Tick-tock conservatives

yeah ok. what the hell would conservative want to watch that idiot for?

You think the people are still in LOVE with you? they just kicked your party out of control of Congress, with first the House and then the Senate in two Historic midterm elections under a Democrat President.... the second only eight months ago. but all of sudden they are back in love love love with you all.

hang onto whatever helps. you all need it.
yeah ok. what the hell would conservative want to watch that idiot for?

You think the people are still in LOVE with you? they just kicked your party out of control of Congress in a Historic midterm elections under a Democrat President the second only six months ago. but all of sudden they are back in love love love with you all.

hang onto whatever helps. you all need it.
singular and plural are wheys to put into perspective the ones you are discussing.....If you would, since i am from the south, please use the terms youns or you all....
Like I said , you have to watch the video until the end. It isn't O'Donnell who is saying any of it.
They have to try and get the Democrat base spirit up after their losses. O'Donnell is a tool/lapdog
They have to try and get the Democrat base spirit up after their losses. O'Donnell is a tool/lapdog

Conservatives have a pathological aversion to knowledge. Too funny. And a little sad.

Doesn't matter, a conservative predicts the Republicans are done on the national level. O'Donnell doesn't predict anything.
They have to try and get the Democrat base spirit up after their losses. O'Donnell is a tool/lapdog

Conservatives have a pathological aversion to knowledge. Too funny. And a little sad.

Doesn't matter, a conservative predicts the Republicans are done on the national level. O'Donnell doesn't predict anything.

and liberals will swallow anything that they want to hear, if it's true or not. whatever we are DONE

The following is a list of incumbent governors of the states, and territories of the United States. There are currently 31 Republicans, 18 Democrats, and one independent that hold the office of governor in the states.
I hate to say it but he is right... ;( The electoral college is unwinnable with the demographic change the past decade has had...

1. Clark County in Nev has shifted over 10% Hispanic since 2000-2010. This puts the delegates in the democrats hands.

2. Dade, etc has shifted enough votes over to the non-white Hispanics that 2008 and 2012 want 27-30% republican. George W Bush won in 2004 because he got 45% of there vote. This is the difference between winning Florida and not winning it.

3. Co is gone because of the increase in Hispanics and the liberal drift....

4. New Hampshire and Iowa are gone

5. I put Virgina at around 1 and 3 chance of being taken by the republicans! Why? The Asian and Hispanic population has increased big time. Both of them voted for Obama each times by 70% a piece.

6. Pa and Ohio isn't coming back.

North Carolina and even a slight chance for Georgia going blue is possible.

I hate this but it is the truth.
I think Rubio is the only one that could increase that Hispanic vote to Bushs level to pull it off.
I hate to say it but he is right... ;( The electoral college is unwinnable with the demographic change the past decade has had...

1. Clark County in Nev has shifted over 10% Hispanic since 2000-2010. This puts the delegates in the democrats hands.

2. Dade, etc has shifted enough votes over to the non-white Hispanics that 2008 and 2012 want 27-30% republican. George W Bush won in 2004 because he got 45% of there vote. This is the difference between winning Florida and not winning it.

3. Co is gone because of the increase in Hispanics and the liberal drift....

4. New Hampshire and Iowa are gone

5. I put Virgina at around 1 and 3 chance of being taken by the republicans! Why? The Asian and Hispanic population has increased big time. Both of them voted for Obama each times by 70% a piece.

6. Pa and Ohio isn't coming back.

North Carolina and even a slight chance for Georgia going blue is possible.

I hate this but it is the truth.

maybe so. but I we have our governments. the President is a nobody except when it comes to our country. Just because Obama believed he could override our states.

Yes its Lawerence O'Donnell, but even you conservatives would like to watch this one to the end.

Yo, O`Donnell is a Socialist butt licker! The only thing the Socialist are counting on is, hoping 30 million illegals get to vote, keep your hopes up fools!!!

You have to feel sorry for lib/dems when they need O'Donell to tell them all is going to be good. so Start celebrating now

Yes its Lawerence O'Donnell, but even you conservatives would like to watch this one to the end.

Just a heads up. Some posters like myself are on dial up and to play a video takes forever.

So if you could at least add a synopsis for us that live in the hinterlands it would be greatly appreciated.

Yes its Lawerence O'Donnell, but even you conservatives would like to watch this one to the end.

Just a heads up. Some posters like myself are on dial up and to play a video takes forever.

So if you could at least add a synopsis for us that live in the hinterlands it would be greatly appreciated.

lol, I wouldn't waste my time anyway. but they think they have the goods on Conservatives. not everyone just Conservatives. lol
The democrats start out with around 250 electoral votes. Add Florida = in the white house.

This is if the same demographics as 2008 or 2012 come out as they did.

Yes its Lawerence O'Donnell, but even you conservatives would like to watch this one to the end.

Just a heads up. Some posters like myself are on dial up and to play a video takes forever.

So if you could at least add a synopsis for us that live in the hinterlands it would be greatly appreciated.

A Texas Republican has added up the new makeup of the various states regarding the Electoral College and it appears the Democrats, even before a presidential election starts, are almost guaranteed 257 electoral votes. By contrast the Republicans only have 159 wrapped and safe.

It takes 270 to win and Virginia will likely go Democrat putting them at 270. If Florida flips even more than that.

Because of the change in the demographics, the Republicans are nearing a point where they can't win a national election. The Republican notes there are 24 seats in the Senate that the Republicans can lose in 2016, while there is only one Democrat seat that may be contested.

The article tells Republicans to enjoy the two years between 2014 and 2016 because this may be the end of the road nationally.
who cares. as long as we hold Governorship's. the President is nothing more than a gawddamn puppet.

And just seven years ago there was a Republican President. but they win one eight year term and now it's ALL OVER for them Republicans. didn't they say that with Clinton, Carter, blaa blaa bla
The article noted the Senate would most certainly go back to Democrat control as well.

Its easy to see why the Republicans are rabidly passing voter suppression laws wherever they have power. American democracy is about to kick them to the curb.

For good.

What will likely happen is the Republican party will return to center from the far far far right they've slid the last 6 years. Because they don't have a choice.
The article noted the Senate would most certainly go back to Democrat control as well.

Its easy to see why the Republicans are rabidly passing voter suppression laws wherever they have power. American democracy is about to kick them to the curb.

For good.

What will likely happen is the Republican party will return to center from the far far far right they've slid the last 6 years. Because they don't have a choice.

oh shut the hell up. you are a walking talking tool for the Democrat party. nothing more
You stinking party is so far left the PEOPLE voted them out of control of Congress in just six years of that commie Obama. so go sit down and worry about the Democrats getting in the center. you people have some freaking nerve. acting as if the Democrats are moderate/center
LOL Conservatives are never far from the anger edge are they.

Sorry its bad news for you dear, but its coming from a Republican. Yeeeouch.

Its simple, the attitude conservatives adopted of 'we won't compromise on anything, every one has to do what we say' won't work. The population numbers are against you.

As with all political parties, you either moderate and rejoin the bulk of the population, or you will not win elections and forever be on the outside whining about how you never get your way.

Amazing how democracy has a way of forcing compromise on people. Which is exactly what the founding fathers set up. Forced compromise.

Welcome to America.

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