Time for a little truth about the election of 2016


Platinum Member
Nov 16, 2016
CNN has an opinion piece where it is claimed that Hillary lost the election because of sexism. The proof is rather odd for such a claim. The argument is that Trump was so awful in what he said, that only because of Sexism could Hillary have lost.

Hillary Clinton lost because of sexism (opinion) - CNN.com

Dave Barry the noted Humor Columnist wrote a very long article called "The History of the Millennium, so far" which had a quote that comes to mind. Dave said that Richard Nixon won the election despite overwhelming evidence that he was Richard Nixon.

I've felt that way about the Democratic Primary for quite some time. Hillary won despite overwhelming evidence that she was Hillary Clinton.

The truth is that Clinton did better against Trump in the head to head polling than she did against just about any other Republican Candidate. Kasich was beating her in every single poll done as one example. The problem is that the fluctuations in the various head to head polling obscured. That was that Hillary was not a strong candidate. Blaming sexism, Comey, the leaked emails, or any other bunch of factors is to deny the long Hillary history.

Hillary's ethics have been on display many times. Starting with the campaign to elect Bill in 1992 when Hillary managed the "Bimbo Eruptions". The Travel Office was next, and then it went downhill so to speak. The excuses when these came to light were weak, to just flat assed insulting. The Rose Law Firm billing records that were discovered in a closet two years after they had been reported as missing are one example.

The other problem with Hillary as a candidate was arrogance. Granted, Trump had her equaled, and probably even surpassed on that front. However, Trump's long history of arrogance wasn't in elected and appointed positions. Shady deals and outright corruption followed the Clinton's from day one, and remember I am a person who voted for Bill twice.

The truth is that Hillary was a really bad candidate. She had tons of luggage, and unless she was being fed softball questions, or questions she'd had an opportunity to prepare for, she seemed off balance and even possibly delusional. It wasn't hard to figure that Hillary had endured some sort of Stroke or other enfeebling condition.

That arrogance came into play when the Blue Wall was threatened. In the show West Wing, the President says some harsh things about the Left of his own party. One of the representatives of the left takes issue with it and chews Toby's ass. Toby laughs and asked who were the Left going to vote for? The Republicans?

That was the dismissive attitude by Hillary to many of the factions that make up the Democratic Party. Entertaining TV sure, but not exactly a way to win votes.

That's the final part of the truth that I am going to post here today. Hillary campaigned against Trump, but offered no vision other than a Trump free American Government. Trump as much of an ass as he was, told people what they wanted to hear. This is one, and only one example of this trend. The people had been furious about illegal immigration for more than a decade. Remember when Bush tried to push through Immigraiton Reform and John McCain spearheaded it? The people responded by sending Bricks to Congress. Bricks arrived by the hundreds every day. The Bush effort culminated in decrying everyone who wanted a wall as a racist. Yet, the people didn't back down. They kept demanding security first.

Hillary offered no answer to the problem of illegal immigration other than denouncing Trump as a Racist. The Republicans were right to reject that argument. Worse, that argument means that the Democrats can never look at the issue of illegal immigration seriously because if they do, they become the racists.

The Democrats cede the entire argument to the Republicans, and leave themselves with only one response option. The Republicans are mean because they want a wall. The Democrats say this safe behind fences and guards and walls that protect them from us. The lame argument that walls don't work while the Secret Service is asking for a bigger fence around the White House is a little asinine don't you think?

Trump was an ass. Still is an ass really. His approval numbers were horrific. But Hillary's weren't much better. The way I phrased it during the campaign was like this. Trump was only slightly more popular than Herpes. Hillary was only slightly more popular than Trump.

You win elections by giving the people something to vote for, not by stomping your foot and demanding they vote against the other guy. The argument that we suck less isn't a winner. When people reject that argument, and they do almost inevitably, then denouncing the voters who decided you didn't actually suck less is just flat assed stupid.

Learn from your mistakes, learn from your defeats. Imagine if the United States had looked at the wreckage of Pearl Harbor and decided they needed more Battleships instead of Aircraft Carriers. Sticking to the losing plan and ignoring all the evidence to the contrary just means you're going to lose again, and again, and again.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?
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I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.

What species of whale was it named after?

Just exactly when and where did this argument take place? The HMS Prince of Wales was sunk a whopping 3 days after Pearl Harbor.

Monday-morning quarterbacking of history?
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Yes, it was Hillary's sexism that lost her the election. She thought she was entitled to presidency just because she had a vag.
This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.
What a bizarre analogy. In both cases the ships were destroyed because of a total lack of air cover. Little did it matter as the battleship had already become obsolete though it was not yet widely understood.

I do understand comparing Hillary to an old battleship though.
Clinton lost for many reasons, as a private citizen she may make good or bad statements about why, It had to be painful. she lost, tar & feather is not needed.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?
That's been my lament since the election.

It appears that one of the many negative symptoms of ideology is that it makes the afflicted unable to look in the mirror.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.

What species of whale was it named after?

Just exactly when and where did this argument take place? The HMS Prince of Wales was sunk a whopping 3 days after Pearl Harbor.

Monday-morning quarterbacking of history?

Well. It was mentioned it more than two books that I've read on the subject. The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor, but I'm sure that it would have ended the second the attack started.
Clinton lost for many reasons, as a private citizen she may make good or bad statements about why, It had to be painful. she lost, tar & feather is not needed.

The problem with that is the future. Hillary's comments are mainstream belief in the inner circles of the Democratic Party.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.

What species of whale was it named after?

Just exactly when and where did this argument take place? The HMS Prince of Wales was sunk a whopping 3 days after Pearl Harbor.

Monday-morning quarterbacking of history?

Well. It was mentioned it more than two books that I've read on the subject. The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor, but I'm sure that it would have ended the second the attack started.

So I just destroyed the argument you described in two books you read because they failed to account that only 3 days had passed?

Look up General Billy Mitchell.
Democrats believe they are making the case that they do not need a new candidate. They need new voters.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.

What species of whale was it named after?

Just exactly when and where did this argument take place? The HMS Prince of Wales was sunk a whopping 3 days after Pearl Harbor.

Monday-morning quarterbacking of history?

Well. It was mentioned it more than two books that I've read on the subject. The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor, but I'm sure that it would have ended the second the attack started.

So I just destroyed the argument you described in two books you read because they failed to account that only 3 days had passed?

Look up General Billy Mitchell.

The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor. It certainly would have been going on as the news broke. Come now. Can't you look around? Ever time there is a school shooting the gun control types are on the camera before the blood has dried screaming about how this proves we need gun control.

People who are passionate about their beliefs never stop trying to prove they were right.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?

After Pearl Harbor the Battleship Admirals argued that it was because the ships were stationary that they had been destroyed by the airplanes. If only the ships had been moving they would not have suffered as much damage.

This argument was laid to rest when the British Battleship Prince of Whales was sunk while underway and ready.

Realizing the truth means accepting that your assumptions were wrong and that is a very hard thing for most people to do. Realizing that you have dedicated a substantial portion of your life to a fantasy is more than some people can handle.

What species of whale was it named after?

Just exactly when and where did this argument take place? The HMS Prince of Wales was sunk a whopping 3 days after Pearl Harbor.

Monday-morning quarterbacking of history?

Well. It was mentioned it more than two books that I've read on the subject. The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor, but I'm sure that it would have ended the second the attack started.

So I just destroyed the argument you described in two books you read because they failed to account that only 3 days had passed?

Look up General Billy Mitchell.

The argument was going on for years before Pearl Harbor. It certainly would have been going on as the news broke. Come now. Can't you look around? Ever time there is a school shooting the gun control types are on the camera before the blood has dried screaming about how this proves we need gun control.

People who are passionate about their beliefs never stop trying to prove they were right.

That is true, but your reasoning regarding the Prince of Wales was faulty. That's all.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?
That's been my lament since the election.

It appears that one of the many negative symptoms of ideology is that it makes the afflicted unable to look in the mirror.
You were repeatedly told that the Democrat party was no good, and now you have absolute proof, yet you voted for HER anyway. Go figure.
I do wish Hillary and the rest of the Democratic party would realize that the more she goes on, the more people are going to focus on the OTHER reasons she didn't win. It's counterproductive. Don't they get that?
That's been my lament since the election.

It appears that one of the many negative symptoms of ideology is that it makes the afflicted unable to look in the mirror.
You were repeatedly told that the Democrat party was no good, and now you have absolute proof, yet you voted for HER anyway. Go figure.
Yep, and that should be a pretty good indication of what I think of Trump.

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