Thoughts on PP shooting

Abortion is a legal medical procedure
and you are a wing nut..........
I don't have wings, if I were there'd be many changes in the world. Nut, probably, I'm discussing an immoral subject with a dumb fk, so nut could be appropriate. But you're a dumb fk with some rather odd killer habits. You want babies dead. And you want it to be legal. wow, is all i can say. Now that makes you a whacked out nutter. for sure.
Number Of Iraqis Slaughtered In US War And Occupation Of Iraq "1,455,590"
who killed them?
huh, abortion is a violation of basic human rights you dumb fk.

BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human. we're getting to the real reason these two are willing to go to bat for the cop killer...


I wonder how many cops he could have would have had to have killed before these two would stop supporting him?
huh? he's a nut job. A whacked out nut job. but......he ain't no terrorist. And was your claim. dumb fk.

Because he didn't shout out someone's name or go through training. Oh yeah...I forgot those were the determining factors.

Was Eric Rudolph a terrorist?
What about Timothy McVeigh?
Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, you bet. he was a mean one. believed in a new government had a plan and was looking for a change in the populace. He wanted liberlism gone. government gone. Believed in his cult religious beliefs. He had partners and in a group defining history.

Eric Rudolph, nope not a terrorist. defined in wikipedia as one, but doesn't fit the profile. He was anti gay and anti abortion. he was killing for innocence not a new government or the depletion of mankind.

So if you agree with the politics...they are not terrorists. I got it.
again, you should read up on what makes a terrorist. you learn yourself something.
and were they?

Dunno. Were they?
yeppers. but you knew that already and in fine libturdist value, you didn't answer and gracefully asked me instead. So libturist like.

Actually I didn't. But lets take your word for it.

Does the mentally unstable murdering POS get to define whether we call it a guy having a bad day or terrorism? DO you think that if he yelled "Jesus is great" during the killings, he would be taken seriously?
already posted and explained. Go read what a terrorist is. I supposed you will be shocked. Nut jobs are nut jobs and do not get the honor to bear the term terrorist.
Candycorn won't be shocked. Even if she did look it up, this sort of stupidity functions independently of reality. She would never accept a definition that doesn't agree with her misconception. She will still insist the definition is something different.

Alternate reality.

The reality is that if you convict someone of murder, the jury is given a set of punishments.
If you convict someone of terrorism, you get a much harsher set of punishments.
BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human.
not a baby a fetus ..... an embryo...
This is a fertilized egg...

This though is an actual chicken
is a women having a baby or having a fetus?

If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
Do women mourn babies that they miscarried?
BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human.
not a baby a fetus ..... an embryo...
This is a fertilized egg...

This though is an actual chicken
is a women having a baby or having a fetus?

If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
Do women mourn babies that they miscarried?
do they have funeral services and a reception afterwards....
If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
yep a dead one. One that couldn't survive due to some issue in development. Like a child with cancer dying too early.
Is that dead fetus getting a funeral ??
yes, the dead baby is getting a funeral.
LOl yeah it happens all the time funerals for fetuses ...I seen the death notices lol
babies deaths are part of the paper daily. You should learn to read.
You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.

I don't understand the fixation to label this guy as Terrorist? OK he was a Terrorist, crazy as the Joker.
The motive is to change the perception of terrorism, to destigmatize Islam and other terrorist groups.

You're partially right for a change.
Islam has nothing to do with a nutjob taking an airliner hostage anymore than the Bible has to do with a nutjob setting off bombs at an abortion clinic. The nutjobs' bastardized interpretation of the teachings of the religions is the only motivation at play.

"Islam" is not a terrorist group. I had a small modicum of hope for you up until you told that whopper.
BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human.
not a baby a fetus ..... an embryo...
This is a fertilized egg...

This though is an actual chicken
is a women having a baby or having a fetus?

If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
Do women mourn babies that they miscarried?
do they have funeral services and a reception afterwards....
I have no idea, I haven't been invited to one.
BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human.
not a baby a fetus ..... an embryo...
This is a fertilized egg...

This though is an actual chicken
is a women having a baby or having a fetus?

If a woman has a spontaneous abortion did she just have a baby ...........
Do women mourn babies that they miscarried?
do they have funeral services and a reception afterwards....
What makes you think some don't?
You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.

I don't understand the fixation to label this guy as Terrorist? OK he was a Terrorist, crazy as the Joker.
The motive is to change the perception of terrorism, to destigmatize Islam and other terrorist groups.

You're partially right for a change.
Islam has nothing to do with a nutjob taking an airliner hostage anymore than the Bible has to do with a nutjob setting off bombs at an abortion clinic. The nutjobs' bastardized interpretation of the teachings of the religions is the only motivation at play.

"Islam" is not a terrorist group. I had a small modicum of hope for you up until you told that whopper.
I agree with you Islam had nothing to do with anything. It was the nut job islamic radilist who killed in a jihad moment as he felt he interpreted from the quran. It is a common radical ideology about what is meant in the quran. Like women having no rights.
Who the hell wants to sympathize with ISIS?
This guy.......
huh, abortion is a violation of basic human rights you dumb fk.

BTW, no way to justify murder of a baby. You just violated the baby's human rights. they are human. we're getting to the real reason these two are willing to go to bat for the cop killer...


I wonder how many cops he could have would have had to have killed before these two would stop supporting him?
huh? he's a nut job. A whacked out nut job. but......he ain't no terrorist. And was your claim. dumb fk.

Because he didn't shout out someone's name or go through training. Oh yeah...I forgot those were the determining factors.

Was Eric Rudolph a terrorist?
What about Timothy McVeigh?
Timothy McVeigh was a terrorist, you bet. he was a mean one. believed in a new government had a plan and was looking for a change in the populace. He wanted liberlism gone. government gone. Believed in his cult religious beliefs. He had partners and in a group defining history.

Eric Rudolph, nope not a terrorist. defined in wikipedia as one, but doesn't fit the profile. He was anti gay and anti abortion. he was killing for innocence not a new government or the depletion of mankind.

So if you agree with the politics...they are not terrorists. I got it.
Nope. Lying again. Nobody said they agreed with anybody else's politics.
You' re the one supporting a cop killer by saying this guy sniping from a barricaded location was not a terrorist.

I don't understand the fixation to label this guy as Terrorist? OK he was a Terrorist, crazy as the Joker.
The motive is to change the perception of terrorism, to destigmatize Islam and other terrorist groups.

You're partially right for a change.
Islam has nothing to do with a nutjob taking an airliner hostage anymore than the Bible has to do with a nutjob setting off bombs at an abortion clinic. The nutjobs' bastardized interpretation of the teachings of the religions is the only motivation at play.

"Islam" is not a terrorist group. I had a small modicum of hope for you up until you told that whopper.
I agree with you Islam had nothing to do with anything. It was the nut job islamic radilist who killed in a jihad moment as he felt he interpreted from the quran. It is a common radical ideology about what is meant in the quran. Like women having no rights. you get it. Sort of.

Oh...please enlighten us on the passages from the Quran (Koran) that are so--in their own way--controversial? I'm still kind of hung up on the parts to where you can sell your daughter into slavery. Or if you grow different crops side by side, you can lose your land. Of if you're wearing clothes made by two different materials, you can be killed.

Oh wait, that is the Bible.

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