Thugs in California begin to target assisted living homes, some reports suggest as many as 30 seniors attacked in less than a week from one facility


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Thugs in California begin to target assisted living homes, some reports suggest as many as 30 seniors attacked in less than a week from one facility

5 Jul 2024 ~~ By Oliva Murray

Checking in on California and we find that civilization continues to unravel at an alarming rate, but nowhere is that more obvious than taking a look at the Bay Area. Here’s the latest, from an item out at a local outlet:
Thirteen senior citizens reported being brutally attacked and robbed in just one week in an Oakland community. But according to leaders at one senior living facility in the city, they say the number is much higher and closer to an astounding 30.
‘It was happening every hour on the hour,’ says Sister Marie Taylor, president of the Westlake Christian Terrace resident council. She says she’s counted nearly 30 violent attacks and robberies on elderly Asian residents in a span of less than a week.
According to the article, residents of the assisted living facility number more than 700, and the average age is 85 years old; when venturing out to grocery shop or run other errands, they’ve been robbed and “brutally” beaten by prowling thugs. The solution? Well, from the ever-so-helpful local government:
Under Democrat reign, criminals have been emboldened to the nth degree; and why shouldn’t they be? They’ve been given a pass for any and all theft that doesn’t break the $950 threshold; they’ve seen judges, courts, and juries abuse their authority and trust to punish political opponents; they’re let off the hook because of their skin color and “reparative justice”; they’re slapped on the wrist, even after the most heinous crimes, because queer “tolerance” trumps protecting the innocent; and they were permitted to destroy homes, cities, and businesses, even burning scared, innocent people alive, carte blanche, all because a thug on drugs overdosed during an arrest. That’s why there’s a surge in crime.
From Golden State to the third world in such a short time, which is a fitting legacy for the Democrat voters who found themselves entitled to push such destruction on their neighbors; their hands are soaked in blood.

These illegal alien perpetrators should be treated with extreme prejudice. Leave their rotting corpses in the streets for feral dogs as a warning to others.
Meanwhile, Neo-Marxist Democrats tell us to embrace, progressivism and sweet, multi-culturalism. Celebrate it! Embrace it!
Sounds like Californian senior citizens need to take care of business…Dirty Harry style!
The government has deemed a certain segment of our society with a particular origins as being completely unaccountable no matter what they do. It is insisting that the rest of the citizens put up with this behavior to make up for past racism….or something.
At this point it is most likely impossible to put that genie back in the bottle. Expect the situation to get worse, much worse.
The only solution is to be fore warned and fore armed.
Not really, all assisted living facilities are no gun zones. If you want to be a resident you must be willing to be disarmed.

Not in my state, a private facility may restrict or prohibit guns but it's not mandatory. Signage prohibiting concealed weapons in private businesses do not have force of law in my state either
Not in my state, a private facility may restrict or prohibit guns but it's not mandatory. Signage prohibiting concealed weapons in private businesses do not have force of law in my state either
I bet they just won't admit you then. I'm not talking about visitors but the residents themselves.....Too much liability.

Would you want Joe Biden packing in the same facility you admitted yourself into? ;)
It was only a matter of time....

What next ,nursery schools....hospitals.....the world is their oyster for these thugs!

Thugs in California begin to target assisted living homes, some reports suggest as many as 30 seniors attacked in less than a week from one facility

5 Jul 2024 ~~ By Oliva Murray

Checking in on California and we find that civilization continues to unravel at an alarming rate, but nowhere is that more obvious than taking a look at the Bay Area. Here’s the latest, from an item out at a local outlet:
Thirteen senior citizens reported being brutally attacked and robbed in just one week in an Oakland community. But according to leaders at one senior living facility in the city, they say the number is much higher and closer to an astounding 30.
‘It was happening every hour on the hour,’ says Sister Marie Taylor, president of the Westlake Christian Terrace resident council. She says she’s counted nearly 30 violent attacks and robberies on elderly Asian residents in a span of less than a week.
According to the article, residents of the assisted living facility number more than 700, and the average age is 85 years old; when venturing out to grocery shop or run other errands, they’ve been robbed and “brutally” beaten by prowling thugs. The solution? Well, from the ever-so-helpful local government:
Under Democrat reign, criminals have been emboldened to the nth degree; and why shouldn’t they be? They’ve been given a pass for any and all theft that doesn’t break the $950 threshold; they’ve seen judges, courts, and juries abuse their authority and trust to punish political opponents; they’re let off the hook because of their skin color and “reparative justice”; they’re slapped on the wrist, even after the most heinous crimes, because queer “tolerance” trumps protecting the innocent; and they were permitted to destroy homes, cities, and businesses, even burning scared, innocent people alive, carte blanche, all because a thug on drugs overdosed during an arrest. That’s why there’s a surge in crime.
From Golden State to the third world in such a short time, which is a fitting legacy for the Democrat voters who found themselves entitled to push such destruction on their neighbors; their hands are soaked in blood.

These illegal alien perpetrators should be treated with extreme prejudice. Leave their rotting corpses in the streets for feral dogs as a warning to others.
Meanwhile, Neo-Marxist Democrats tell us to embrace, progressivism and sweet, multi-culturalism. Celebrate it! Embrace it!
Sounds like Californian senior citizens need to take care of business…Dirty Harry style!
The government has deemed a certain segment of our society with a particular origins as being completely unaccountable no matter what they do. It is insisting that the rest of the citizens put up with this behavior to make up for past racism….or something.
At this point it is most likely impossible to put that genie back in the bottle. Expect the situation to get worse, much worse.
The only solution is to be fore warned and fore armed.

it is only going to get worse.jpg
Pelosi's district? Where the hell is she and where is the media holding her accountable? Meanwhile the governor is in freaking Wisconsin spouting gibberish designed to shore up the chaos in the democrat party over a clearly demented president. Don't these politicians assume any responsibility for the welfare of their constituency or they in it for the political power and damn the Country.
I bet they just won't admit you then. I'm not talking about visitors but the residents themselves.....Too much liability.

Would you want Joe Biden packing in the same facility you admitted yourself into? ;)

I don't personally think any resident of an assisted living facility should have firearms I'm just saying it's not impossible in my state.

I have an aunt in a facility, some of the residents live there for convenience, they're as perfectly capable of handling a firearm as some elder living at home. It'd be the residents with issues I'd be concerned about, getting ahold of a gun or whatever.
Pelosi's district? Where the hell is she and where is the media holding her accountable? Meanwhile the governor is in freaking Wisconsin spouting gibberish designed to shore up the chaos in the democrat party over a clearly demented president. Don't these politicians assume any responsibility for the welfare of their constituency or they in it for the political power and damn the Country.
Even Hubby was assaulted by a "Thug"....
I don't personally think any resident of an assisted living facility should have firearms I'm just saying it's not impossible in my state.

I have an aunt in a facility, some of the residents live there for convenience, they're as perfectly capable of handling a firearm as some elder living at home. It'd be the residents with issues I'd be concerned about, getting ahold of a gun or whatever.
That's exactly why they told me when I asked just out of curiosity....Liability, they simply would not admit a person that wanted to bring their gun collection with them. Their rules in that regard. They don't have to admit anyone that they think is too much of a risk to their other residents.

My mom got mean (dementia) towards the end, I was surprised they took her.

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