Thousands of Low Temperature records about to be broken across US.

We are expecting record low temps in GA in the next two days. I saw that five states already recorded their record low temps this month. Global warming eh? Lots of similarities to the strident loyalty to the Covid jabs. Same personality type.
Damn that is stupid. It is embarrassing that so many adult Americans are this stupid. 6th graders learn that there is a difference between weather and climate.
It's just so embarrassing that so many people are still this ignorant of this topic.
Yes! You should be embarrased by your ignornce...

Yes you should be embarrased by your ignornce...

Oh look, two articles you never read, and a continued and embarrassingly stupid conflation of weather and climate.

Not bad, for you. Usually it's worse.
You should feel embarrassed of yourself. 6th graders would be laughing at you.
Moron... We broke all time low records in the thousands last night. We broke fastest temperature falls in recorded history last night... You really are totally ignorant of how things work. Thanks for playing...
Moron... We broke all time low records in the thousands last night. We broke fastest temperature falls in recorded history last night... You really are totally ignorant of how things work. Thanks for playing...
Haha, so embarrassingly stupid. You actually think some record lows for a couple days over <1% of earth's surface area means global warming isn't happening. While yes, I am laughing at you, I am also embarrassed of you and of how many morons like you there are in this country.
Haha, so embarrassingly stupid. You actually think some record lows for a couple days over <1% of earth's surface area means global warming isn't happening. While yes, I am laughing at you, I am also embarrassed of you and of how many morons like you there are in this country.
Australia makes up how much of the globe?
Australia makes up how much of the globe?
He's screaming at the sky... let him scream... When he freezes, we can put him in a museum with the caption, Useful Idiot...

We're looking at the usual places where energy is built up in our oceans and were not seeing it building up. Some of us think we will see a fourth dip in the ENSO. If we see a rise, it will be a modest to neutral rise only. The cooling is going to continue.
Haha, so embarrassingly stupid. You actually think some record lows for a couple days over <1% of earth's surface area means global warming isn't happening. While yes, I am laughing at you, I am also embarrassed of you and of how many morons like you there are in this country.
It’s obvious you have no clue about the makeup of the globe and majority of people
He's screaming at the sky... let him scream... When he freezes, we can put him in a museum with the caption, Useful Idiot...

We're looking at the usual places where energy is built up in our oceans and were not seeing it building up. Some of us think we will see a fourth dip in the ENSO. If we see a rise, it will be a modest to neutral rise only. The cooling is going to continue.
He doesn’t know the majority of humans live north of the equator
I am also embarrassed of you and of how many morons like you there are in this country.
Anytime you want to debate AGW in the Bull Ring with me let me know. I'm one of the morons who believes the recent warming trend isn't due to increased atmospheric CO2. So it should be easy for you to show just how much of a moron I am, right?
Anytime you want to debate AGW in the Bull Ring with me let me know. I'm one of the morons who believes the recent warming trend isn't due to increased atmospheric CO2. So it should be easy for you to show just how much of a moron I am, right?
*brings mirror*
so where has climate changed science man?

The political climate has sure changed ... everybody is talking about carbon dioxide by ... you know ... exhaling carbon dioxide ... ha ha ha ... or worst, burning coal to make electricity to post on the internet ...

Wow ... Indiana burns coal for 65% of their electric power ... {Cite} ... In Oregon, it's illegal to purchase coal-power on the wholesale market ...
Damn that is stupid. It is embarrassing that so many adult Americans are this stupid. 6th graders learn that there is a difference between weather and climate.

YOU especially .. look at the thread title ... why the hell did you think this was about CLIMATE ...

HEY STUPID ... discussing next week is under the catagory of WEATHER ... fucking moron ...

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