Tillerson stopped Saudi Arabi and the UAE from attacking Qatar

We’re only pretending to be friends with SA until we drain their oil dry. Then they will go back to being a third world shit heap ignored by us.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...
The criminal US government cozies up to dictators all over the world. SA is but one.

If this report is true, we owe Tillerson are huge debt of gratitude. If his firing resulted from this, it is further proof of the criminal nature of our central government.

I suspect they want a nice big war with Iran. The quest for power and wealth by the ruling class, is never quenched.
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

Me either. They support terrorism just like Iran and we missed out chance to flatten them after 9-11.

I think all of the attacker were from SA. We should have flattened that country.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

Me either. They support terrorism just like Iran and we missed out chance to flatten them after 9-11.

I think all of the attacker were from SA. We should have flattened that country.

they were not funded or instructed by the government of Saudi Arabia.
(that means----DA KING Didn't do it.) HOWEVER the Iranian government trains and funds and directs its PROXY ARMY---Hezbollah.
Osama had lots of HIS OWN MONEY-----lots of SAUDIS are very into
the idea of murdering kaffirin-------it gets them to JANNAH-----terrorism is
WHAT ZAKAT is for. I will summarize. Osama was not the King of
Saudi Arabia. Nuskharahallah acts under the direction of the AYATOILETS
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

Me either. They support terrorism just like Iran and we missed out chance to flatten them after 9-11.

I think all of the attacker were from SA. We should have flattened that country.

they were not funded or instructed by the government of Saudi Arabia.
(that means----DA KING Didn't do it.) HOWEVER the Iranian government trains and funds and directs its PROXY ARMY---Hezbollah.
Osama had lots of HIS OWN MONEY-----lots of SAUDIS are very into
the idea of murdering kaffirin-------it gets them to JANNAH-----terrorism is
WHAT ZAKAT is for. I will summarize. Osama was not the King of
Saudi Arabia. Nuskharahallah acts under the direction of the AYATOILETS

You can bet they heard about it didn't tell anyone in the US Government.

Yup. Iran funds terrorism all over the world. And you can bet that money Obama unfroze for them was used for that and their pursuit of a nuke.

We should have flattened SA for what those jihadist fools did.
I should add-----while Iran HAS invaded other countries via its proxy army---HEZBOLLAH-----Saudi Arabia has invaded no one-----it is true that a rich
SAUDI does invade the world with unwanted korans
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

Me either. They support terrorism just like Iran and we missed out chance to flatten them after 9-11.

I think all of the attacker were from SA. We should have flattened that country.

they were not funded or instructed by the government of Saudi Arabia.
(that means----DA KING Didn't do it.) HOWEVER the Iranian government trains and funds and directs its PROXY ARMY---Hezbollah.
Osama had lots of HIS OWN MONEY-----lots of SAUDIS are very into
the idea of murdering kaffirin-------it gets them to JANNAH-----terrorism is
WHAT ZAKAT is for. I will summarize. Osama was not the King of
Saudi Arabia. Nuskharahallah acts under the direction of the AYATOILETS

You can bet they heard about it didn't tell anyone in the US Government.

We should have flattened that country for what they did.

you have no basis for that "bet" ------I wish we could bet----but there is
no way of CONFIRMING the WINNER (it should be me)
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

For the life of me I cannot believe that we favor SA over other ME countries.

Me either. They support terrorism just like Iran and we missed out chance to flatten them after 9-11.

I think all of the attacker were from SA. We should have flattened that country.

they were not funded or instructed by the government of Saudi Arabia.
(that means----DA KING Didn't do it.) HOWEVER the Iranian government trains and funds and directs its PROXY ARMY---Hezbollah.
Osama had lots of HIS OWN MONEY-----lots of SAUDIS are very into
the idea of murdering kaffirin-------it gets them to JANNAH-----terrorism is
WHAT ZAKAT is for. I will summarize. Osama was not the King of
Saudi Arabia. Nuskharahallah acts under the direction of the AYATOILETS

You can bet they heard about it didn't tell anyone in the US Government.

We should have flattened that country for what they did.

you have no basis for that "bet" ------I wish we could bet----but there is
no way of CONFIRMING the WINNER (it should be me)

You doubt they knew?? I sure don't. Not much goes on in that country that the officials or the King is unaware of.
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually Yemeni
You seem to buy into the silliest shit. Ethnically maybe, born and raised Saudi. They are all Beduin regardless of where the French and English drew their silly lines
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.

so? what does YOUR PERSONAL stance on war have to do with
the discussion. You claimed that there was a war between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar------in fact there was not-----there was a kind of boycott----are
you also anti-boycott?. As you anti the support of terrorism or the anti
the support of civil unrest?
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.

so? what does YOUR PERSONAL stance on war have to do with
the discussion. You claimed that there was a war between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar------in fact there was not-----there was a kind of boycott----are
you also anti-boycott?. As you anti the support of terrorism or the anti
the support of civil unrest?
I never claimed there was a war.
Rex Tillerson stopped Saudi and UAE from 'attacking' Qatar

Thank god. Saudi Arabia I will never understand is an US Ally but shouldn't be. That's where most of the 9/11 terrorists came from and the US protects the bastards still....disgusting behavior. I also read Qatar is already recovered from the sanctions Saudi Arabia put on them...

we have criminals in the USA too. Osama bin Laden was actually Yemeni
You seem to buy into the silliest shit. Ethnically maybe, born and raised Saudi. They are all Beduin regardless of where the French and English drew their silly lines

I have a strong sense that you never met a SAUDI and never met a
YEMENI. ROFLMAO @ "raised Saudi" -------
I don't remember what the issue with Qatar was------it was news----like
about one year ago. ANYONE?
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.

so? what does YOUR PERSONAL stance on war have to do with
the discussion. You claimed that there was a war between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar------in fact there was not-----there was a kind of boycott----are
you also anti-boycott?. As you anti the support of terrorism or the anti
the support of civil unrest?
I never claimed there was a war.

you sorta did-----but if you insist..... In any case I still do not see what
your stance on war has to do with the POLITICAL disagreement between
Saudi Arabia and Qatar
If the news was provided by the MSM, it likely was CIA influenced propaganda promoting war.

sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.

so? what does YOUR PERSONAL stance on war have to do with
the discussion. You claimed that there was a war between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar------in fact there was not-----there was a kind of boycott----are
you also anti-boycott?. As you anti the support of terrorism or the anti
the support of civil unrest?
I never claimed there was a war.

you sorta did-----but if you insist..... In any case I still do not see what
your stance on war has to do with the POLITICAL disagreement between
Saudi Arabia and Qatar
You can’t read and comprehend.
sorry to disappoint you-----there was no war. Qatar is an EXTREMELY
wealthy country. Its citizens are at complete leisure and use imported
slaves from South east Asia for labor. The population is more southeast
Asian than Qatari. The Qatari population is salafist muslim
and......... has been accused by fellow arab muslim nations of
FUNDING terrorism. &/or ---arab spring type activities. -----seems like
some sort of tribal discontent over there
You misunderstand.

You will find no one more anti-war than I.

so? what does YOUR PERSONAL stance on war have to do with
the discussion. You claimed that there was a war between Saudi Arabia
and Qatar------in fact there was not-----there was a kind of boycott----are
you also anti-boycott?. As you anti the support of terrorism or the anti
the support of civil unrest?
I never claimed there was a war.

you sorta did-----but if you insist..... In any case I still do not see what
your stance on war has to do with the POLITICAL disagreement between
Saudi Arabia and Qatar
You can’t read and comprehend.

sure I can--------I did way over the top in reading comprehension when I was in school--------(your remember----those STANDARD TESTS...???)
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
Doesn't make sense to me.
In containing Iran, you prevent them from selling oil. Which means their oil remains in the ground. In other words they end up with the oil fields anyway.

Obviously you are an imperialist. Maybe you intend to steal their oil. Do you think this makes you smart?

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