Thunder Players All Kneel During Anthem After Lawmaker Threatens Them

Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Such is the authoritarian, reprehensible right: seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

So true.

They really should stop complaining about protests. Especially the violent ones.

If they aren't going to allow peaceful protest then only violence is left.

The players will continue to peacefully protest no matter what some stupid politician says.

As for tax breaks for a basketball team? I don't believe they should have any tax cuts to begin with. I would never have given them a penny in tax breaks.

I cheer and support the players and believe the lawmakers should stay out of it.

Yeah, they should move their asses to China, see if they'll make them multimillionaires to play a childs game. After all they seem to support the human rights abuses there, no need to take a knee.

Protesting is part of freedom of speech voicing your opposition to what somebody might be protesting about or how they are going about it is also part of freedom of speech. It's interesting how the left tries to label anyone they don't agree with as racist, sexist, anti this or anti that with the goal of shutting them up or to take away their freedom of speech. Before the left goes around accusing others of trying to take away or limit peoples freedom of speech rights they should look in the mirror and take a long hard look at themselves and their actions.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Such is the authoritarian, reprehensible right: seek to compel conformity and punish dissent.

So true.

They really should stop complaining about protests. Especially the violent ones.

If they aren't going to allow peaceful protest then only violence is left.

The players will continue to peacefully protest no matter what some stupid politician says.

As for tax breaks for a basketball team? I don't believe they should have any tax cuts to begin with. I would never have given them a penny in tax breaks.

I cheer and support the players and believe the lawmakers should stay out of it.
The right’s lie that kneeling during the anthem is ‘un-American’ is as ridiculous as it is wrong.

Indeed, there’s nothing more American than peaceful, lawful protest.

Conservatives fear dissent and expressions of individual liberty.

How's this for an expression of individual liberty?
middle finger.png

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Yet people can gather to play basketball, but they can't go to church. And the conflict seems to be beyond you commies.

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Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Seriously. There is place I pass near tbe VA NC border that has This humongous confederate flag flying, and no sign of our national flag. That is patriotic to the right. Kneeling is disrespect.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

You are free to dissent all you like. Others are equally free to criticize your dissent and keep their dollars in their pockets.

See how that works?

Yup. That is how it works. For everyone.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Seriously. There is place I pass near tbe VA NC border that has This humongous confederate flag flying, and no sign of our national flag. That is patriotic to the right. Kneeling is disrespect.
Kneeling was disrespectful when done by Kaepernick. Now it is more or less a political FU as the country has become so politicized. I don't pay any attention to it.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

The only people that kneel are commie bitches
Bending the knee is a gesture of submission.
I prefer to stand.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Seriously. There is place I pass near tbe VA NC border that has This humongous confederate flag flying, and no sign of our national flag. That is patriotic to the right. Kneeling is disrespect.
Kneeling was disrespectful when done by Kaepernick. Now it is more or less a political FU as the country has become so politicized. I don't pay any attention to it.

See, I don’t agree....and this is why. He sought to make a statement that wasn’t disrespectful. Frankly, I don’t see how kneeling is but the Rightwing decided it was.

Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

Seriously. There is place I pass near tbe VA NC border that has This humongous confederate flag flying, and no sign of our national flag. That is patriotic to the right. Kneeling is disrespect.
Kneeling was disrespectful when done by Kaepernick. Now it is more or less a political FU as the country has become so politicized. I don't pay any attention to it.

See, I don’t agree....and this is why. He sought to make a statement that wasn’t disrespectful. Frankly, I don’t see how kneeling is but the Rightwing decided it was.

That was afterward. He tried to spin it. Initially it was a big FU because he was benched in favor of a white guy. Think he still kneels if he isn’t benched? I do Not.
Ok let me get this straight.

Protesting is bad according to the republicans that is unless it's about face masks and opening up the nation or about weapons.

If it's about anything else or if it's someone the republicans disagree with, then protesting is unAmerican.

The republicans scream about violence yet when people peacefully protest, lawmakers threaten them. The republicans called them unAmerican and want to persecute them.

I find it very hypocritical of anyone on the right having a problem with protest and someone taking a knee.

While at the same time waving a confederate flag.

Why don't you people just admit you don't want any dissent of any kind? Stop lying about your so called love for the flag. If you loved America and our flag you would hate the confederate flag and not want it anywhere in our nation.

The ironic thing is that only the crazy left ever said "protesting is bad". Protesting is protected under the 1st Amendment except when the protests turn violent. Nobody cares except the crazy left if a bunch of over paid sterod heads decide to disrespect their own Country. They just look like fools.
I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation, under God, indivisible with Liberty and Justice for all-

another bumper sticker slogan- rates right up there with Manifest Destiny

The "official" Oath of office which is not taken seriously, though sworn to in the affirmative by liars makes a mockery of the US flag, rendering it but a bumper sticker slogan.

".... rates right up there with Manifest Destiny ..."

Now....wait a minute: how do you know about Manifest Destiny if you've never read a book????

Are you THAT old?????

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