Thousands stranded on beach encircled by flames as bushfires rip through Australia

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Your article says-
Andrews also asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison for military assistance amid the raging fires, suggesting naval vessels help get supplies to isolated communities or heavy-lift aircraft to work alongside the state’s air fleet.

Yet the first ship has arrived to start evacuating-
HMAS Choules left Sydney yesterday — and according to trackers, it's just landed close to the fire-ravaged town.

The water at Mallacoota itself is too shallow for a huge navy ship to get right to shore, so we're expecting we'll start seeing smaller boats making their way to the town soon.

Details about the relief efforts are still coming to hand, but we just heard from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews who told ABC Gippsland they would be working on evacuating people from the town.

The ship only has capacity for about 1,000 people, and we know there are about 4,000 people in Mallacoota at the moment.
Live: Navy to evacuate 500 from Mallacoota, remaining people could be stuck for 'weeks'
Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Sounds like much of California.
Your article says-
Andrews also asked Prime Minister Scott Morrison for military assistance amid the raging fires, suggesting naval vessels help get supplies to isolated communities or heavy-lift aircraft to work alongside the state’s air fleet.

Yet the first ship has arrived to start evacuating-
HMAS Choules left Sydney yesterday — and according to trackers, it's just landed close to the fire-ravaged town.

The water at Mallacoota itself is too shallow for a huge navy ship to get right to shore, so we're expecting we'll start seeing smaller boats making their way to the town soon.

Details about the relief efforts are still coming to hand, but we just heard from Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews who told ABC Gippsland they would be working on evacuating people from the town.

The ship only has capacity for about 1,000 people, and we know there are about 4,000 people in Mallacoota at the moment.
Live: Navy to evacuate 500 from Mallacoota, remaining people could be stuck for 'weeks'
From reports this morning Mallacoota is fine but Saturday could be a problem. The Army and Navy have been doing a great job when their assistance has been asked for. I'm pretty pissed that there are those squeaky wheels trying to make Political mileage out of this at the expense of truthfulness, the bastards!! There is an excellent command and intergovernmental structure in place.

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Sounds like much of California.
Spot on. What the fools don't get is that increased fuel loads DESTROY the forests here; hazard reduction mimics the natural cycles which many bush species are adapted to. But these fires also help Greenies because it supports their narrative; the climate change shit!

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?

Most were from dry lightning or trees falling on power lines. Some were deliberately lit. Some we'll never know.

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Sounds like much of California.
Spot on. What the fools don't get is that increased fuel loads DESTROY the forests here; hazard reduction mimics the natural cycles which many bush species are adapted to. But these fires also help Greenies because it supports their narrative; the climate change shit!

Yeah, let’s create a crisis so we can blame it on climate change. Sounds exactly right.
Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?
fk u your like a lttle bitch.

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Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?
fk u your like a lttle bitch.

Why are you always incapable of answering the question? You are the one who implies these ridiculous conspiracies and then when called to the carpet on it you can never explain your reasoning.

Who started the fire and why?
Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Sounds like much of California.
Spot on. What the fools don't get is that increased fuel loads DESTROY the forests here; hazard reduction mimics the natural cycles which many bush species are adapted to. But these fires also help Greenies because it supports their narrative; the climate change shit!

Yeah, let’s create a crisis so we can blame it on climate change. Sounds exactly right.

I doubt they are doing it on purpose but the fact is they really don't understand the Bush cycles. But if they're WRONG then Climate Change is their cover. Interesting that it wasn't Climate Change in the 80s.

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?
fk u your like a lttle bitch.

Why are you always incapable of answering the question? You are the one who implies these ridiculous conspiracies and then when called to the carpet on it you can never explain your reasoning.

Who started the fire and why?

MindWars Who started the fires, Crazy Train?
Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?
fk u your like a lttle bitch.

Why are you always incapable of answering the question? You are the one who implies these ridiculous conspiracies and then when called to the carpet on it you can never explain your reasoning.

Who started the fire and why?

MindWars Who started the fires, Crazy Train?


De Kulakization - The term is now being used as a term Hybrid Warfare - usually wars conducted upon populations by their government. It derives from Stalin's Five Year Plan which was specifically and publicly announced for the 'liquidation' of class enemy. The military was used against the Ukrainian Kulaks in the Five Year Plan - for example grain raids and executions on the land. This term is now being used for - the state sponsored terror against the Boer farmers by the Marxist gov't of SA and often referred to as De-Kulakization. Drought, fire and removal of water are being geo-engineered in Australia. And this is for the removal of people from their properties. The removal of water for an entire district of Australian farmers is, I believe, another example of De-Kulakiztion. And this policy continues with provisions for military intervention in the planning of Local Government Authorities. - Exposing Feminism and The New World Order
Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

It's Oz. Fires here are as natural as sunshine. The REAL cause is Green policies that prevent meaningful hazard/load reduction burns.

Sounds like much of California.
Spot on. What the fools don't get is that increased fuel loads DESTROY the forests here; hazard reduction mimics the natural cycles which many bush species are adapted to. But these fires also help Greenies because it supports their narrative; the climate change shit!

Yeah, let’s create a crisis so we can blame it on climate change. Sounds exactly right.

Wrong; it's not that the goons aren't well meaning. Let's put it this way. Burn a candle and pass your hand through it ....barely feel it. Now do the same with an Oxy-acetylene torch on oxygen mix!!! Capice??

Thousands of tourists and locals were left stranded on a beach in southeast Australia on Tuesday as bushfires ravaged a popular tourist area, leaving no escape by land.
Thousands Stranded on Beach Encircled By Flames as Bushfires Rip Through Australia

But it's all good the ppl will never know...... just how important it was to start that fire...

Who started the fire, Crazy Train? Did the voices give you a name?
fk u your like a lttle bitch.

Why are you always incapable of answering the question? You are the one who implies these ridiculous conspiracies and then when called to the carpet on it you can never explain your reasoning.

Who started the fire and why?

MindWars Who started the fires, Crazy Train?

Who allowed the fuel load to become the basis of a catastrophe??

Land and fuel management RECOMMENDATION 56 The State fund and commit to implementing a long-term program of prescribed burning based on an annual rolling target of 5 per cent minimum of public land. RECOMMENDATION 57 The Department of Sustainability and Environment report annually on prescribed burning outcomes in a manner that meets public accountability objectives, including publishing details of targets, area burnt, funds expended on the program, and impacts on biodiversity. RECOMMENDATION 58 The Department of Sustainability and Environment significantly upgrade its program of long-term data collection to monitor and model the effects of its prescribed burning programs and of bushfires on biodiversity in Victoria. RECOMMENDATION 59 The Department of Sustainability and Environment amend the Code of Practice for Fire Management on Public Land in order to achieve the following: ■ provide a clear statement of objectives, expressed as measurable outcomes ■ include an explicit risk-analysis model for more objective and transparent resolution of competing objectives, where human life is the highest priority ■ specify the characteristics of fire management zones—including burn size, percentage area burnt within the prescribed burn, and residual fuel loading ■ adopt the use of the term ‘bushfire’ rather than ‘wildfire’. 2009 Victorian Bushfires Royal Commission 36 RECOMMENDATION 60 The State amend the exemptions in clause 52.17-6 of the Victoria Planning Provisions to ensure that the provisions allow for a broad range of roadside works capable of reducing fire risk and provide specifically for a new exemption where the purpose of the works is to reduce bushfire risk. RECOMMENDATION 61 The State and Commonwealth provide for municipal councils adequate guidance on resolving the competing tensions arising from the legislation affecting roadside clearing and, where necessary, amend environment protection legislation to facilitate annual bushfire-prevention activities by the appropriate agencies. RECOMMENDATION 62 VicRoads implement a systematic statewide program of bushfire risk assessment for all roads for which it is responsible, to ensure conformity with the obligations in s. 43 of the Country Fire Authority Act 1958 and with the objectives expressed in the VicRoads 1985 Code of Practice.

The current State Govs did NOT reach the targets set by the Royal commission.

From 2009:

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Why is prescribed burning controversial?
Contemporary prescribed burning has been controversial going all the way back to the first foresters.

PHOTO: After a bushfire, blackened trunks remain. (ABC RN: Alex Mann)

Today the main arguments against prescribed burning are that it does not help reduce the damaging impacts of bushfires, and/or that it causes problems for biodiversity.

Bushfire research scientist Neil Burrows, who has been working in the WA bushfire scene since the 1970s, disagrees with those arguments on a number of grounds.

"Bushfires get their severity, or their intensity, or their killing power from how much fuel they burn. Prescribed burning removes some of that [fuel]," Dr Burrows said.

"We've been prescribed burning for 60 years and on analysing the data we can see a very strong trend between how much prescribed burning we do and how much bushfire there is.

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