Thoughts on PP shooting

If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

Does anyone even know yet if Planned Parenthood was his actual target or was that just where he decided to hole up at?
It wasn't. And he didn't have a Christian agenda, nor is he a terrorist. He's just another mentally ill freak that should have been locked up years ago.

oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..

White people that kill are folks simply having a bad day, people who murdererd in cold blood to save mankind, hero's of those who's voices are silent, in essence, saviors.....muslims and nigga's, just terroristic thugs.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.
Does anyone even know yet if Planned Parenthood was his actual target or was that just where he decided to hole up at?
It wasn't. And he didn't have a Christian agenda, nor is he a terrorist. He's just another mentally ill freak that should have been locked up years ago.

oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.

You just kinda knew that they couldn't keep their sympathies for a non-muslim under wraps for ever.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Does anyone even know yet if Planned Parenthood was his actual target or was that just where he decided to hole up at?
It wasn't. And he didn't have a Christian agenda, nor is he a terrorist. He's just another mentally ill freak that should have been locked up years ago.

oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
But this was one crazy guy, acting alone.

So Richard Reid and the guy who tried to blow up Times Square are not terrorists because they were acting alone?
You just don't comprehend things well, do you? You insist on speaking to points that have never been made. It's dishonest and distracting, so on ignore you go.

Just using your logic. I can see how it confuses you but I'm sure simple integers give you a hard time as well. Adios.
but the left, their lamestream lapdog medias along with the DNC. can't let a good lie go to waste or let a good crisis and some dead bodies go to waste either. that's how slimy they are. but not a peep over those 58MILLION babies potential American citizens that has been ABORTED with the help of PP. wake up people. this is a good enough reason to kick them out of control of our Government in of many

Since 2000, Violent Attacks on Abortion Clinics Average Less Than Two Per Year, Some Years None

Kristinn Taylor Nov 29th, 2015 7:30 pm

There is no epidemic of violence against abortion providers in the U.S. in the 21st Century according to statistics compiled by the pro-choice National Abortion Federation and liberal-dominated Wikipedia.

Vox compiled an interactive chart based on the NAF statistics that shows the paucity of violence against abortion providers and clinics since 2000. The Vox chart covering 1997-2012 shows that the years 2006, 2008 and 2010 had no “Bombing; Murder; Shooting, Stabbing or Acid Attack; or Arson.”

The murderous attack by a lone gunman on the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado on November 27 stands out as a rarity in this era. The last murder of an abortion provider was in 2009 when George Tiller was assassinated. Before that 1998 was the last year for murders/attempted murders against abortion providers. NAF reports a total of eight murders in attacks on abortion providers and clinics since record keeping of attacks started in 1977. Three people were reported killed in Friday’s attack bringing the total murdered in the thirty-eight years since 1977 to eleven.

Since the end of the 1990s when there was a sustained, deadly violent war on abortion providers and clinics, attacks have fallen to a handful per year, with several years seeing no attacks at all.

From 2000 through October 2015 there was one murder in 2009 and one attempted murder in 2000.

There was one reported kidnapping, in 2006, since 2000.

all of it here:
Since 2000, Violent Attacks on Abortion Clinics Average Less Than Two Per Year, Some Years None - The Gateway Pundit
but the left, their lamestream lapdog medias along with the DNC. can't let a good lie go to waste or let a good crisis and some dead bodies go to waste either. that's how slimy they are. but not a peep over those 58MILLION babies potential American citizens that has been ABORTED with the help of PP. wake up people. this is a good enough reason to kick them out of control of our Government in of many

Since 2000, Violent Attacks on Abortion Clinics Average Less Than Two Per Year, Some Years None

Kristinn Taylor Nov 29th, 2015 7:30 pm

There is no epidemic of violence against abortion providers in the U.S. in the 21st Century according to statistics compiled by the pro-choice National Abortion Federation and liberal-dominated Wikipedia.

Vox compiled an interactive chart based on the NAF statistics that shows the paucity of violence against abortion providers and clinics since 2000. The Vox chart covering 1997-2012 shows that the years 2006, 2008 and 2010 had no “Bombing; Murder; Shooting, Stabbing or Acid Attack; or Arson.”

The murderous attack by a lone gunman on the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado Springs, Colorado on November 27 stands out as a rarity in this era. The last murder of an abortion provider was in 2009 when George Tiller was assassinated. Before that 1998 was the last year for murders/attempted murders against abortion providers. NAF reports a total of eight murders in attacks on abortion providers and clinics since record keeping of attacks started in 1977. Three people were reported killed in Friday’s attack bringing the total murdered in the thirty-eight years since 1977 to eleven.

Since the end of the 1990s when there was a sustained, deadly violent war on abortion providers and clinics, attacks have fallen to a handful per year, with several years seeing no attacks at all.

From 2000 through October 2015 there was one murder in 2009 and one attempted murder in 2000.

There was one reported kidnapping, in 2006, since 2000.

all of it here:
Since 2000, Violent Attacks on Abortion Clinics Average Less Than Two Per Year, Some Years None - The Gateway Pundit
Oooh, look a cut and paste. Someday she will have an original thought. Today's not the day though.

Whatever ditz...

That doesn't make your heroes actions last week any more novel.
The shooter is a fucking mental case. Has been a recluse for many years.
After he started shooting at LEO's he run into the nearest building he could. It happened to be an abortion clinic.
Initially the incident started at the nearby bank.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Uh, no. I never defended the crazy person who shot at cops. You're making that up, just like you're making up the bit about him being a Christian terrorist.

You do that because you're stupid, and a liar. That makes you irrelevant and not worth reading or responding to.
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Uh, no. I never defended the crazy person who shot at cops. You're making that up, just like you're making up the bit about him being a Christian terrorist.

You do that because you're stupid, and a liar. That makes you irrelevant and not worth reading or responding to.
Yeah, Idiot you said that earlier when you said you would put me on ignore. Wow...someone's ignore list isn't working. Either that or you were lying about it. We both know you're pathological when it comes to lying so why deny it?

You're saying it wasn't terrorism. By saying that, you're hoping he doesn't suffer the harsher penalties that we have for terrorists in this nation. That is support. Obviously, if he was wearing a turban, you'd be the first one to call it terrorism...right?
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.
And nobody on the right will blame Radical Christianity. If his name were an Arabic surname it would be termed radical Islam.

Isn't this the political correctness Mac1958 decries at every turn? After all terrorism is terrorism
why would we blame Radical Christianity when the man isn't one? DOH!!!!!
If you want to keep the argument within the domestic arena you have to consider a real unapologetic terrorist like Bill Ayers who terrorized America for a decade. Ayers and his gang manufactured bombs intended for Military recruitment centers and corporations and the freaking Pentagon and the last one he made which went off killing four comrades was allegedly intended to kill U.S. Soldiers at a Ft. Dix dance. Bill Ayers' terrorist wife is alleged to have planned the Brinks robbery in which two Police Officers and two Brinks guards were murdered. Ayers managed to find a friendly federal judge who blamed the FBI for illegal surveillance and not only did he dodge prison time but became an associate political adviser to the future president of Barry Hussein Obama. Ayers is a college professor and celebrated by the radical left as a folk hero. How does Ayers political credentials stack up against a maniac who shot up a PP clinic?

wa wa wa wa.....get a damned life and shut the fuck up.....I challenge you, you ingrate to list how many people Ayers have single handily murdered, compared to the endless list you sorry white bastards have done since Aryes discovery? And since you can not and will not, you are now rendered a fool, a low class white trashy fool.

Tiger...stop it. You've posted nothing but garbage all weekend.
Kind of like you.

You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.
Saying he's just a garden variety lone wolf psycho isn't "supporting" him, sing at. I'm just pointing out that you're a liar, motivated by a desire to redefine terrorism in order to justify the actions of true terrorists.

Sure it does. Terrorism is terrorism whether the perp is arabic or not.

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