Thoughts on PP shooting

If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
yep a dead one. One that couldn't survive due to some issue in development. Like a child with cancer dying too early.
Is that dead fetus getting a funeral ??
yes, the dead baby is getting a funeral.[/QUOTE]
LOl yeah it happens all the time funerals for fetuses ...I seen the death notices lol

Iraq vet used dying moments to warn others after getting shot by Planned Parenthood terrorist
The only thing obvious to all who are watching is that you can't bring yourself to call a terrorist a terrorist if he doesn't look like a terrorist or doesn't have a funny sounding name. That's all. I'm curious...what would the guy have had to do to make you and your warped mind think its terrorism? Try to set his shoes or underwear on fire?

scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
Another example of excessive stupidity.

Nope, I said nothing at all even similar to that. Nor did I think it. You thought it. Not me. You.

There's a difference.

Now try to restrict yourself to only addressing real thing that people write, mmmkay? You can do it.

Again, in case you didn't hear about it, we have this thing called the Patriot Act which allows us to persecute terrorists more harshly. Coddling the cop killer (as you're doing) isn't going to be much of a deterrent. Have you started his "gofundme" account yet?
who was the cop?
Garret Swayse.
Fox News: A shooting at Planned Parenthood. Is this a false flag operation by Obama to distract from his War On Christmas?
Anti-abortionists use coercion, including violence and restrictive legislation to prevent other citizens from exercising their civil rights.

They stand shoulder to shoulder with those who violently (and legislatively) opposed civil rights for black Americans, especially in the south.

Both are abhorrent violators of basic human rights.
huh, abortion is a violation of basic human rights you dumb fk.

BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human. we're getting to the real reason these two are willing to go to bat for the cop killer...


I wonder how many cops he could have would have had to have killed before these two would stop supporting him?
huh? he's a nut job. A whacked out nut job. but......he ain't no terrorist. And was your claim. dumb fk.

Because he didn't shout out someone's name or go through training. Oh yeah...I forgot those were the determining factors.

Was Eric Rudolph a terrorist?
What about Timothy McVeigh?

Well, was Rudolph a terrorist? Was Timothy McVeigh?
Anti-abortionists use coercion, including violence and restrictive legislation to prevent other citizens from exercising their civil rights.

They stand shoulder to shoulder with those who violently (and legislatively) opposed civil rights for black Americans, especially in the south.

Both are abhorrent violators of basic human rights.
huh, abortion is a violation of basic human rights you dumb fk.

BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human. we're getting to the real reason these two are willing to go to bat for the cop killer...


I wonder how many cops he could have would have had to have killed before these two would stop supporting him?
huh? he's a nut job. A whacked out nut job. but......he ain't no terrorist. And was your claim. dumb fk.

Because he didn't shout out someone's name or go through training. Oh yeah...I forgot those were the determining factors.

Was Eric Rudolph a terrorist?
What about Timothy McVeigh?
Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, you bet. he was a mean one. believed in a new government had a plan and was looking for a change in the populace. He wanted liberlism gone. government gone. Believed in his cult religious beliefs. He had partners and in a group defining history.

Eric Rudolph, nope not a terrorist. defined in wikipedia as one, but doesn't fit the profile. He was anti gay and anti abortion. he was killing for innocence not a new government or the depletion of mankind.
This board, when the attacks in Paris happened, had a giant dicussion about "radical islam" before we knew anything about the perps. Other than their names were ones that sounded arabic.
and were they?

Dunno. Were they?
yeppers. but you knew that already and in fine libturdist value, you didn't answer and gracefully asked me instead. So libturist like.

Actually I didn't. But lets take your word for it.

Does the mentally unstable murdering POS get to define whether we call it a guy having a bad day or terrorism? DO you think that if he yelled "Jesus is great" during the killings, he would be taken seriously?
already posted and explained. Go read what a terrorist is. I supposed you will be shocked. Nut jobs are nut jobs and do not get the honor to bear the term terrorist.
Candycorn won't be shocked. Even if she did look it up, this sort of stupidity functions independently of reality. She would never accept a definition that doesn't agree with her misconception. She will still insist the definition is something different.

Alternate reality.
oooh..... looky looky, loony one...

the terrorist said "no more body parts" as they were walking him out.

Suspect in Colorado attack heard saying: ‘no more body parts’

isn't that based on the lies in the vid that the anti-choice extremists sent out there.

that's how you incite the fringe

yes, he's a terorist. and anyone who is ok with putting things out their to encourage freaks like him is a terrorist-supporter.
Anti-Obama, tin-foil hatter afraid the gov't is out to get him, shooting up people at a PP clinic and saying afterwards "no more baby parts."

Hard to say where his leanings are.

if the guy were a muslim or black they'd be calling him a terrorist from second one.

funny how they're ok with terrorism when it comes from white men..
That's because Muslim mass murderers are funded by Islam, carry out attacks in concert with other Muslims, and say they are terrorists, ninny.

Would you agree that Muslim or not, that all mass murderers are mentally ill?
I would not.

What anti Christian, pro Islam zealots do is to point at every killer who kills someone besides Christians, and shriek, "if he's crazy then Islamic terrorism doesn't exist!" Obviously, that's a stupid argument. Equally obvious is your motivation, which is to support anti Christian terrorism.
And to provide cover for Obama's anti cop stance and his failed foreign policy.
scream out in the name of someone he idolizes and prays to. Then that would matter. Terrorists terrorize a populace, not an organization.

So the mentally ill dude that is shooting people gets to decide if what he is doing is terrorism or not?

Interesting that you're willing to give the nutjob with the gun so much power over what you think.

Maybe we shouldn't let the mentally unstable dictate how we persecute the crime he's committing. Just a thought.
Another example of excessive stupidity.

Nope, I said nothing at all even similar to that. Nor did I think it. You thought it. Not me. You.

There's a difference.

Now try to restrict yourself to only addressing real thing that people write, mmmkay? You can do it.

Again, in case you didn't hear about it, we have this thing called the Patriot Act which allows us to persecute terrorists more harshly. Coddling the cop killer (as you're doing) isn't going to be much of a deterrent. Have you started his "gofundme" account yet?
Again. Not interested in coddling cop killers ( a security guard a cop?). Just pointing out your lies and stupidity.

1. You're lying....shooter has not been said to have targeted pp.
2. You're lying...he had no agenda of terror, by all accounts except your fictional one, it's a case of him flipping out.
3. You're lying.....there is absolutely no indication that he was Christian, and certainly no indication he was motivated by a religion movement.
4. You're lying, nobody has defended him here.
5. You're lying, he isn't a cop killer, he killed an off duty college security guard.

Moral of the're just a liar.

And the story is 96 hours old or something like that. Or 95 hours and 55 minutes longer than it would have been to have you label him a terrorist if he had a turban.
Yoo hooo Right to lifers ...yoo are cheerleaders for War...Reality check

Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"

Number of U.S. Military Personnel Sacrificed(Officially acknowledged) In U.S. War And Occupation Of Iraq 4,801

Number Of International Occupation Force Troops Slaughtered In Afghanistan : 3,487
Abortion is a legal medical procedure
and you are a wing nut..........
I don't have wings, if I were there'd be many changes in the world. Nut, probably, I'm discussing an immoral subject with a dumb fk, so nut could be appropriate. But you're a dumb fk with some rather odd killer habits. You want babies dead. And you want it to be legal. wow, is all i can say. Now that makes you a whacked out nutter. for sure.
Abortion is a legal medical procedure
and you are a wing nut..........
I don't have wings, if I were there'd be many changes in the world. Nut, probably, I'm discussing an immoral subject with a dumb fk, so nut could be appropriate. But you're a dumb fk with some rather odd killer habits. You want babies dead. And you want it to be legal. wow, is all i can say. Now that makes you a whacked out nutter. for sure.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
Anti-abortionists use coercion, including violence and restrictive legislation to prevent other citizens from exercising their civil rights.

They stand shoulder to shoulder with those who violently (and legislatively) opposed civil rights for black Americans, especially in the south.

Both are abhorrent violators of basic human rights.
huh, abortion is a violation of basic human rights you dumb fk.

BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human. we're getting to the real reason these two are willing to go to bat for the cop killer...


I wonder how many cops he could have would have had to have killed before these two would stop supporting him?
huh? he's a nut job. A whacked out nut job. but......he ain't no terrorist. And was your claim. dumb fk.

Because he didn't shout out someone's name or go through training. Oh yeah...I forgot those were the determining factors.

Was Eric Rudolph a terrorist?
What about Timothy McVeigh?
Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, you bet. he was a mean one. believed in a new government had a plan and was looking for a change in the populace. He wanted liberlism gone. government gone. Believed in his cult religious beliefs. He had partners and in a group defining history.

Eric Rudolph, nope not a terrorist. defined in wikipedia as one, but doesn't fit the profile. He was anti gay and anti abortion. he was killing for innocence not a new government or the depletion of mankind.

So if you agree with the politics...they are not terrorists. I got it.

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