Three Palestinian terrorists arrested after crossing border illegally

^^^ and boom! Out comes another antisemitic liberal. Seems like when they can’t defend allowimg Gd knows how many Muslim terrorists into the country, they revert to….you guessed….mocking the Jew who are the #1 targets with an antisemitic slur.

I really pray the Muslim terrorists who have snuck into the country by hundreds, of not thousands, do not kill anyone, but it seems only fair that YOU and yours should be their next victims since it is what you are voting for.

(These people used to be normal Americans. Look at the hate the Dems have caused.)

And with that, another antisemitic Democrat with the Jew-hating symbol in his name, goes on ignore. Bye, bye….you POS antisemite.
What I stated is how you are referred to by the Israelites. I think that you're beautiful, except for wanting the Muslim terrorists to kill me and mine. Now, that's motherfucking ugly!

Did you ever explain to me what the "Jew hating symbol in my name" is? I think you did, but the insignificance caused me to forget. Not important, now that I'm on iggy, and you will not see this, unless you click on 'show ignored content', which you will, because opposites attract.
The Democrats are creating an easy path for Palestinian savages to enter our country, and Gd knows how many of the bastards are already here.

The unabated flow of Muslims who hate America and hate Jews need to be stopped. Instead we have Democrats practically taking their side. Kamala Harris issued a very weak condemnation of the Muslims and their cheerleaders who painted antisemitic slogans on public property, and burned the U.S. flag on the same day she threw Netanyahu and Israel under the bus.

If they try some Oct 7th shit on us, they will found out real quick America is armed to the teeth, unlike disarmed Israelis.

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