Tillerson smashes trump as the Loser in Chief leaves the White House

Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Well said. The US has a ways to go to prove that it can be a world leader again.

The problem that arises with executive international agreements is that in many countries, the signature of the leader of a nation on an international agreement is recognized as binding as a treaty. The UN has held that position for many years

Prior to 1940, executive international agreements were seldom used. They were mostly used for short leases of property for the military use and for other agreements that had a relatively short life. However during WWII and afterwards, the need for international agreements grew rapidly however the time needed for the Senate to pass them also grew rapidly. Today most of our international agreements are now signed by the president and subject to cancellation.

The fierce divide by the two parties makes these executive orders likely to be cancelled with a change in leadership. Since this gives the US an opportunity to back out at any time, the other party is likely to require similar wording in the agreement. Thus it becomes simply a document of understanding between leaders. This can create serious problems in trade agreements where tariffs and other requirements are set. Businesses count on these requirements remaining stable in their business plans.

Where once executive international agreements were rarely cancelled by a new president, Today it's almost expected that when party control of the while house changes, all such agreements are cancelled or at least renegotiated.
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Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.
Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.
Wrong. That's POTUS Trumps game plan. "presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation."

DJT did that. Watch him leave the WH and let's see what he really accomplished. Besides 1/6/2021
Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.

Trump is the dumbest most incompetent, unprepared president we have ever had. Obama had already gotten NATO to agree to paying more money.
Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.

Trump had no clue what the TPP or Paris Accord or Iran Agreement were about. He just killed them because he was jealous and obsessed with revenge against Obama because Trump was the leader of the ignorant birthers.
Basically, Tillerson is saying trump is "dumb as a rock."

NO, shitferbrains, what is being said is that Trump refuses to buy into all of the bullshit complex nuance you idiots pedal that has not worked in 100 years to get anything meaningful done and prefers to distill matters down to their salient points cut right to the HEART of the matter bypassing the endless machinations of all your self-serving pomp and circumstance and GET THINGS DONE, solve problems quickly then MOVE ON.

Donald's not a good politician, he lives in the REAL WORLD of business.

Trump is a terrible businessman.. That's why he's failed so often.. He never does due diligence and he's lazy.. Trump is a promoter and a master manipulator of the media.
You can see why someone as limited as trump would appeal to the low info types who populate this forum.

You like Trump?

Tommy are you admitting you are a closet Trumpster?

( As Tommy get ready to edukate me on how he is not a Trumpster he misses the fact I am trolling him for his comment about the low info types that post on this forum... )
You can see why someone as limited as trump would appeal to the low info types who populate this forum.

You like Trump?

Tommy are you admitting you are a closet Trumpster?

( As Tommy get ready to edukate me on how he is not a Trumpster he misses the fact I am trolling him for his comment about the low info types that post on this forum... )

Trump has said he loves the uneducated.. He appeals to the mob.
Basically, Tillerson is saying trump is "dumb as a rock."

NO, shitferbrains, what is being said is that Trump refuses to buy into all of the bullshit complex nuance you idiots pedal that has not worked in 100 years to get anything meaningful done and prefers to distill matters down to their salient points cut right to the HEART of the matter bypassing the endless machinations of all your self-serving pomp and circumstance and GET THINGS DONE, solve problems quickly then MOVE ON.

Donald's not a good politician, he lives in the REAL WORLD of business.

Trump is a terrible businessman.. That's why he's failed so often.. He never does due diligence and he's lazy.. Trump is a promoter and a master manipulator of the media.

Trump entire life has been nothing but a sad tabloid story from his failed marriages to his many failed business adventures that his minions ignore...

Trump live life like a Wrestling Promoter and sell bullshit about fake shit and many buy into it until they discover it is fake and some still enjoy it even after learning it is fake...
You can see why someone as limited as trump would appeal to the low info types who populate this forum.

You like Trump?

Tommy are you admitting you are a closet Trumpster?

( As Tommy get ready to edukate me on how he is not a Trumpster he misses the fact I am trolling him for his comment about the low info types that post on this forum... )

Trump has said he loves the uneducated.. He appeals to the mob.

Yes, but the majority of posters on here are not low info types and some are just trolls annoying each other...

Do we have ignorant posters that will believe twenty million Amish voted for Trump or our ( U.S. ) Military invaded Germany for a Dominion Server?

Yes, but we also have those like you and others that are not as low info in life...
Basically, Tillerson is saying trump is "dumb as a rock."

NO, shitferbrains, what is being said is that Trump refuses to buy into all of the bullshit complex nuance you idiots pedal that has not worked in 100 years to get anything meaningful done and prefers to distill matters down to their salient points cut right to the HEART of the matter bypassing the endless machinations of all your self-serving pomp and circumstance and GET THINGS DONE, solve problems quickly then MOVE ON.

Donald's not a good politician, he lives in the REAL WORLD of business.

Trump is a terrible businessman.. That's why he's failed so often.. He never does due diligence and he's lazy.. Trump is a promoter and a master manipulator of the media.

Trump entire life has been nothing but a sad tabloid story from his failed marriages to his many failed business adventures that his minions ignore...

Trump live life like a Wrestling Promoter and sell bullshit about fake shit and many buy into it until they discover it is fake and some still enjoy it even after learning it is fake...

Trump should never, never have been elected president.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.
Very true. One of the many corrosive effects of this insane, binary political environment.

You can't move forward when all you're doing is tearing down.
Basically, Tillerson is saying trump is "dumb as a rock."

NO, shitferbrains, what is being said is that Trump refuses to buy into all of the bullshit complex nuance you idiots pedal that has not worked in 100 years to get anything meaningful done and prefers to distill matters down to their salient points cut right to the HEART of the matter bypassing the endless machinations of all your self-serving pomp and circumstance and GET THINGS DONE, solve problems quickly then MOVE ON.

Donald's not a good politician, he lives in the REAL WORLD of business.

Trump is a terrible businessman.. That's why he's failed so often.. He never does due diligence and he's lazy.. Trump is a promoter and a master manipulator of the media.

Trump entire life has been nothing but a sad tabloid story from his failed marriages to his many failed business adventures that his minions ignore...

Trump live life like a Wrestling Promoter and sell bullshit about fake shit and many buy into it until they discover it is fake and some still enjoy it even after learning it is fake...

Trump should never, never have been elected president.

But he was and there are 74+ million that wanted to give him a second term and some that want to make him a King or Dictator for life, so America has to live with that reality.

I have followed Trump life and career mishaps since the 1970’s and fully know what America is dealing with and let me say he believe the election was stolen and can not believe Joe Biden got more votes than him, and how can he believe this?

Simple, in his mind he is a God to all and can not accept many like me will never adore him...

He is a failure in life and live off credit and manipulation of tax codes, bankruptcy codes and bank fraud and all that will be exposed soon enough and those that adore him will proclaim Deep State ruined the man because in their mind he is the perfect man that ever walked because the only see the fake mirage of him and refuse to see the reality Trump is a charlatan using them to feed his ego and make himself rich off their stupidity!

So let be clear Trump became President and we as Americans should ask what drove many good Americans to fall for this charlatan nonsense while those like you and myself never were willing to vote for him?

Now I have defended Trump against nonsense that is partisan but let me be clear I have never liked the man that has been married three times, sired one kid we know of out of wedlock, cheated business people and taxpayers and is just a piece of trash in my eyes...
I think we'll rename page 3 the circle jerk page. It smells bad in there.
Basically, Tillerson is saying trump is "dumb as a rock."

NO, shitferbrains, what is being said is that Trump refuses to buy into all of the bullshit complex nuance you idiots pedal that has not worked in 100 years to get anything meaningful done and prefers to distill matters down to their salient points cut right to the HEART of the matter bypassing the endless machinations of all your self-serving pomp and circumstance and GET THINGS DONE, solve problems quickly then MOVE ON.

Donald's not a good politician, he lives in the REAL WORLD of business.

Trump is a terrible businessman.. That's why he's failed so often.. He never does due diligence and he's lazy.. Trump is a promoter and a master manipulator of the media.

Trump entire life has been nothing but a sad tabloid story from his failed marriages to his many failed business adventures that his minions ignore...

Trump live life like a Wrestling Promoter and sell bullshit about fake shit and many buy into it until they discover it is fake and some still enjoy it even after learning it is fake...

Trump should never, never have been elected president.

But he was and there are 74+ million that wanted to give him a second term and some that want to make him a King or Dictator for life, so America has to live with that reality.

I have followed Trump life and career mishaps since the 1970’s and fully know what America is dealing with and let me say he believe the election was stolen and can not believe Joe Biden got more votes than him, and how can he believe this?

Simple, in his mind he is a God to all and can not accept many like me will never adore him...

He is a failure in life and live off credit and manipulation of tax codes, bankruptcy codes and bank fraud and all that will be exposed soon enough and those that adore him will proclaim Deep State ruined the man because in their mind he is the perfect man that ever walked because the only see the fake mirage of him and refuse to see the reality Trump is a charlatan using them to feed his ego and make himself rich off their stupidity!

So let be clear Trump became President and we as Americans should ask what drove many good Americans to fall for this charlatan nonsense while those like you and myself never were willing to vote for him?

Now I have defended Trump against nonsense that is partisan but let me be clear I have never liked the man that has been married three times, sired one kid we know of out of wedlock, cheated business people and taxpayers and is just a piece of trash in my eyes...

Biden had 8 million more votes than Trump..
Trump entire life has been nothing but a sad tabloid story

You wreak of envy. Trump's "sad" life is 10 X 10,000 times better than you will ever know.​
  • He grew up living the life of a prince.
  • He built his father's low rent apartment business into a global brand of high-end hotels, real estate and resorts.
  • He's loved a thousand beautiful, gorgeous models.
  • Has a fantastic family of rich, smart, gorgeous children each with their own entrepreneurship.
  • Has married several stunning, exotic wives.
  • Has traveled the world and known the rich, powerful, beautiful and famous.
  • Has lived in and owned jets, yachts, exotic cars and mansions.
  • Has starred in a hit television series.
  • Ran the gamut in the political world schooling career politicians on how to get it done.
  • Has build a following of tens of millions.
  • Became the most successful president in the country getting more done than any other while under the most adverse conditions.
  • Has changed the direction of the country, woke a generation, and shook up the crusty old status quo so badly, they had to rig an election to get him out of office, then tried to vilify him out of fear he'd be back again bigger and better than ever.
What have you accomplished besides build up a firm right hand grip jerking off to pictures of Trump's wives?

Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.
Wrong. That's POTUS Trumps game plan. "presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation."

DJT did that. Watch him leave the WH and let's see what he really accomplished. Besides 1/6/2021
To be fair, I think we will see Biden reversing as much of Trump's initiatives as Trump did to Obama. My point is that this is becoming more extreme with each change in control of the White House. Each party's goal is to erase ever major accomplishment of the previous party. The closer they come to that the closer we come to stagnation. What we need to recognize is that neither is right about everything.
Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
Trump kissed Putin's ass all over the stage at Helsinki. No sane person can be a Trumpanzee.
Thread fail. Trump didn't bow as Øbama did. Trump stood up to the ChiComms and forced our NATO allies into coughing up more money. And so much more.

Tillerson was in fact a never Trumper.

TDS Fueled© hate is a bitch of a mistress.
trump tried to destroy NATO and gave Put in the green light to expand Russian influence in eastern Europe. EU leaders laughed at the buffoon behind his back.
They began laughing at him to his face, which is when his trips to Europe were significantly reduced.

Fortunately, Biden will be able to quickly mend relations with long-time allies, as he is a real American, not a malignant narcissistic buffoon.

(Only a weasel would throw the insurgents he sent to the Capitol to attempt his coup, under the bus by blaming them for everything, AND saying they should be severely punished.)

Mend yes, to a point. But of what value are strategic agreements, nuclear limitations treaties, or climate accords signed by one administration if the next one is just going to tear them up?

Canada is still waiting for the USA to lift the steel and aluminum tariffs which were supposed to come off after the new Canada/USA/Mexico Trade agreement was signed. Neither the EU nor Great Britain has a trade deal with the USA because Trump tore them up. But both of these countries have trade deal with China. The TransPacific Partnership went ahead without you. Canadians are still boycotting US products, as are the Europeans.

Not to mention that Pompeo is going around the world tossing diplomatic stink bombs everywhere that the Biden Administration will have to dismantle before they can begin to repair the damage caused. Added to which, in taking the USA out of the strategic arms limitation treaty with Russia instead of using measures in the treaty to enforce compliance, Trump has given Putin leave to develop all of the nukes he wants, unimpeded.

I've seen Biden in speeches and interviews talk about other nations welcoming the USA back into the leadership of the free world, but I'm not getting that sense at all. We all welcome sanity at the highest levels of US government. We also wish your nation every success in restoring democracy in the USA without further bloodshed. But no, you are in no position to offer wise or strong leadership to others, when your own democracy is completely under attack from within.
Wiping out all achievements of the previous president is one of the worse results of the deep divide in this country. When a party took control of the white house, it was expected that the new president would set a new course and make changes but today, presidents are expected to wipe out everything the previous president accomplished with little regard for it's effect on the nation.

Trump had no clue what the TPP or Paris Accord or Iran Agreement were about. He just killed them because he was jealous and obsessed with revenge against Obama because Trump was the leader of the ignorant birthers.
And when he killed the TPP, America walked out on a trade agreement with the fastest growing economies in the world. Trump said he would negotiate bilateral agreements which proved how little he knew about international trade. Trump leaves office with no such agreements and China is poised to claim these prizes due to Donald Trumps ignorance and hatred for Obama. Biden should have no problem putting the US back into the Paris Accord but TPP is different. It is a region agreement that was years in the making and was not complete. China now has a greater foothold in this regions which will make a new agreement more difficult.

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