Time for Congress to own up


Mar 14, 2013
I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:


It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!
There is no petition that has the force and effect of the vote. If you don't like what your congressman is doing, vote him or her out of office.
Bankers own and run this country, have been since 1913.

Your little online petition is meaningless.
I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:


It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!

Let's share the blame a little bit, shall we? The president's golf outings cost freaking millions. Support Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert (R) amendment to withdraw funding for Barry Hussein's fun in the sun with celebrities until the White House tours are restored.
Bankers own and run this country, have been since 1913.

Your little online petition is meaningless.

Great attitude you have my friend! It's people like you who are the problem in this country. Always willing to sit back and let your government do whatever they want, without trying to take some action. Your awesome :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Millions of Americans are losing their jobs, their pensions, or taking a pay cut, while Congress sits back and collects a fat check, when it is their mismanagement that put us in this place. And no, I'm sorry, voting them out does not suffice anymore. They have to face the consequences of their action. If the entire country has to pay for Congress's short falling, why would it make sense for everyone to pay EXCEPT the ones who are responsible. This is the most asinine line of thinking. "Yea lets make all American's take a financial hit, except the ones responsible for the situation." That makes perfect sense. Ohh yea, while we're at it, lets just sit back and continue to allow them to do whatever they want. It's been working soooo well for us up to now. Why not let it continue.
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I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:


It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!

Let's share the blame a little bit, shall we? The president's golf outings cost freaking millions. Support Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert (R) amendment to withdraw funding for Barry Hussein's fun in the sun with celebrities until the White House tours are restored.

I hope you know this is not anything new. Presidents always have an expensive personal budget. Bush was not exempt either. He was on vacation 80% of his time as president before 9/11 happened and he absolutely had to be in the Office with all his war hawks planning Middle-East domination. And yes, if you compare numbers it will look like Obama spends more money than Bush and other presidents. Just remember that everything costs more money nowadays.
There is no petition that has the force and effect of the vote. If you don't like what your congressman is doing, vote him or her out of office.

That doesn't suffice anymore. I mean, if you could make over 100k a year, to sit around and argue and get nothing beneficial accomplished, wouldn't you want that job? Money is the only language these Congressmen speak now. I'd be willing to bet once you start messing with their money they will shape up. But where is the incentive for them to shape up? The worst case scenario is that they will be out of office in 6 years. By then they have already made a nice sum of money, and were able to profit plenty.

And I ask you to look at how many laws started off as petitions. These have become the most effective way to invoke change. Go read more!
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Dear Sir or Madam;
This is the kind of thing that makes the public not trust the government.
It is against the Constitution for the president to
No Senator or Representative shall during time of office for which ( he or she ) was elected, be appointed to any civil office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created or the Emoluments whereof shall have been increased during such time and no Person holding any office under the United States, shall be a member of either house during his continuance in office.
On the SNEAK Congress Lowered Hilliary Clinton's Salary so not to run afoul of the Constitution.
I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:

It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!

Lots of people DO vote, but unless your voting with the majority, the vote doesn't count. The majority vote controls the action --- and don't think for an instant that there isn't huge manipulation going on.
Blame congress? When is the left ever going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? President Hussein broke the law when he failed to submit a budget and when he finally did it turned out to be an incoherent mess filled with taxes.
Blame congress? When is the left ever going to stop whining about the unfairness of only controlling 2/3 of the federal government? President Hussein broke the law when he failed to submit a budget and when he finally did it turned out to be an incoherent mess filled with taxes.

I am neither left or right, so please do not put me in any of those categories. Thank you. Secondly, This is not a thread to bitch about Obama, so go somewhere else to do that, I am tired of hearing it already, and we still have 4 more years. This thread was started to gain support for lowering Congressional salaries. Is it time for Congress to pay for their mistakes? Yes. That is what I was trying to say. I was also trying to state that simply voting them out does not work anymore, because even though Congress has a 9% approval rating, they have a 90% return rate. So, what that means is that we, as a majority, despise what Congress is doing, yet we are so stupid we continue to elect the idiots that are impeding the growth of the country. This brought me to try and make Congress take responsibility for their actions, or rather, inactions. I will state again, that I believe it is grossly unfair to have a governing body do so horribly, and have their decision effect every single American but the ones who caused the problem. This has to change.
The sad fact is that our Representatives truly represent the vacuous American public, who would rather be told comforting lies than unvarnished truth (especially if it comes from old white guys).
incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems.

If you haven't noticed, there is nothing wrong with the economy, the only thing that is wrong now is the high price of fuel & energy. The high prices of energy is just a result of cornering the new found prosperity and wealth of the United States, its just a political move.
Lets just say that we were to keep prices where they should be and lower fuel cost ........................
Real estate, tobacco companies, food cartels, and even candy companies would all make their move on all this extra spending money the sheeple have.
We would be right back to square one ................. not enough money for the sheeple to be happy, the sheeple will never be happy, that's why they are called sheeple ..................... WAKE UP !!!
I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:

It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!

Lots of people DO vote, but unless your voting with the majority, the vote doesn't count. The majority vote controls the action --- and don't think for an instant that there isn't huge manipulation going on.

There is no substantive difference between the major parties. Both are wholly owned subsidiaries of corporations and neither party is worth a bucket of week old whorehouse slop.

The only votes that matter are votes for people in alternative parties. Until people begin to find alternatives nothing CAN change.
I know I am not alone when I say that Congress has been getting out of control for far some time now. They have been careless, dishonest, and worst of all, incompetent when it comes to solving financial problems. I would propose it is time for them to take a financial hit along with millions of Americans. I know I am new to these forums, but I could really use some support for this. I am hoping that people that read this will sign the petition and encourage people they know to sign it. Since Congress can no longer function coherently I think it is time they face the consequences.

Here is the link for the petition:


It takes 30 seconds to sign. Thank you in advance if you are willing to support it!

Let's share the blame a little bit, shall we? The president's golf outings cost freaking millions. Support Texas Rep. Louis Gohmert (R) amendment to withdraw funding for Barry Hussein's fun in the sun with celebrities until the White House tours are restored.

I hope you know this is not anything new. Presidents always have an expensive personal budget. Bush was not exempt either. He was on vacation 80% of his time as president before 9/11 happened and he absolutely had to be in the Office with all his war hawks planning Middle-East domination. And yes, if you compare numbers it will look like Obama spends more money than Bush and other presidents. Just remember that everything costs more money nowadays.

Obama is spending our money like a drunken sailor. While telling us that austerity is the way to go. Congress passed his healthcare bill and now want to opt out of it themselves. We are being played.

If we want to repair the damage our leaders are doing to us, vote for politicians that are not New World Order enthusiasts, or anxious to redistribute our wealth to their Muslim friends abroad. Start there.......
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AND.......while most of us missed it cause the MSM barely reported it, both parties in both houses speed-passed a bill last week prohibiting increased transparency related to Congressmans' proclivity to 'inside trade' and Obie rushed to sign it.
AND.......while most of us missed it cause the MSM barely reported it, both parties in both houses speed-passed a bill last week prohibiting increased transparency related to Congressmans' proclivity to 'inside trade' and Obie rushed to sign it.

Can you post a link. I want to read about this..
AND.......while most of us missed it cause the MSM barely reported it, both parties in both houses speed-passed a bill last week prohibiting increased transparency related to Congressmans' proclivity to 'inside trade' and Obie rushed to sign it.

Can you post a link. I want to read about this..

Like the svelte Syrenn likes to say, "Google is your friend".
The sad fact is that our Representatives truly represent the vacuous American public, who would rather be told comforting lies than unvarnished truth (especially if it comes from old white guys).

ROFL. Like the guy who posted right after you?

If you haven't noticed, there is nothing wrong with the economy..................

That just cracked me up. :tongue:
The sad fact is that our Representatives truly represent the vacuous American public, who would rather be told comforting lies than unvarnished truth (especially if it comes from old white guys).

ROFL. Like the guy who posted right after you?

If you haven't noticed, there is nothing wrong with the economy..................

That just cracked me up. :tongue:

I found those posts amusing as well!! Congress is NOT the voice of the people anymore..it is the voice of corporations, because our Congressmen don't have any balls to stand up for us.. they protect one thing..getting elected, and then re-elected..our problems come a distant 3rd..

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