Thousands Stuck At The Border.Did They Really Expect A Room&Food?,Gonna Get Hot Out There Soon.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Aren't most of us thinking this? here we have thousands of illegals at the border, I heard many of them are waiting under a bridge in Texas? Were they told that when they get into the US, they would be provided with the basics just to survive until they are processed? Hmm, and more on the way? Are the 20,000 on the way aware that we cannot even house or feed the ones already in limbo on the borders? It's already getting hot in Texas/Arizona/New Mexico. What are they all gonna do when it starts getting into the upper 80's/low 90's going into April and they are still living outdoors?
To answer your question, yes they were told that there were high paying jobs waiting for them. They were told they would be taken to nice homes. They would be given food and medical care. They are given a spot under a bridge and a mylar blanket.

All they need is a leader. Someone to channel that resentment and organize the mass. They are numerous enough to pick up street weapons and take what they want.
To answer your question, yes they were told that there were high paying jobs waiting for them. They were told they would be taken to nice homes. They would be given food and medical care. They are given a spot under a bridge and a mylar blanket.

All they need is a leader. Someone to channel that resentment and organize the mass. They are numerous enough to pick up street weapons and take what they want.
i wonder who is just dying/so excited to fill their bus with about 100 illegal aliens and drive all the way to San Fran and New Nork
They aren't fleeing, and they have a leader. Soros has them right where he wants them, to make Trump look damned if he does and damned if he doesn't let them in.

FU Soros. They are all Mexicans now. They escaped their countries, the countries of the flags they so proudly wave. They made it! They are safe in Tijuana as we speak..
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Even Jeh Johnson, (Obama's Secretary of Homeland Security) says there is a crisis at the border.

Jeh Johnson, homeland security secretary during former President Barack Obama's second term, declared Friday the southern border is in a "crisis" state, a claim the Trump administration first made late last year.

CBP Chief Operating Officer John Sanders told attendees of the Border Security Expo this week a major reason for the recent surge in border apprehensions is due to large numbers of people illegally crossing together, rather than a handful at a time.

In fiscal 2017, CBP documented two groups of 100 people or more. The number of group apprehensions jumped to 13 in 2018 and have spiked to 93 just in the first six months of fiscal 2019.

Sanders said CBP is on track to have taken 100,000 people into custody at the U.S.-Mexico border the month of March. More than one-third of that number is expected to be children.
Obama's DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson: 'We are truly in a crisis' at southern border
i can already vision about 5000 illegals lining up at a LA/Phoenix Taco Bell for 5 or 6 job openings
Aren't most of us thinking this? here we have thousands of illegals at the border, I heard many of them are waiting under a bridge in Texas? Were they told that when they get into the US, they would be provided with the basics just to survive until they are processed? Hmm, and more on the way? Are the 20,000 on the way aware that we cannot even house or feed the ones already in limbo on the borders? It's already getting hot in Texas/Arizona/New Mexico. What are they all gonna do when it starts getting into the upper 80's/low 90's going into April and they are still living outdoors?
Time to ignore all those christian refugees. Who do they think they are????
Aren't most of us thinking this? here we have thousands of illegals at the border, I heard many of them are waiting under a bridge in Texas? Were they told that when they get into the US, they would be provided with the basics just to survive until they are processed? Hmm, and more on the way? Are the 20,000 on the way aware that we cannot even house or feed the ones already in limbo on the borders? It's already getting hot in Texas/Arizona/New Mexico. What are they all gonna do when it starts getting into the upper 80's/low 90's going into April and they are still living outdoors?
dThey were sold a bill of goods by the org, like La Raza, and Open Border Foundation. They were stupid to buy into it.
Where are we going to put all these illegals from the southern border, in my state schools and hospitals are being filled up fast with these people ,
Now other countries are flying into Mexico and traveling up to Mexican boarder to inter American.
Our government needs to stop illegals at the border and send them back home otherwise every city in America will be filled up with these invaders
But.......but.... the DemonRats need votes!....... without these illegal scum they are dead..........How do you dare stop them!

God, I hate hypocrites DemonRats.:mad-61:

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