Tillerson stopped Saudi Arabi and the UAE from attacking Qatar

SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
Doesn't make sense to me.
In containing Iran, you prevent them from selling oil. Which means their oil remains in the ground. In other words they end up with the oil fields anyway.

Obviously you are an imperialist. Maybe you intend to steal their oil. Do you think this makes you smart?

Like I give a fuck about the opinions of traitors and morons.

I'm glad it 'doesn't make sense' to your type. You know jackshit about 'imperialism'.
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
Doesn't make sense to me.
In containing Iran, you prevent them from selling oil. Which means their oil remains in the ground. In other words they end up with the oil fields anyway.

Obviously you are an imperialist. Maybe you intend to steal their oil. Do you think this makes you smart?

Like I give a fuck about the opinions of traitors and morons.

I'm glad it 'doesn't make sense' to your type. You know jackshit about 'imperialism'.
Who do you think I betray?

You speak of US oil as if it wasn't a privately held commodity.
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
Doesn't make sense to me.
In containing Iran, you prevent them from selling oil. Which means their oil remains in the ground. In other words they end up with the oil fields anyway.

Obviously you are an imperialist. Maybe you intend to steal their oil. Do you think this makes you smart?

Like I give a fuck about the opinions of traitors and morons.

I'm glad it 'doesn't make sense' to your type. You know jackshit about 'imperialism'.
Who do you think I betray?

You speak of US oil as if it wasn't a privately held commodity.

Your inability to create even remotely related strawmen is duly noted as well.
SA and other countries are important as enemies of Iran. Israel is also 'friendly' with many of them re their interest in containing Iran. It's called ' Geo-politics', and only idiots think any country can survive without playing the Great Game, hegemon or little guy.

ME oil is running out; hopefully we use up as much as we can of theirs while leaving ours in the ground, but obviously too many stupid people with short-sighted and immediate gratification neurosis's want cheap stuff right now, never mind the later costs, and this childish view extends to infantile foreign policy stupidity as well. When their oil runs out, so does their money to buy weapons and terrorist gangsters with. You want Iran to end up with all the oil fields, just because you don't like Jews, Bush, and Xians? Congratulations, you're a complete moron, and will be wildly popular with the other morons, who might give you free pot once in while.
Doesn't make sense to me.
In containing Iran, you prevent them from selling oil. Which means their oil remains in the ground. In other words they end up with the oil fields anyway.

Obviously you are an imperialist. Maybe you intend to steal their oil. Do you think this makes you smart?

Like I give a fuck about the opinions of traitors and morons.

I'm glad it 'doesn't make sense' to your type. You know jackshit about 'imperialism'.
Who do you think I betray?

You speak of US oil as if it wasn't a privately held commodity.

Your inability to create even remotely related strawmen is duly noted as well.
It is your straw man. You pretend that untapped oil reserves benefit anyone but the private entities that own them.

You ought not throw the term "moron" around so freely.
It is your straw man. You pretend that untapped oil reserves benefit anyone but the private entities that own them.

Nah, you're just an idiot and a commie neurotic, that's all. throwing around terms like 'Imperialism' is just silly-assed pseudo-intellectual college 'radical kidz' rubbish only morons think is 'kewl'.

You ought not throw the term "moron" around so freely.

I use whatever best fits. For you it's moron.
It is your straw man. You pretend that untapped oil reserves benefit anyone but the private entities that own them.

Nah, you're just an idiot and a commie neurotic, that's all. throwing around terms like 'Imperialism' is just silly-assed pseudo-intellectual college 'radical kidz' rubbish only morons think is 'kewl'.

You ought not throw the term "moron" around so freely.

I use whatever best fits. For you it's moron.
You wish to control the fate of the Iranian people by wielding US hegemonic power.

The term imperialist is an apt description of you.

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