2016 Hillary Donor donated $300K to Trump After Today's Persecution.

Even if that were true, it's a misdemeanor that gets you a fine. The fined Hillary for the exact same thing. What she did was far worse of course.
Hillary slept with a porn star and had David Pecker catch and kill all the whores and her sexual encounters from the public to help her win her candidacy?I

Okee dokie!😁
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

Yes, all those criminals in the US, they're all subject to miscarriages of justice.

We don't need LAW AND ORDER, we need CHAOS. The republicans said.
Okay, that one worked.

So many fallacies in his post. So many fallacies.

,I'll address one. The sucker played a video of Trump saying Germany is owned by Trump.

Yeah, how stupid did that claim turn out to be? :lol:

And yet the sucker doesn't see it.

After us, Germany is the biggest supplier of arms and aid to Ukraine.

So much for being owned by Russia. The simp doesn't even see it. Willfully blind.

I notice the sucker did not mention Trump has recently invited Putin to invade NATO.

Up until that day, Trumptards use to claim Biden invited Putin to invade Ukraine.

We don't hear that any more now that Trump actually has invited Putin to invade NATO.

If Trump is elected, Putin will be in Kyiv by the end of 2025. And he will then be turning his greedy eye toward the Baltic states.

The dipshit is also backing a traitor who attempted to overthrow our democracy.

Anyone who supports Trump is a fellow traveler of a traitor.

The. End.
You need 90 days observation.
It's a misdemeanor on its own, a felony if done to cover up another crime, which Trump did.
We are all still waiting for Dems to tell us what that crime is. The corrupt judge told the jury they didn't have to have proof of a crime, or identify a specific crime, if they had a gut feel that Trump was guilty of something then convict.
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

If Trump hadn't falsified his business records, he would not be in the position he is in now..... Don't do crooked things Donald.... You would not be where you are now..... how hard is that for you Donald????
Don't have an abortion Donald....
How hard is that for you Donald????
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

Some people actually love their county more than their party.
You need 90 days observation.
I'm going to inject some reality into your life.

This is going to hurt. A lot.

Dipshit Donor said Putin thinks Biden is weak and Trump is strong.

Here's the reality:

1) Donald Trump has NEVER said a harsh word about Putin. When he mentions Putin by name, he praises Putin.

If some minor celebrity hurts Trump's widdle feewings, he will rage tweet at length in the wee hours of the morning because he can't sleep over how bruised he is knowing someone out there said mean words about him.

But NEVER, not once, has Trump uttered an unkind word about Putin, a mass-murdering war criminal thug Trump has repeatedly stated his admiration for.

2) The REPUBLICANS have been withholding aid from Ukraine, while Biden and the Democrats are doing all they can to help those beleaguered people repel the illegal invasion.

Mm-kay, tard? Got your head right now?

Goddam. It is MADDENING at just how OBLIVIOUS Trump's tard herd is!


You wouldn't know reality if it crawled up your ass and did the can-can.

Fact: the only recent administration during which Putin DID NOT invade any neighbors was, in fact, the Trump Administration.
Useful retard Marjorie Taylor Greene: "My amendment today would drive the amendment, the bill for Ukraine, take each dollar amount in this Act is hereby reduced to zero."

She parrots every Communist talking point.

Putin knows who his allies are.

I think MTG's poster says it all about who Putin's American cocksuckers are.

"Ukraine is not the 51st state."

MTG thinks Ukraine is Russia's 22n'd republic.
2016 Hillary donor, Shaun Maguire stated he is prepared to lose friends and business over this. After the fascists and their miscarriage of justice persecuted Trump, Maguire announced he just donated $300k to Trump. If anyone wants to find a nazi, all they have to do is look to the left.

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