes has went up, prices for groceries omg, protesting every damn day in our face, race baiting is now a new hobby for some, that President is the leader of it and more people are without hope and barely any change in their pockets.

so all of these are because of this eight miserable years of this Obama regime. we know how they feel but we aren't all as desperate as they are.
what we need to be asking is WHY ARE all these shootings increasing UNDER Obama. ?

think about it. 94million without jobs, poverty has went up, taxes has went up, prices for groceries omg, protesting every damn day in our face, race baiting is now a new hobby for some, that President is the leader of it and more people are without hope and barely any change in their pockets.

so all of these are because of this eight miserable years of this Obama regime. we know how they feel but we aren't all as desperate as they are.

Obama should turn the National Guard on these evil anti-choice abortion terrorist.
I want to know how you can just go set up an RV trailer in the middle of nowhere 8 miles from food? I thought big bad GOVT would come get ya'
what we need to be asking is WHY ARE all these shootings increasing UNDER Obama. ?

think about it. 94million without jobs, poverty has went up, taxes has went up, prices for groceries omg, protesting every damn day in our face, race baiting is now a new hobby for some, that President is the leader of it and more people are without hope and barely any change in their pockets.

so all of these are because of this eight miserable years of this Obama regime. we know how they feel but we aren't all as desperate as they are.

Obama should turn the National Guard on these evil anti-choice abortion terrorist.
What group would that be?
what we need to be asking is WHY ARE all these shootings increasing UNDER Obama. ?

think about it. 94million without jobs, poverty has went up, taxes has went up, prices for groceries omg, protesting every damn day in our face, race baiting is now a new hobby for some, that President is the leader of it and more people are without hope and barely any change in their pockets.

so all of these are because of this eight miserable years of this Obama regime. we know how they feel but we aren't all as desperate as they are.

Obama should turn the National Guard on these evil anti-choice abortion terrorist.
What group would that be?


Crazy. Evil. Fucking. Christian.Terrorists
"Is the man who walked into a PP and shot up the place a terrorist?


Is the PP terrorist just as bad as an Islamic Extremist who is a terrorist?"


Because a terrorist hostile to privacy rights who attacks a facility such as Planned Parenthood is seeking to undermine our fundamental rights and protected liberties, where citizens are free from unwarranted interference from government concerning matters both personal and private.

He is attempting to intimidate voters and policy-makers into increasing the size and authority of government at the expensive of individual liberty by advocating government 'ban' abortion in violation of the Constitution.

A terrorists who attacks Planned Parenthood want's to destroy something just as important as our country, he wants to destroy our civil rights, fundamental liberties, and the rule of law.

“So why does he want to destroy PP? Where are all the left wingers who wish to sympathize with him and understand him like they do members of ISIS?”

Another ridiculous lie from the right.

To point out the fact that ISIS is not 'representative' of all Muslims is not to 'sympathize' with ISIS – it's correctly identifying another lie propagated by many conservatives.
The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

Oh watch everyone..... The Left is going to bat for a cop....finally. How long has it been since we've seen that?

Every day.

What lies between your ears.

I'm a lefty. My son is a cop. You are an idiot.

You are devoid of logic. You support your son. I support my son. Do you support the cop that defends himself against the perp that tries to grab the service revolver?
The guy killed a cop. Somehow this wasn't as bad as other terrorism? Man you guys waste no time going to bat for radical Christianity.

Oh watch everyone..... The Left is going to bat for a cop....finally. How long has it been since we've seen that?

Every day.

What lies between your ears.

I'm a lefty. My son is a cop. You are an idiot.

You are devoid of logic. You support your son. I support my son. Do you support the cop that defends himself against the perp that tries to grab the service revolver?


Dumb shit.
what we need to be asking is WHY ARE all these shootings increasing UNDER Obama. ?

think about it. 94million without jobs, poverty has went up, taxes has went up, prices for groceries omg, protesting every damn day in our face, race baiting is now a new hobby for some, that President is the leader of it and more people are without hope and barely any change in their pockets.

so all of these are because of this eight miserable years of this Obama regime. we know how they feel but we aren't all as desperate as they are.

The reason that the shootings are increasing, is that obama's cult is seeking out individuals who meet a certain psychological profile, nurturing that pitiful individual toward doing what needs to be done.

Remember, this is the cult that established Federal Policy, conspiring with the Media to frame innocent citizens for selling firearms across the border to mass-murdering gangs. The same cult that attacked innocent citizens using the police authority of the IRS.

They're the purest manifestation of evil... and I say that not as a colorful pejorative... but to state as a fact, that obama and his minions are evil; profoundly immoral and malevolent; embodying or associated with the forces of the devil; harmful, tending to harm. They're fuckin' E V I L . . .
For those who think that this gunman is equivalent to Islamic terror around the world, here is what you do.

Add up the number of victims of those killed for providing abortions and those killed in Islamic jihad around the world over the years and centuries.

Then ask yourself, which goal is more noble? Is trying to defeat the killing of babies and the selling of their body parts more noble or is trying to murder infidels around the globe a more noble cause?
"Is the man who walked into a PP and shot up the place a terrorist?


Is the PP terrorist just as bad as an Islamic Extremist who is a terrorist?"


Well... then I suppose we're going to have to wage war on the homeless who are sought out and manipulated by a criminal syndicate irrationally consumed with waging war against the means of Americans to effectively defend themselves, thus are intent upon "Gun Control", even as they fight for the RIGHT of the woman to murder her pre-born children.

The coolest part of this obama mass-murder, is that it just a little to, on the nose.

Such is the nature of desperation.

The bad news is that you idiots are in a tight spot. If you gun down a 1000 elementary schools... all it's going to do is set you farther away from where you want to be.

Of course, if you stop murderin' innocents, you get no closer to where you need to be.

The reason is that Americans simply don't accept that which is naturally designed to destroy them.

So... "FUCK YOU", is all you're ever going to get from us.

And please understand... our desire is that you choose to go to war. And the sooner the better, works for us.
For those who think that this gunman is equivalent to Islamic terror around the world, here is what you do.

Add up the number of victims of those killed for providing abortions and those killed in Islamic jihad around the world over the years and centuries.

Then ask yourself, which goal is more noble? Is trying to defeat the killing of babies and the selling of their body parts more noble or is trying to murder infidels around the globe a more noble cause?

Dude... don't lend credence to the creature's.

THEY DID THIS! It's obvious... .

A homeless guy shoots up a PP center... in the middle of a battle with Planned Parenthood exposed for KILLING BABIES TO SELL THEIR BODY PARTS... WHICH IS ALSO IN THE MIDDLE OF obama's DESPERATION TO GET A GUN CONTROL BILL TO SIGN?



Fuck ... the only thing they didn't do was SIGN IT!
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

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