Time for failed global warming predictions.


But but but Leondardo DiCaprio made speech at the UN!!!!

Typical stupid left wing reaction when he made his little speech to the countries of the world....


"Do you believe it now!?!?!"

To that, my reaction is.....

Matthew, are you really this stupid...The last two years "records" have been "so fucking hot" by a hundredth of a degree which was only achieved through data manipulation and a cooling of the 1940's to give the appearance of unusual warming.

Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis: Analysis Graphs and Plots

Another dumb fuck rightard. 'Hundredth of a degree'. Well it's within an order of magnitude of reality so really that's pretty good for one of them.
The CIA was taken in by the coming ice age scare of the 70's....you think the best and brightest work for government...think again.
Another dumb fuck rightard selling conspiracy and paranoia about a world wide plot to rip off a few US dumb fuck rightards. Woo hoo!
Got a rational, scientifically valid reason to explain the alteration of the historical data record?....anything?....Buler?.....Buler?....Buler?.....
Absolutely. It's a world wide scam to rip off a few US dumb fuck rightards. It would have succeeded beyond anyone's wildest dreams if the dumb fuck rightards hadn't twigged.
Dumb fuck rightards are invincibly ignorant, except they've worked out that the whole rest of the world has invented this scam to rip them off. They're pretty clever after all, eh? And to think I was going to make a fortune off them. So much for the grant money.
“Beginning in a decade or two [i.e. by 2005], scientists expect the warming of the atmosphere to melt the polar icecaps…”



2007: U.N. Scientists say only eight years left to avoid worst effects

UN scientists warn time is running out to tackle global warming


2009: ABC News Envisioned Apocalyptic 2015 Triggered By Climate Change

Flashback: ABC News Envisioned Apocalyptic 2015 Triggered By Climate Change [VIDEO]


In August 2009, then Senator John Kerry said the Arctic would be ice-free by the summer of 2013

In August 2009, then Senator John Kerry... - Senator Ted Cruz | Facebook


“‘Excessively high temperatures’ are ‘already’ harming public health nationwide…”

Barack Obama, Nov. 1, 2013

Executive Order: 'Excessively High Temperatures' 'Already' Harming Public Health


Inconvenient Truths: 2014 Atmospheric Natural Disasters Way Down …No Trend In Tornado/Cyclones Since 1950!

Inconvenient Truths: 2014 Global Natural Disasters Down Massively! …No Trend In Tornado/Cyclones Since 1950!

I have a lot more.

Oooops was this suppose to be in the environmental section or political? I think political, don't you?

And what did the other side predict? Nothing. Why? Because they don't have an argument, they simply bash everything the other side does.

One side is based around education and trying to understand. The other is based on hatred.

Why we don't predict abything about weather/climate and mother nature?

Because we are not stupid ducks.

We like hard science, we still don't have enough data.


Sure, don't have enough data. Who is getting the data? The people making predictions. Predictions are just that. The problem is many people will take predictions as PURE FACT and then slam them when they're wrong.

What do you expect?

You seem to think that we'll just suddenly understand everything one day. Maybe, once we've completely destroyed the planet, then, and only then, will we be 100% sure.

Tell me buckwheat....back when those crazy predictions were being made, were you speaking out saying that we don't have enough data to make such predictions?...were you speaking out saying that they were just predictions and didn't really hold any weight?...or were you, like you are today, right behind all the predictions being made today that won't come to pass...then when those predictions fail, will you be making the same excuse then?

They're predictions. They used what evidence they had. That's what predictions are.

So, no, I said they were predictions then and anything people say now I'll say they are still predictions and if you don't know what a prediction is, then you need to go get a dictionary.

The irony of this poster is that the other side gets loads of funding from oil companies. Hmmmm forgot to mention that or you were using a biased cartoon?

As for getting stuck in ice, well, it's not our fault you don't understand how the world works.
watching how people can be brainwashed with this Globull warming AKA "climate change. (they changed it from Globull warming so they can use any and all CLIMATE for their BS and to call the CITIZENS they Represents and doesn't BOW, names) it has been an eye opener. I think they would be for rounding up the so called, "deniers" people who Disagrees with them: and be imprisoned . scary
You nutters said it was deforming frogs and the world was gonna die, then it was discovered a mite was deforming frogs.
Yeah? I hadn't heard that. What I heard and read was that it was going to let more UV through and rates of skin cancer would increase. Do you disagree with that?

The liberal alarmist shut up about the ozone hole didn't they, case closed.

The irony of this poster is that the other side gets loads of funding from oil companies. Hmmmm forgot to mention that or you were using a biased cartoon?

As for getting stuck in ice, well, it's not our fault you don't understand how the world works.
Yep, and YOU and Billions of others lives off the oil.

We end up living off the oil because the oil companies make sure alternative energy sources don't get utilized enough. So....

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