Thoughts on the CDC hiding their 2.4 million defensive gun use research...

And again, the anti gunner has to lie...because the truth, the facts and the reality do not support his beliefs about guns...

CDC, in Surveys It Never Bothered Making Public, Provides More Evidence That Plenty of Americans Innocently Defend Themselves with Guns

Kleck was impressed with how well the survey worded its question: "During the last 12 months, have you confronted another person with a firearm, even if you did not fire it, to protect yourself, your property, or someone else?"

Respondents were told to leave out incidents from occupations, like policing, where using firearms is part of the job.

Kleck is impressed with how the question excludes animals but includes DGUs outside the home as well as within it.

Kleck's "study" found more than 3 million incidents of DGU per year, which is 3 times more than the number of violent crimes committed per year.
If a crime is prevented by use of a gun then a crime never happened to be reported

Not really true as attempting a crime is still a crime. If I attempt to rob a bank and fail, then I still committed a crime. don't understand..... if someone sticks a gun in your face and you use yours to run him off, it doesn't get reported as a robbery..... if at all....or you drive someone out of your home with your gun... not a robbery... because you stopped it.
People are arrested for attempted robbery all the time dumb ass. Lawful people report these things when they happen. It's the gang members and unlawful who don't report attempted crimes...

Yeah, Outer Leftopia, the perfect world where people dutifully register everything that happens in their lives with Momma Government, and only eeeeevil people avoid it.

One can only wonder what vitriol you spew onto the many, MANY women who get raped and don't report it, "unlawful" bitches that they are.
If a crime is prevented by use of a gun then a crime never happened to be reported

Not really true as attempting a crime is still a crime. If I attempt to rob a bank and fail, then I still committed a crime. don't understand..... if someone sticks a gun in your face and you use yours to run him off, it doesn't get reported as a robbery..... if at all....or you drive someone out of your home with your gun... not a robbery... because you stopped it.
People are arrested for attempted robbery all the time dumb ass. Lawful people report these things when they happen. It's the gang members and unlawful who don't report attempted crimes...

No...shitstain.....if they don't catch the robber it doesn't get fucking reported as a robbery, you asswipe....

Correct, it gets reported as an attempted robbery, which is still a fucking crime you fucking moron.

It is amazing how the oxygen deprivation of having your head up Trump's ass makes you so fucking stupid.

No, it MAYBE gets reported as an attempted robbery, depending on whether or not the intended victim calculates that it's worth the time and frustration of reporting it.
UK still has much less gun ownership rates and much less homicide rates.

Kleck and Lott are disproven bunk.
The murder rate of the UK in the 50's was lower than it is now despite all their many gun laws which they started passing in the 60's The UK and the US are far from homogeneous Ignoring the societal, economic and political differences between the two nations and stating that the sole differences are gun ownership and gun laws is simplistic at best
So what? The FACTS are that the UK have a much lower gun murder rate, and the distance is not closing quickly.

Yeah never mind the reasons behind the numbers that's too much work
One, the UK has a much lower gun murder rate than the US.

Two, Kleck's numbers simply don't work in our real world.
One, the UK has a much lower gun murder rate than the US.

Two, Kleck's numbers simply don't work in our real world.
One the UK is very different from the US along many variables that contribute to high crime and murder rates
Two I never said anything about Kleck being right or wrong
One, the comparisons are fine between the US and the UK.

Two, you are wise to not use Kleck or Lott in defense.
One, the comparisons are fine between the US and the UK.

Two, you are wise to not use Kleck or Lott in defense.

The UK has the level of inner city poverty that we do?
The same problems with race relations?
The same problem with drug dealing gangs?

70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas in just 5% of all the counties in the US. Murders there are so concentrated that within just a few blocks the murder rate can vary from 20 times the national rate to virtually zero.

We know where the bulk of murders occur and we know who is committing them. We do nothing. You don't even mention it in any of your arguments.

If we wanted to lower the murder rate we know exactly where to start. The telling fact that we don't start there is telling me that you and your ilk do not care about the murder rate more than your agenda of gun control.
Can someone please provide any documentation supporting Obama's militarization of government agencies like the Interior, Bureau of land management, etc.....or explain why at any time these agencies would need military / assault vehicles and an arsenal of military-style weapons...?
Here we have a look at the CDC hiding the results of 3 years of research into defensive gun use......the author points out that Dr. Kleck had to dig out the information from the CDC

GUN WATCH: CDC Failed to Report Strong Evidence of Defensive Gun Uses

The paragraph above does not rule out the surveys done by the CDC. It says that "more than 19 national surveys" not "19 national surveys". Were the authors aware of the CDC surveys done in 1996, 1997, and 1998, that essentially confirmed the estimates made by Kleck and Gertz in the 1995 paper?

The timing and size of the surveys done by the CDC is fascinating. They were done immediately after Kleck and Gertz published their paper. There were three of them. The one in 1996 was the largest ever done. 5,884 people were asked the DGU question. The total number of people asked in the three surveys done by the CDC was 12,870. All were asked the same question. It is as if a single very large survey was done, over three years. Kleck and Gertz' survey asked their DGU questions of 4,977 people.

Kleck goes into considerable detail about how his survey, done in 1993 (published in 1995) differs from the CDC survey. For example, in the CDC survey, only those people who admitted to having a gun in the home were asked the DGU question.


Having read the Kleck and Gertz paper, I often wished that someone would do another survey, to broaden the sample, to provide more data.

Now we find the CDC did three such surveys. All of them validated the Kleck and Gertz survey. One large survey, such as the one by Kleck and Gertz, is indicative. Four of them show scientific replication and add to certainty. We were never told of the results of the confirming surveys done by the CDC.

Gary Kleck, as a scientist, a Democrat, and a proponent of a number of gun control measures, is careful not to cast aspersions on the CDC. He does not accuse anyone of malfeasance. He notes the surveys were done during the Clinton administration, and these findings would have worked against the gun control agenda of the administration. Someone at the CDC made the decision not to publish these results.

Kleck, while doing research, happened to come across the DGU question in a historical CDC survey, online, 21 years after the CDC surveys had been completed.

He was intrigued, and was able to find the original surveys done in 1996, 1997, 1998, and all the results.

It has to be gratifying to Dr. Kleck, to see his results validated after more than two decades. It may be infuriating to know these results were available from 1997 to 1999, and were never made public.
Make the government comply with sunshine laws and shit does not get burried! Make some freedom of information act requests in your district see how well they comply. If they comply poorly write your rep! If it does not change vote against your rep! The best way to test your governemnt is to use your goverment. Make requests! I have to purchase courthouse data all the time, believe me I show up to the dinners of the poliitcal offices that make it easy for me! You want my campaign dollar make your office fly! If your office fgets me what I need fast you likely have my vote regardless of R or D in front of the name! If I have to sue you to move, you can bet I got a little cash for your chalenger!
One, the comparisons are fine between the US and the UK.

Two, you are wise to not use Kleck or Lott in defense.

The UK has the level of inner city poverty that we do?
The same problems with race relations?
The same problem with drug dealing gangs?

70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas in just 5% of all the counties in the US. Murders there are so concentrated that within just a few blocks the murder rate can vary from 20 times the national rate to virtually zero.

We know where the bulk of murders occur and we know who is committing them. We do nothing. You don't even mention it in any of your arguments.

If we wanted to lower the murder rate we know exactly where to start. The telling fact that we don't start there is telling me that you and your ilk do not care about the murder rate more than your agenda of gun control.
None of your comments link to proven problems here.

The fact remains it is far safer to live in the UK when it comes to gun crime.
One, the comparisons are fine between the US and the UK.

Two, you are wise to not use Kleck or Lott in defense.

The UK has the level of inner city poverty that we do?
The same problems with race relations?
The same problem with drug dealing gangs?

70% of all murders occur in very small very distinct urban areas in just 5% of all the counties in the US. Murders there are so concentrated that within just a few blocks the murder rate can vary from 20 times the national rate to virtually zero.

We know where the bulk of murders occur and we know who is committing them. We do nothing. You don't even mention it in any of your arguments.

If we wanted to lower the murder rate we know exactly where to start. The telling fact that we don't start there is telling me that you and your ilk do not care about the murder rate more than your agenda of gun control.
None of your comments link to proven problems here.

The fact remains it is far safer to live in the UK when it comes to gun crime.

But not knife crime huh?

And I have posted links many times and it didn't matter because the murder rate isn't really a concern for you people and it never was.
Oh it's a great thing to shout while proposing gun control but there is no real concern because it is the gun control that is what is actually important to you not how many inner city youths that get murdered every year.

Be honest and admit it.
One, the UK has a much lower gun murder rate than the US.

Two, Kleck's numbers simply don't work in our real world.

Why do you focus just on Kleck and not the other 16 gun self defense studies that support his numbers? And the U.K. had a lower gun murder rate before they banned and confiscated guns...and then the gun murder rate went up, not down, and their gun crime rate keeps going up, even though they banned guns...

Our gun murder rate went down as more Americans own and carry guns...

You have nothing...
Kleck's numbers don't stand up, so those who base their studies on Kleck don't stand up.

You are right, 2aguy, "you have nothing."
Kleck's numbers don't stand up, so those who base their studies on Kleck don't stand up.

You are right, 2aguy, "you have nothing."

No one based their studies on Kleck...his wasn't the first as my list shows....the Department of Justice created their own study, created by two rabid anti gunners who set out to prove Kleck wrong...the number of defensive uses they found? 1,500,000. The CDC also set out in 1996,1197,1998 to prove kleck wrong and created their own study through a system they already had using survey numbers even bigger than Kleck's...what number did they find? 2.4 million using states that had strict gun control laws even back then......

So you can keep lying about Kleck because you can't explain why 16 other studies show incredibly high numbers.....

And you can also try to hide the fact that your central belief...that more guns in the hands of law abiding citizens will lead to more crime.....when the truth over 22 years shows that that central belief is wrong...completely and utterly wrong.....

More guns in more hands do not increase the gun crime rate, we know, because this country increased both gun ownership and gun carrying and our gun murder rate, our gun crime rate and our violent crime rates all went down....

You have nothing...... your core belief is wrong....

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 17 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...

-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.

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