Tim Tebow Super Bowl Ad May Be Based On Falsehood

WRONG!!!. It's about freedom, as I've said before, but I know you people don't want to hear it, much easier to attempt to demonize the opposition, but most pro choice people wouldn't have an abortion, they just think its the women's right to choose. Period. Spin it however you want.

And so many pro-life (anti choice is better) only care about the unborn for ideological purposes, once they are born you hear many claim"stop having kids, I dont' want my taxes to pay for your children"

Given a choice between the woman or government deciding, I'm with the woman.

How are the unborn suppose to voice their choice in the matter if 'pro-life' people don't speak for them? The unborn don't get a choice; the woman does. Spin? I don't think so, Tim.

they don't have a choice until they are born and viable.
Even then they have limited choice. Suicide is still illegal.
call me crazy, but the last time i checked the u.s. embassy in the phillipines is a) u.s. sovereign terrritory (i.e. phillipine law does not apply) and b) possessed of a medical staff capable of performing an abortion for a u.s. citizen.

why don't you spend your time doing something useful, like blaming bush?

give my best to that publicity seeking termegant gloria allred when you see her.

When is the last time you actually checked when you claimed that you had checked something lately, you crazy publicity seeking know it all emu!

That's the point. It's been posted on this thread. The abortion law in the Philpines is total and complete. There is no expection for the woman's life. That's the point of this thread. That's why the woman is a liar.

Abortion in the Philippines-Reasons and Responsibilities
But it's just a little white lie.


You must have missed the articles I posted in post #141.

Here's one:

In the Philippines, abortion is legally restricted. Nevertheless, many women obtain abortions—often in unsafe conditions—to avoid unplanned births. In 1994, the estimated abortion rate was 25 per 1,000 women per year; no further research on abortion incidence has been conducted in the Philippines.

The Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends
I did not miss your articles. I still think Mrs Tebrow needs to do some 'splainin'. She had to have left an awful lot out of her story for it to be even be somewhat plausible. I think she's a publicity grabbing liar.
But it's just a little white lie.


You must have missed the articles I posted in post #141.

Here's one:

In the Philippines, abortion is legally restricted. Nevertheless, many women obtain abortions—often in unsafe conditions—to avoid unplanned births. In 1994, the estimated abortion rate was 25 per 1,000 women per year; no further research on abortion incidence has been conducted in the Philippines.

The Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends
I did not miss your articles. I still think Mrs Tebrow needs to do some 'splainin'. She had to have left an awful lot out of her story for it to be even be somewhat plausible. I think she's a publicity grabbing liar.

What exactly did she lie about?
You must have missed the articles I posted in post #141.

Here's one:

In the Philippines, abortion is legally restricted. Nevertheless, many women obtain abortions—often in unsafe conditions—to avoid unplanned births. In 1994, the estimated abortion rate was 25 per 1,000 women per year; no further research on abortion incidence has been conducted in the Philippines.

The Incidence of Induced Abortion in the Philippines: Current Level and Recent Trends
I did not miss your articles. I still think Mrs Tebrow needs to do some 'splainin'. She had to have left an awful lot out of her story for it to be even be somewhat plausible. I think she's a publicity grabbing liar.

What exactly did she lie about?
That she was told to have an abortion. To her it was just a white lie. :cuckoo:
Just think, one day Trig Palin can get on the teevee and make a similar appeal to emotion since his Mom considered aborting him.

Funny that Palin is pro-choice.
From the article:

Tim's mother had the options of abortion or carrying the baby to term. She opted for the latter; she chose to carry Tim to term.

Someone explain to me how this ad will promote an anti-choice message. Or is 'choice' only applicable when the choice made is abortion?

Yup, "Pro-Choice" is a pure bullshit name for their side of the issue, it's pro abortion and that's it that's all. If you choose life you don't fit their agenda.

Between the two it is the pro-life camp that has a bullshit term. Trying to tell others what to do with their bodies is not pro-life. By definition it is anti-choice. They don't want women to have the ability to make their own decisions. Pro-choice is accurate because it respects women's right to choose. It is ridiculous to claim being pro choice = pro abortion. If pro life means no abortions then pro abortion would be all abortions. Can you point out where the pro choice crowd advocates terminating all pregnancies? If you people think you can pull your bullshit you better log off and go watch some tv. This isn't amateur night.
Women DO NOT have the right to kill a child. The father has a right to say also. If a woman does not want the child then refrain from what causes pregnancy. Unlike popular belief the constitution does not protect murdering a child.
Just think, one day Trig Palin can get on the teevee and make a similar appeal to emotion since his Mom considered aborting him.

Funny that Palin is pro-choice.
I wonder how many women who considered abortion and didn't do it regret their choice. I heard about a woman a few years ago who was stalked by the son she had put up for adoption after being brutally raped and barely escaping death at the hands of the father. I believe the son finished the job his father had set out to do or nearly killed her after making her life hell for several years.
This is exactly why. We aren't against people choosing to have the baby, the mother of my child did and I am fine with that. The problem with these pro-life people is that they do not want a person to have the free will to make a choice to better their life. But these "christians" believe that people should not have any free will to terminate a pregnancy that they determine is not right for them.

Christians are so awesome, I mean they make themselves look like idiots daily.

The concern of 'pro-choice' people is self; the concern of 'pro-life' people is the life of the unborn.
So you agree, the so called "pro life" movement does not care about actual living human beings.

Don't be stupid. The unborn are human and they are alive.
WRONG!!!. It's about freedom, as I've said before, but I know you people don't want to hear it, much easier to attempt to demonize the opposition, but most pro choice people wouldn't have an abortion, they just think its the women's right to choose. Period. Spin it however you want.

And so many pro-life (anti choice is better) only care about the unborn for ideological purposes, once they are born you hear many claim"stop having kids, I dont' want my taxes to pay for your children"

Given a choice between the woman or government deciding, I'm with the woman.

How are the unborn suppose to voice their choice in the matter if 'pro-life' people don't speak for them? The unborn don't get a choice; the woman does. Spin? I don't think so, Tim.

they don't have a choice until they are born and viable.

They cannot speak for themselves. Good thing the pro-life people care and speak for them.
WRONG!!!. It's about freedom, as I've said before, but I know you people don't want to hear it, much easier to attempt to demonize the opposition, but most pro choice people wouldn't have an abortion, they just think its the women's right to choose. Period. Spin it however you want.

And so many pro-life (anti choice is better) only care about the unborn for ideological purposes, once they are born you hear many claim"stop having kids, I dont' want my taxes to pay for your children"

Given a choice between the woman or government deciding, I'm with the woman.

How are the unborn suppose to voice their choice in the matter if 'pro-life' people don't speak for them? The unborn don't get a choice; the woman does. Spin? I don't think so, Tim.
The "pro life" speaking for them is no more giving them any choice than the mother is. Many religious people are all for allowing mothers to chose which religion their baby will be raised in, (even if she puts it up for adoption!) . They should be consistent with that belief. If the woman's religious belief allows for abortion, have some respect for her religion.

Otherwise you are just sending out spin.
Given a choice between the woman or government deciding, I'm with the woman.

How are the unborn suppose to voice their choice in the matter if 'pro-life' people don't speak for them? The unborn don't get a choice; the woman does. Spin? I don't think so, Tim.
The "pro life" speaking for them is no more giving them any choice than the mother is. Many religious people are all for allowing mothers to chose which religion their baby will be raised in, (even if she puts it up for adoption!) . They should be consistent with that belief. If the woman's religious belief allows for abortion, have some respect for her religion.

Otherwise you are just sending out spin.

The unborn can't choose what religion they want to follow if they are snuffed out via abortion.
The "pro life" speaking for them is no more giving them any choice than the mother is. Many religious people are all for allowing mothers to chose which religion their baby will be raised in, (even if she puts it up for adoption!) . They should be consistent with that belief. If the woman's religious belief allows for abortion, have some respect for her religion.

Otherwise you are just sending out spin.

The unborn can't choose what religion they want to follow if they are snuffed out via abortion.
In other words, the religion of the pregnant woman is irrelevant. Only that of the anti-choicers counts. :cuckoo:
Yup, "Pro-Choice" is a pure bullshit name for their side of the issue, it's pro abortion and that's it that's all. If you choose life you don't fit their agenda.

Between the two it is the pro-life camp that has a bullshit term. Trying to tell others what to do with their bodies is not pro-life. By definition it is anti-choice. They don't want women to have the ability to make their own decisions. Pro-choice is accurate because it respects women's right to choose. It is ridiculous to claim being pro choice = pro abortion. If pro life means no abortions then pro abortion would be all abortions. Can you point out where the pro choice crowd advocates terminating all pregnancies? If you people think you can pull your bullshit you better log off and go watch some tv. This isn't amateur night.
Women DO NOT have the right to kill a child. The father has a right to say also. If a woman does not want the child then refrain from what causes pregnancy. Unlike popular belief the constitution does not protect murdering a child.

The right of 1st trimester abortion is protected by constitutional law.

btw, if fathers are to have a say, how do you propose to break the tie if father says no abortion, mother says abortion?

Secondly, how do you prove the man is the father?
It's their standard playbook stuff. Those in favor of killing babies - that is, a woman's right to choose (to kill) - have no tolerance for those who want to preserve lives.

Right to life is pretty clear and simple. Right to choose is simply a euphemistic way to say they favor killing.

This is exactly why. We aren't against people choosing to have the baby, the mother of my child did and I am fine with that. The problem with these pro-life people is that they do not want a person to have the free will to make a choice to better their life. But these "christians" believe that people should not have any free will to terminate a pregnancy that they determine is not right for them.

Christians are so awesome, I mean they make themselves look like idiots daily.

The concern of 'pro-choice' people is self; the concern of 'pro-life' people is the life of the unborn.

No, the concern of pro-life people is sticking their noses where they don't belong.
Since cocaine is illegal to use in the US does that mean no one has ever suggested I use it? Euthanasia is also illegal ( except Oregon) but I know doctors who have suggested it and practiced such. Abortion was once illegal in the states but they were still performed.
I did not miss your articles. I still think Mrs Tebrow needs to do some 'splainin'. She had to have left an awful lot out of her story for it to be even be somewhat plausible. I think she's a publicity grabbing liar.

What exactly did she lie about?
That she was told to have an abortion. To her it was just a white lie. :cuckoo:

You have evidence that suggest she wasn't advised to have an abortion?

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