Thune introduces legislation to permanently repeal death tax, with support from McConnell & Grassley

Holy cats!...Never thought I'd be in favor of anything that McTurtle's fawning piss boi would propose.

Guess I'll stand corrected for this occasion.
I'd be for it only if they're combining this with the elimination of double taxation on Social Security benefits as well.
What a stupid idea that is. For an estate to have to pay an estate tax you have to have over $11 million dollars in assets for a single person and 22 million for a married couple.

What dumb shits do not know is that if they do away with the estate tax, congress will take away the stepped up basis in the property upon death.

You know who will get kicked in the gonads if that happens?

The middle class.

Be that as it may, too many idiots have opinions about the estate tax and know nothing about it. The heirs of morons on this board writing from their mobile homes will never ever have to pay an estate tax.

Since the estate tax was instituted a century ago it has helped to keep income inequality in this country from getting out of hand. It was has prevented this country from becoming Argentina or Brazil. That is why Buffet, Gates and assorted other billionaires do not want the estate tax to go away. They realize that a permanent aristocracy will arise. If you all who are arguing to repeal the estate tax, the result will be to only make your descendants the new peasants to the new permanent upper class.
What a stupid idea that is. For an estate to have to pay an estate tax you have to have over $11 million dollars in assets for a single person and 22 million for a married couple.

What dumb shits do not know is that if they do away with the estate tax, congress will take away the stepped up basis in the property upon death.

You know who will get kicked in the gonads if that happens?

The middle class.

Be that as it may, too many idiots have opinions about the estate tax and no nothing about it. The heirs of morons on this board writing from their mobile homes will never ever have to pay an estate tax.

Since the estate tax was instituted a century ago it has helped to keep income inequality from getting out of hand. It was has prevented this country from becoming Argentina or Brazil. That is why Buffet, Gates and assorted other billionaires do not want the estate tax to go away. They realize that a permanent aristocracy will rise. You all arguing for the estate tax to be repealed will only make your descendants the new peasants.
Taxes are there to pay for legit functions of The State, not for your Stalinist "social justice" garbage.

It's not your money, grave looter.
At last, someone willing to stand up for the interests of those who stand to inherit millions of dollars.

Thune: Estate tax a 'nightmare'
Thune Leads Colleagues in Reintroducing Legislation to Permanently Repeal the Death Tax
Another example of how republican policies widen the gap between the rich and rest of us. How they are shifting the tax burden on us.

Ask yourself. Does this policy widen or shrink the gap between the rich and middle class? Then it’s just another reason the middle class is disappearing into the working poor
What a stupid idea that is. For an estate to have to pay an estate tax you have to have over $11 million dollars in assets for a single person and 22 million for a married couple.

What dumb shits do not know is that if they do away with the estate tax, congress will take away the stepped up basis in the property upon death.

You know who will get kicked in the gonads if that happens?

The middle class.

Be that as it may, too many idiots have opinions about the estate tax and no nothing about it. The heirs of morons on this board writing from their mobile homes will never ever have to pay an estate tax.

Since the estate tax was instituted a century ago it has helped to keep income inequality from getting out of hand. It was has prevented this country from becoming Argentina or Brazil. That is why Buffet, Gates and assorted other billionaires do not want the estate tax to go away. They realize that a permanent aristocracy will rise. You all arguing for the estate tax to be repealed will only make your descendants the new peasants.
Taxes are there to pay for legit functions of The State, not for your Stalinist "social justice" garbage.

It's not your money, grave looter.
We all agreed a long time ago. We had a choice. Raise taxes on the living or have a death tax. If you do away with the death tax you’re going to eventually raise taxes.

Or you’ll wreck the economy and blame democrats for being the bad guys for raising taxes to clean up the mess.
The death tax causes family farms to be broken up or sold off to corporations.
We all agreed a long time ago. We had a choice. Raise taxes on the living or have a death tax. If you do away with the death tax you’re going to eventually raise taxes.

Or you’ll wreck the economy and blame democrats for being the bad guys for raising taxes to clean up the mess.
"We" didn't agree on diddly-shit, Scooter.

Shrink your bloated and prohibitively expensive state, and quit stealing people's resources.
We all agreed a long time ago. We had a choice. Raise taxes on the living or have a death tax. If you do away with the death tax you’re going to eventually raise taxes.

Or you’ll wreck the economy and blame democrats for being the bad guys for raising taxes to clean up the mess.
"We" didn't agree on diddly-shit, Scooter.

Shrink your bloated and prohibitively expensive state, and quit stealing people's resources.
So then you and I, the living, our taxes need to go up.

Most people would agree rather than raise my taxes now do it when I die, idiot
What a stupid idea that is. For an estate to have to pay an estate tax you have to have over $11 million dollars in assets for a single person and 22 million for a married couple.

What dumb shits do not know is that if they do away with the estate tax, congress will take away the stepped up basis in the property upon death.

You know who will get kicked in the gonads if that happens?

The middle class.

Be that as it may, too many idiots have opinions about the estate tax and no nothing about it. The heirs of morons on this board writing from their mobile homes will never ever have to pay an estate tax.

Since the estate tax was instituted a century ago it has helped to keep income inequality from getting out of hand. It was has prevented this country from becoming Argentina or Brazil. That is why Buffet, Gates and assorted other billionaires do not want the estate tax to go away. They realize that a permanent aristocracy will rise. You all arguing for the estate tax to be repealed will only make your descendants the new peasants.
Taxes are there to pay for legit functions of The State, not for your Stalinist "social justice" garbage.

It's not your money, grave looter.
Hey OB, the estate tax was instituted during the progressive era. It was Republicans that pushed the idea when economic inequality was destroying this nation. The estate tax has worked and continues to work as those that originally backed the tax hoped it would. Instead of spouting your inanities, read some history. Liberalism is not Stalinism, Goldilocks.
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We all agreed a long time ago. We had a choice. Raise taxes on the living or have a death tax. If you do away with the death tax you’re going to eventually raise taxes.

Or you’ll wreck the economy and blame democrats for being the bad guys for raising taxes to clean up the mess.
"We" didn't agree on diddly-shit, Scooter.

Shrink your bloated and prohibitively expensive state, and quit stealing people's resources.
When my condo board of directors decides something that doesn’t mean every condo owner agrees.

We just got assessed $70 a month for 18 months above and beyond the normal association dues. I didn’t get to decide. If I want to be a board member then I can get a vote.

So you not agreeing is irrelevant. We agreed even if you didn’t like it. You lost the vote

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