Time to buy LED lightbulbs.

LED bulbs would save you hundreds of dollars. They last a loooong time.

I bet I must have at least 150-200 light bulbs. Twice I filled a shopping cart up half with them. I have maybe $25 invested in all of them. After Brarackass The Jackass meddled in the free market and didn't leave it up to free will and market forces for people to decide what they wanted to use and misused his governmental power and forced the closing of all the light bulb factories, they were practically giving them away in stores. I'll use them till the day I die just to spite that jackass asshole bastard. If they cost me a little more, I don't care, I can afford it. I have a whole big closet shelf filled with them! I've had people over who said: "Where did you get all those light bulbs?!" You can't buy them anymore and a lot of people wish they could find them. I'm not selling any of mine.
Yes, we get it, you have an incandescent light bulb fetish, and we have President Blackenstein to thank for that. By the way, that is freakish on your part. yes, LED bulbs would save you a lot of money, over the long run. By every measure. No, you are not going to get around simple mathematics, just because you have an Obama fetish. Come on, man.
yes, LED bulbs would save you a lot of money, over the long run.

Over the long run.

I use a high speed fiber optic IP. I could save a lot of money by going to slower technology.

I use a custom built MacPro computer with 4 Hitachi drives set up as a RAID 5. I could save a lot of money by buying a Hewlett Packard with Windows 10 at Best Buy.

I look through a custom telescope with optics special ground from the melt data of that particular batch made in Russia at a factory that makes its own glass for Russian aerospace with a strehl of 98.5. I could save a lot of money by buying a scope from Sears.

I drive a fast car with an engine of high volumetric efficiency with a V-8 DOHC Hemi that is lucky to get 24 mpg if I go easy. I could save tons by driving a sardine can with eggbeater that gets 40 mpg. My car doesn't have a blackbox either.

I listen to music on a stereo with six power amps, three solid state, the other three tube, that puts out 3000 watts. I could save a lot of money by listening on an iPhone (or whatever is used now) and little earbuds.

I could save a lot of money over the long run by eliminating a cellular backup on my alarm system!

I could save a lot of money by eliminating steak and seafood and just eating only cereal and pasta.

It gives me great pleasure to have and use regular light bulbs and thumb my nose at another useless mandate when all others are forced into LEDs by government fiat. Before LEDs came along, no one was screaming: SAVE ME FROM THE HIGH COST OF INCANDESCENT BULBS! I mean, if light bulbs are killing your budget, then you DO have a problem. I don't need the fed telling me how to light my house, especially when I know they are the ultimate wasters! If we want to save the world for the good of the planet, just eliminate 95% of all government jobs. Their only duly authorized responsibility is to protect our borders and homeland. They can't even do that right.
yes, LED bulbs would save you a lot of money, over the long run.

Over the long run.

I use a high speed fiber optic IP. I could save a lot of money by going to slower technology.

I use a custom built MacPro computer with 4 Hitachi drives set up as a RAID 5. I could save a lot of money by buying a Hewlett Packard with Windows 10 at Best Buy.

I look through a custom telescope with optics special ground from the melt data of that particular batch made in Russia at a factory that makes its own glass for Russian aerospace with a strehl of 98.5. I could save a lot of money by buying a scope from Sears.

I drive a fast car with an engine of high volumetric efficiency with a V-8 DOHC Hemi that is lucky to get 24 mpg if I go easy. I could save tons by driving a sardine can with eggbeater that gets 40 mpg. My car doesn't have a blackbox either.

I listen to music on a stereo with six power amps, three solid state, the other three tube, that puts out 3000 watts. I could save a lot of money by listening on an iPhone (or whatever is used now) and little earbuds.

I could save a lot of money over the long run by eliminating a cellular backup on my alarm system!

I could save a lot of money by eliminating steak and seafood and just eating only cereal and pasta.

It gives me great pleasure to have and use regular light bulbs and thumb my nose at another useless mandate when all others are forced into LEDs by government fiat. I don't need the fed telling me how to light my house, especially when I know they are the ultimate wasters! If we want to save the world for the good of the planet, just eliminate 95% of all government jobs. Their only duly authorized responsibility is to protect our borders and homeland. They can't even do that right.
So, you only use them out of spite. I find that to be very odd behavior, and unbecoming of a rational adult. but whatever. enjoy them while you can, i guess.
So, you only use them out of spite. I find that to be very odd behavior, and unbecoming of a rational adult. but whatever. enjoy them while you can, i guess.

No! I use them because I LIKE them! I use them because I prefer them! WHO ARE YOU that I need to EXPLAIN my choice of bulb to? That it is a finger in Obama's face is only an added benefit. You talk about unbecoming irrational behavior, yet it apparently upsets you that I made the choice years ago to stick with regular light bulbs! Don't you believe in freedom of choice? You have no choice. I do. If you want to pay my electric bill, I'll switch 100% over to LED's and throw every incandescent out, otherwise, move on.
So, you only use them out of spite. I find that to be very odd behavior, and unbecoming of a rational adult. but whatever. enjoy them while you can, i guess.

No! I use them because I LIKE them! I use them because I prefer them! WHO ARE YOU that I need to EXPLAIN my choice of bulb to? That it is a finger in Obama's face is only an added benefit. You talk about unbecoming irrational behavior, yet it apparently upsets you that I made the choice years ago to stick with regular light bulbs! Don't you believe in freedom of choice? You have no choice. I do. If you want to pay my electric bill, I'll switch 100% over to LED's and throw every incandescent out, otherwise, move on.
"I use them because I LIKE them! ...WHO ARE YOU that I need to EXPLAIN my choice of bulb to?"

Good question... I never even asked... yet you explained anyway... you said, "I'll use them till the day I die just to spite that jackass asshole bastard."

Are you yelling at me, or at yourself? Are you even posting to me, or just to yourself? Your posts make more sense, if we just point them at each other, now that I think about it. :)
The price factor is vanishing as the LEDs get cheaper.

But for reading where you used to use a 50/100/150 Watt lamp I have not found an LED replacement that matches the illumination these old eyes need. For now I have probably a lifetime supply of incandescents bought cheap when the big push for LEDs got rolling. So cheap that IF somebody comes up with a suitable replacement that will meet my needs I can use the incandescent stock for target practice and not be out much.

But....and I know there will be liberals who try to deny this...if you put an LED lamp within about 5-feet of an AM radio you'll save a little money since you'll turn the radio off 'cause the LED hash will make it useless. Maybe there are premium LED lamps that don't do this but I haven't found any.

Oh, if you have dimmers on any light fixtures? Be careful - there ARE LED lamps designed to work with them but they're specially marked and specially (high) priced.
The price factor is vanishing as the LEDs get cheaper.

But for reading where you used to use a 50/100/150 Watt lamp I have not found an LED replacement that matches the illumination these old eyes need. For now I have probably a lifetime supply of incandescents bought cheap when the big push for LEDs got rolling. So cheap that IF somebody comes up with a suitable replacement that will meet my needs I can use the incandescent stock for target practice and not be out much.

But....and I know there will be liberals who try to deny this...if you put an LED lamp within about 5-feet of an AM radio you'll save a little money since you'll turn the radio off 'cause the LED hash will make it useless. Maybe there are premium LED lamps that don't do this but I haven't found any.

Oh, if you have dimmers on any light fixtures? Be careful - there ARE LED lamps designed to work with them but they're specially marked and specially (high) priced.
All fair poonts. The tech will just get better. Within a couple decades we'll have LED surfaces, put into any shape and brightness and color we choose. And they'll be powered by induction...nothing to "screw in"
USMB Republicans have been critical of LED bulbs insisting they are two expensive.

95% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat, the remaining 5% is light. Run a 60 watt incandescent bulb for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. What do you feel?

Run an LED bulb that's comparable for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. Feel any heat at all?

LED bulbs last 50 times longer.

Just saw an add on TV for four 60 Watt comparable LED bulbs for $4.99..

That brings the cost of LED bulbs in line with the cost of incandescent bulbs. As LED bulbs are used more and more, the cost will continue to decline. How many lights in your house?

New "Light Recycling" Incandescent Bulbs Could Outperform Energy-Efficient LEDs

But all is not lost. Scientists are figuring out a way to recycle the heat which might eventually make incandescent bulbs more efficient.

When you pry it from my cold, dead hand ...

USMB Republicans have been critical of LED bulbs insisting they are two expensive.

95% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat, the remaining 5% is light. Run a 60 watt incandescent bulb for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. What do you feel?

Run an LED bulb that's comparable for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. Feel any heat at all?

LED bulbs last 50 times longer.

Just saw an add on TV for four 60 Watt comparable LED bulbs for $4.99..

That brings the cost of LED bulbs in line with the cost of incandescent bulbs. As LED bulbs are used more and more, the cost will continue to decline. How many lights in your house?

New "Light Recycling" Incandescent Bulbs Could Outperform Energy-Efficient LEDs

But all is not lost. Scientists are figuring out a way to recycle the heat which might eventually make incandescent bulbs more efficient.

You are quite right about everything you say, but traditionally, I could get an incandescent light bulb for 50¢ to a dollar vs. $5.00 - $10.00. I remember TFT bulbs going for $20.00. I know they've come down but still, their longevity is offset by their cost. Further, I just like a simple incandescent light bulb. Basically an empty glass bubble and a tiny filament. No mercury, no diodes, no plastic shells. When one burns out, I just throw it away.

Besides, when bulbs were forced discontinued by Obama to FORCE the TFT and LED market, and bulb prices went way down, I bought a SHITLOAD of incandescent bulbs! Every kind, every shape and wattage. I have enough to last me the rest of my life. Besides, that heat generated isn't wasted one bit in colder weather---- that heat goes a ways towards heating my home.

I too bought a load of the ones I use the most. I now live alone so I only have one or two on at a time. I have a 60w in my bedroom lamp and the same in the bath. Both are well over a year old and cost about $0.50 or $0.60 each in bulk packages.

I tried an LED in the kitchen light after the 100w bulbs had been outlawed. It was supposed to last over five years, was EXPENSIVE, weird color light and lasted less than six months. Tried another, same thing, lasted about six months. Replaced it and the one in my range hood with florescent and haven't changed anything since.

The stock I have will probably outlive me!
Both are well over a year old and cost about $0.50 or $0.60 each in bulk packages.

Right! They are so damn cheap, who cares if they only last a year? I was buying 4 packs for something like a $1.99! That is .25 cents a bulb! Oh, but they are so costly to operate! They hardly consume any power to begin with, and they are no more inefficient than they have been over the past century! Never heard anyone crying over the cost of lighting up a room; not in the 60's, not in the '70's, 80's, 90's and beyond. Now all of a sudden, I can cut my electric bill by a THIRD just by using different light bulbs.

No, I should go out and spend $7.99 on one light bulb. If I were to convert my house over to LED lights, it would cost me at least $250-$300! I estimate it would take a DECADE just for me to break even on their expense. I have some incandescents that I bet have not been changed in 10-15 years or LONGER. If I ever had the motivation, I could make little things using an NTC device (negative temperature coefficient) that would double or triple the life of a light bulb by eliminating that 'shock' on them when first turned on. I've come to the conclusion that half of the jackasses on this forum must work for the DNC, the other have must work for the LED lighting consortium. :p
When you pry it from my cold, dead hand ...

Don't worry, that hand won't be too cold. Your light bulb will help keep it warm. Ever been out under a car in winter with a trouble light? That little bit of warmth is a blessing. And what about germinators for seedlings and things where the warmth actually helps stimulate growth? There are a thousand ways that incandescents serve better over these newer complicated, high cost replacements.
I too bought a load of the ones I use the most. I now live alone so I only have one or two on at a time. I have a 60w in my bedroom lamp and the same in the bath. Both are well over a year old and cost about $0.50 or $0.60 each in bulk packages.

I tried an LED in the kitchen light after the 100w bulbs had been outlawed. It was supposed to last over five years, was EXPENSIVE, weird color light and lasted less than six months. Tried another, same thing, lasted about six months. Replaced it and the one in my range hood with florescent and haven't changed anything since.

Modern LED bulbs are cheap, look great, and really do last a long time. And, you really are spending hundreds of dollar extra each year by not going to LED bulbs. That makes you stupid. And, I'm calling you stupid because your bad experience has led you to be a fountain of bad in formation.
USMB Republicans have been critical of LED bulbs insisting they are two expensive.

95% of the energy used by an incandescent bulb is converted to heat, the remaining 5% is light. Run a 60 watt incandescent bulb for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. What do you feel?

Run an LED bulb that's comparable for 10 minutes and then unscrew the bulb by hand. Feel any heat at all?

LED bulbs last 50 times longer.

Just saw an add on TV for four 60 Watt comparable LED bulbs for $4.99..

That brings the cost of LED bulbs in line with the cost of incandescent bulbs. As LED bulbs are used more and more, the cost will continue to decline. How many lights in your house?

New "Light Recycling" Incandescent Bulbs Could Outperform Energy-Efficient LEDs

But all is not lost. Scientists are figuring out a way to recycle the heat which might eventually make incandescent bulbs more efficient.

The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide to Energy Saving Light Bulbs | OVO Energy


So, for 250+ brightness, you need 4W for LED, 6W for CFL and 25W for standard bulbs. Makes sense really.
I too bought a load of the ones I use the most. I now live alone so I only have one or two on at a time. I have a 60w in my bedroom lamp and the same in the bath. Both are well over a year old and cost about $0.50 or $0.60 each in bulk packages.

I tried an LED in the kitchen light after the 100w bulbs had been outlawed. It was supposed to last over five years, was EXPENSIVE, weird color light and lasted less than six months. Tried another, same thing, lasted about six months. Replaced it and the one in my range hood with florescent and haven't changed anything since.

Modern LED bulbs are cheap, look great, and really do last a long time. And, you really are spending hundreds of dollar extra each year by not going to LED bulbs. That makes you stupid. And, I'm calling you stupid because your bad experience has led you to be a fountain of bad in formation.

So says the steaming jackass . . . .
When you pry it from my cold, dead hand ...

Don't worry, that hand won't be too cold. Your light bulb will help keep it warm. Ever been out under a car in winter with a trouble light? That little bit of warmth is a blessing. And what about germinators for seedlings and things where the warmth actually helps stimulate growth? There are a thousand ways that incandescents serve better over these newer complicated, high cost replacements.

Light bulbs are light bulbs. If LEDs are truly a better product, it should have been sufficient to let the market decide that.

But, bans on incandescents, taxpayer funded subsidies to replace, expensive PSAs to inform me of the benefits of LEDs, it all stinks of evangelism.

Trust me .... THIS isn't going to sell me anything.

Light bulbs are light bulbs. If LEDs are truly a better product, it should have been sufficient to let the market decide that.

But, bans on incandescents, taxpayer funded subsidies to replace, expensive PSAs to inform me of the benefits of LEDs, it all stinks of evangelism.

You said it perfectly.
what a nut-tard thread

who dont like led

Umm...conservatives don't like LEDs. Why? Because Barack Obama likes them, Liberals like them, and Sarah Palin hated them.

There have been many threads about it here, and I'd bet you're in one vowing to keep your incandescents.

the plain truth is that you are a liar

so fuck you troll

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