Thugs die, Obama and Holder can't send enough. Cops die, they send Biden.


Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

The Vice President is a far greater honor than the AG. So what are you complaining about?
The president being re-elected.
He wouldn't be if his true colors were shown before 2012.
Oh, those two cops were assassinated because a crazy person was able to get a gun.

Now wait a minute Joe.. You know our gun loving right wingers on here continually say that we have ENOUGH gun laws on the books to keep crazy criminals from buying or having a gun. They point out existing gun laws all the time.

What they can't seem to explain is, IF we have enough gun laws to protect us from crazies getting guns, how in the fuck do these crazies keep getting guns?

That is so easy even you two should understand....he was a career criminal....he had a stolen gun....he broke the laws that you want...he did not undergo a federal background check...the thing you guys worship....he did not register his gun, it was stolen and illegal....registration...another dumb thing you guys want....

The gun laws allow for the arrest and imprisonment for those who break them.....

You guys want "Minority Report" with Tom Cruise, where you stop the bad guy from breaking the law before he does guys live in fantasy world, not us....
Who did the RW pseudo-conservative zealots send for Deputy Sheriff Christopher L. Smith? He was a cop, ambushed by a teaper. The cop killer set a fire to lure in LEO and then started shooting...killing Smith. Where is/ was your outrage?


Update Deputy Chris Smith 47 killed in ambush
Exactly the point. Cops die everyday at the hands of criminals (most Black) but when a couple of shit bags are shot justifiably by cops, suddenly that is news. Race hustling left.
Who did the RW pseudo-conservative zealots send for Deputy Sheriff Christopher L. Smith? He was a cop, ambushed by a teaper. The cop killer set a fire to lure in LEO and then started shooting...killing Smith. Where is/ was your outrage?


Update Deputy Chris Smith 47 killed in ambush
Exactly the point. Cops die everyday at the hands of criminals (most Black) but when a couple of shit bags are shot justifiably by cops, suddenly that is news. Race hustling left.
Judging by your race baiting thread, I don't think that is your point.

BTW, you should look at the stats yourself...more whites kill cops than blacks.
Who did the RW pseudo-conservative zealots send for Deputy Sheriff Christopher L. Smith? He was a cop, ambushed by a teaper. The cop killer set a fire to lure in LEO and then started shooting...killing Smith. Where is/ was your outrage?


Update Deputy Chris Smith 47 killed in ambush
Exactly the point. Cops die everyday at the hands of criminals (most Black) but when a couple of shit bags are shot justifiably by cops, suddenly that is news. Race hustling left.
You're obviously unaware of the idiocy of this, where you seem to have the bizarre perception that there's some sort of 'double standard,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

When law enforcement uses unwarranted force and violence, as in the Garner case, the people are justified in their anger, whether it results in a criminal indictment or not.

The people are also justified to question why violence and death are too often the outcome of encounters with law enforcement.

The president has appropriately denounced all acts of violence and criminality, regardless the source.
Only laws NYPD ought to be enforcing now are parking violations and then only on liberal-limos.
Who did the RW pseudo-conservative zealots send for Deputy Sheriff Christopher L. Smith? He was a cop, ambushed by a teaper. The cop killer set a fire to lure in LEO and then started shooting...killing Smith. Where is/ was your outrage?


Update Deputy Chris Smith 47 killed in ambush
Exactly the point. Cops die everyday at the hands of criminals (most Black) but when a couple of shit bags are shot justifiably by cops, suddenly that is news. Race hustling left.
You're obviously unaware of the idiocy of this, where you seem to have the bizarre perception that there's some sort of 'double standard,' when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

When law enforcement uses unwarranted force and violence, as in the Garner case, the people are justified in their anger, whether it results in a criminal indictment or not.

The people are also justified to question why violence and death are too often the outcome of encounters with law enforcement.

The president has appropriately denounced all acts of violence and criminality, regardless the source.

Yep. This.

We don't know what is actually justified because police say EVERY INCIDENT is justified. The FBI is a clear example saying all 150 shooting done by their agents were clearly justified.

I mean apparently law enforcement is only field ever in the history of work to have no bad apples ever and how DARE anyone question that with simple logic.

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Have you ever considered taking maybe just a one day break from trolling?

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Have you ever considered taking maybe just a one day break from trolling?
They are trying too re-brand the cynics...
Common sense on Obama's part. You send the race hustlers to encourage the trash, then send the union guy to encourage law enforcement. Blood in the streets and government takeover of society is the goal.

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Whose were these 'thug' funerals you're referring to that the President sent more high ranking officials to?

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Whose were these 'thug' funerals you're referring to that the President sent more high ranking officials to?
Obama personally sent condolences to the parents of Michael Brown. Did Obama send condolences to families of the assasinated cops?

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Whose were these 'thug' funerals you're referring to that the President sent more high ranking officials to?
Obama personally sent condolences to the parents of Michael Brown. Did Obama send condolences to families of the assasinated cops?
Do you know that he didn't...and if he did, will you give him props? Of course not, beause you are a hypocrite teaper that will find fault no matter what. It is gutter, hate politics and you and your ilk have destroyed true conservatism with the nonsense.

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Whose were these 'thug' funerals you're referring to that the President sent more high ranking officials to?
Obama personally sent condolences to the parents of Michael Brown. Did Obama send condolences to families of the assasinated cops?
Do you know that he didn't...and if he did, will you give him props? Of course not, beause you are a hypocrite teaper that will find fault no matter what. It is gutter, hate politics and you and your ilk have destroyed true conservatism with the nonsense.

Shove your mind games up your ass. If Obama sent condolences to the cop families then show it.

Sending the National Joke, Joe Biden, to represent the Administration at funeral of one of the two police who was assassinated thanks to the rhetoric of the Mayor of New York and Obama and Holder.

Honestly, they ought to bar the door and not allow Biden in.

Whose were these 'thug' funerals you're referring to that the President sent more high ranking officials to?
Obama personally sent condolences to the parents of Michael Brown. Did Obama send condolences to families of the assasinated cops?
Do you know that he didn't...and if he did, will you give him props? Of course not, beause you are a hypocrite teaper that will find fault no matter what. It is gutter, hate politics and you and your ilk have destroyed true conservatism with the nonsense.

Shove your mind games up your ass. If Obama sent condolences to the cop families then show it.
I don't know if he did or he didn't...I don't really care. I am just pointing out the hypocrisy of a faggot.

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