Timcast IRL : Ron Paul

It's Happening! Republicans never should have screwed Ron in 08 and 12 outta the primary

Ah yes. I remember '08 and '12 like it was yesterday. Particularly the Rally for the Republic at the Target Center when the minions at the RNC convention stole his delegates and didn't let him speak, even after he'd won the right to do so.

Oh, he spoke alright. Heh heh. Yes indeed. We don't need no stinking RNC to be able to speak...or FOX..or anyone else...


Besides. Being about it > talking about it.
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He was such a libertarian....he ran as a Republican. No thanks.

It's not about trying to just hurry up and get elected. It's about changing the course of history. It's about changing the nature dialogue. Teaching people to ask the right questions and to not fear doing so, no matter the threat, though empty as they tend to be. Takes time. And patience. But it cannot be stopped. The education campaign after any given election campaign, that is. It's a bit of a deeper discussion, really.

At the end of the day, Ron's only one guy. He puts his pants on the same way anyone else does. And his time is short, given his age, though he's still rather sharp. The difference in him and your standard establishment politician carrying water for the party-of-one is that those who share his as well as the Founders' principles and vision do not require being led. They're doers rather than talkers. They're, generally speaking, fully capable without him. That Target Center, for instance, didn't fill itself up on such short notice when the RNC screwed him out of his delegates and gave em to Romney and cut him from their own convention down the road, all in the name of forwarding the illusion of ''Party Unity,'' as they referred to it. A Thomas Jefferson type comes along about once every century. And that's how brush fires start.
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He was such a libertarian....he ran as a Republican. No thanks.

Libertarian, as a label, does not necessarily connote, either conservative, or liberal. It is just a set of principles. Meaning, freedom and liberty.

It is the belief, that free markets, and private institutions, people, working together, VOLUNTARILY, absent threatened force or bribery, can do better, than what entrenched power given a state sanctioned monopoly, can ever do.


Is the principle, all of our founding fathers, both on the left, and on the right, held to. They did not cotton to the corrupted monetary deals between the crown and their corporate partners, much like what has grown up in D.C. today.

I doubt you even listened to that podcast, you just passed by this thread, to issue forth your stupid comment, didn't you? :dunno:

But really, nothing has changed. We are still in an endless war, the federal government continues to violate and encroach upon everyone's guaranteed Bill of rights, civil liberties and civil rights, the national debt and spending by the corrupt establishment still grows on and on w/o a check on it, and the FED is still corrupt without a complete and transparent audit of all its activities.

And the cabal media never have any questions about any of these issues for our uni-party. The people of this nation, don't have any REAL choice for who they want to represent them, they just get to have their false media and false candidates, separate them over stupid and silly culture war issues, more and more.


Nope, nothing has substantially changed, since the days when Paul was in D.C., and I don't expect it will, till we are in a global police state, or until the Republic shall fall. . .

Third-Party Candidates Gather In Show Of Unity​

"Instead, Paul offered a general endorsement of outside candidates. Three such candidates joined him at the Press Club. All of them signed onto a platform that included the following principles:

  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible.
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties.
  • Reducing the national debt.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve.
The candidates endorsing these positions come from widely divergent backgrounds: Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney is a former Democratic congresswoman from Georgia; Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin used to be a leader in Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority; Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and frequent presidential candidate who is running as an independent.. . . "
Libertarian, as a label, does not necessarily connote, either conservative, or liberal. It is just a set of principles. Meaning, freedom and liberty.

It is the belief, that free markets, and private institutions, people, working together, VOLUNTARILY, absent threatened force or bribery, can do better, than what entrenched power given a state sanctioned monopoly, can ever do.


Is the principle, all of our founding fathers, both on the left, and on the right, held to. They did not cotton to the corrupted monetary deals between the crown and their corporate partners, much like what has grown up in D.C. today.

I doubt you even listened to that podcast, you just passed by this thread, to issue forth your stupid comment, didn't you? :dunno:

But really, nothing has changed. We are still in an endless war, the federal government continues to violate and encroach upon everyone's guaranteed Bill of rights, civil liberties and civil rights, the national debt and spending by the corrupt establishment still grows on and on w/o a check on it, and the FED is still corrupt without a complete and transparent audit of all its activities.

And the cabal media never have any questions about any of these issues for our uni-party. The people of this nation, don't have any REAL choice for who they want to represent them, they just get to have their false media and false candidates, separate them over stupid and silly culture war issues, more and more.

View attachment 781107

Nope, nothing has substantially changed, since the days when Paul was in D.C., and I don't expect it will, till we are in a global police state, or until the Republic shall fall. . .

Third-Party Candidates Gather In Show Of Unity​

"Instead, Paul offered a general endorsement of outside candidates. Three such candidates joined him at the Press Club. All of them signed onto a platform that included the following principles:
  • Ending the Iraq war as quickly as possible.
  • Strengthening privacy and civil liberties.
  • Reducing the national debt.
  • Auditing the Federal Reserve.
The candidates endorsing these positions come from widely divergent backgrounds: Green Party candidate Cynthia McKinney is a former Democratic congresswoman from Georgia; Constitution Party candidate Chuck Baldwin used to be a leader in Jerry Falwell's Moral Majority; Ralph Nader is a consumer advocate and frequent presidential candidate who is running as an independent.. . . "
TL, DR, DC...

He is a libertarian. There is a libertarian party. He chose to run as a republican. Speaks volumes of the man.
It's my own view that the best member of congress is Thomas Massie.

And the best Senator being Rand Paul.

Both of these gentlemen are consistent purveyors of economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government.

They're RINOS, of course.

They held their noses and ran as Republicans when Republicans forgot how to be Republicans and there's really nobody consistently better with regard to those matters of critical importance in the Republican Party. The establishment Republicans are historically horrible on these matters in every regard and generally pose no real challenge to their usurp but rather tend to help the usurp and bad policy along. About the only time an establishment Republican will vote in favor of anything regarding economic freedom, personal liberty, fiscal responsibility, and constitutionally limited government is when they know it has no chance of really passing and it's generally just for show.

The reason I mention this is Beale's thoughts about things not ever changing.

It really depends on how you look at things. What it is that you're actually trying to change for a specific purpose. As I said. It takes time. And patience. One step at a time type of deal...
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I stated the same thing I stated twice now.

Paul is a political hack who belongs to one party but runs under another party's label to get a gig.

That you can't see it is sad but not surprising. You've been lying to yourself all your life.

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