Thunder Players All Kneel During Anthem After Lawmaker Threatens Them

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

It is Lincoln and his blue-costed murderers who rebelled against the US Constitution. The Confederacy made peaceably you separate itself from a Union abolished by the North.

We love the nation the Stars and Stripes represented, and which the Confederate flag represented. Neither represent those things anymore, but we honor what they represented in the past.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all-

another bumper sticker slogan- rates right up there with Manifest Destiny

The "official" Oath of office which is not taken seriously, though sworn to in the affirmative by liars makes a mockery of the US flag, rendering it but a bumper sticker slogan.

Police Brutality

The indictments are the latest to emerge in the investigation into the Jan. 28, 2019, Harding Street raid, which led to the deaths of homeowners Dennis Tuttle, 59, and Rhogena Nicholas, 58. Five HPD officers were injured in the raid.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Such is the authoritarian, reprehensible right: seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

So true.

They really should stop complaining about protests. Especially the violent ones.

If they aren't going to allow peaceful protest then only violence is left.

The players will continue to peacefully protest no matter what some stupid politician says.

As for tax breaks for a basketball team? I don't believe they should have any tax cuts to begin with. I would never have given them a penny in tax breaks.

I cheer and support the players and believe the lawmakers should stay out of it.
The right’s lie that kneeling during the anthem is ‘un-American’ is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Indeed, there’s nothing more American than peaceful, lawful protest.

Conservatives fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.
there is no problem of police brutality--so they are kneeling for lies = un-American
I’m sure there are many cities that would gladly take an NBA franchise from Oklahoma City.

Even if they do kneel
Gee, I wonder who the Oklahoma City players are going to follow, Chris Paul working under a 4 year contract worth $159.7million or Sean Roberts with his 2 year deal from Oklahoma worth $38,400/year + per diem?
The funny part about this is these communists (AKA - professional athletes) are kneeling to empty arenas and stadiums. All my 2020 tickets have been refunded due to COVID-19. I no longer have any stake in the game as they say. Kneel away communists! I won't be there to see it, nor are you taking my money or time.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
my boy Meyers Leonard was the only one standing for the anthem. they didn't even let him play. he was a starter during the regular season
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
And conservatives using taxes to silence dissent and compel conformity is clearly in conflict with the intent of the First Amendment.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Aren't you morons always saying that speech has consequences?
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
And conservatives using taxes to silence dissent and compel conformity is clearly in conflict with the intent of the First Amendment.
ROFL! But giving Google legal protection from lawsuits so they can censor conservatives isn't?

You're a moron and a douchebag.
we need to reexamine the significant tax benefits the State of Oklahoma granted the Oklahoma City Thunder organization when they came to Oklahoma,” Roberts wrote in a statement.

So, Oklahoma offered huge tax breaks to steal an NBA team from Seattle. Now they want to take it back.
I‘m sure other cities would be willing to take the team off their hands
Good. Let them.
if I had a penny for every time a democratic State senator said something stupid I’d be richer than Bezos
we need to reexamine the significant tax benefits the State of Oklahoma granted the Oklahoma City Thunder organization when they came to Oklahoma,” Roberts wrote in a statement.

So, Oklahoma offered huge tax breaks to steal an NBA team from Seattle. Now they want to take it back.
I‘m sure other cities would be willing to take the team off their hands
You sure about todays atmosphere of everyone stay home....
we need to reexamine the significant tax benefits the State of Oklahoma granted the Oklahoma City Thunder organization when they came to Oklahoma,” Roberts wrote in a statement.

So, Oklahoma offered huge tax breaks to steal an NBA team from Seattle. Now they want to take it back.
I‘m sure other cities would be willing to take the team off their hands
Good. Let them.
The NBA never should have gone to a shit hole like Oklahoma anyway. It is a second rate market
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

I would;'t expect you, a sociopathic piece of subhuman left wrong-wing shit to get it, but it's about the behavior, and not about the cause for which one purports to engage in the behavior.

You're happy to label as “peaceful”, criminal activities that involve blocking traffic, committing acts of violence, stealing, destroying property, malfeasance, and such, and to defend such acts, if it's for a cause that you support, and equally happy to condemn legitimate, peaceful protests in support of causes that you oppose.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If you have those sorts of hallucinations on a regular basis, see a doctor immediately.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

No, still horseshit.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

There is a time and a place for protesting. During the anthem is not that time and place.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind?

Because that is, simply, a steaming pile of horse shit.

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