Time to buy LED lightbulbs.

And oh, BTW, Asswipe, Don't parse my words, you know as well as I do that you are taking two different statements and stringing them together. Yes, I bought a shitload of bulbs, to have for the rest of my life AS I SAID IN THAT POST. I NEVER SAID that I plugged them all into lamps immediately and was burning them all over my house to heat my home! IS IT POSSIBLE that people live that are such NITWITS that they would actually make that mistake honestly?

You said your incandescent bulbs goes a ways towards heating your home. Later, you claim your lighting usage is negligible. Either you lied in your earlier statement, or you lied in your later statement, or you're too stupid to know what you're saying.
Charging your mobile devices is now comparable to operating a refrigerator.

Granted, in recent years, refrigerators have gotten more energy efficient and phone shave gotten more power hungry, but I still think there's a great canyon between electric usage of both. For people using incandescent bulbs, most of their electric bill is due to their lights lights. I doubt many plug-in car users are hoarding incandescent bulbs, more are there many plug-in car users to start with.

LED bulbs make a huge difference in people's electric bills. And, LED bulbs are better in many other ways beyond saving money. And, they're worse in practically no ways.
Charging your mobile devices is now comparable to operating a refrigerator.

Granted, in recent years, refrigerators have gotten more energy efficient and phone shave gotten more power hungry, but I still think there's a great canyon between electric usage of both. For people using incandescent bulbs, most of their electric bill is due to their lights lights. I doubt many plug-in car users are hoarding incandescent bulbs, more are there many plug-in car users to start with.

LED bulbs make a huge difference in people's electric bills. And, LED bulbs are better in many other ways beyond saving money. And, they're worse in practically no ways.

The idea of FORCING this change on people, rather than relying on the economic argument is repulsive. The whole concept that it actually HELPS to stop building more grid generation is completely ludicrous. Because any savings in the lighting has been offset by NEW INCREASED usage. You cannot save the planet by promoting NEGAWATT policy. That's the policy of idiotic feel good LEGISLATION that doesn't make substantial change in the future need for grid and generation expenses.

At the SAME TIME the govt is FORCING folks to pull 1Watt out of the wall --- they are SUBSIDIZING all manner of electric hogging vehicles that VIRTUALLY DOUBLE the electrical use of a household. It's brainless and ineffective. Let the MARKET determine what bulbs people use.. Let the electric trophy car subsidies GO AWAY. And let govt focus on providing FUTURE electric generation needs.
The idea of FORCING this change on people, rather than relying on the economic argument is repulsive.

Yes, the ignoramuses keep chanting government force is repulsive, but none of them are convincing as anarchists. They seem more like fascist hypocrites, wanting to screw themselves by screwing in obsolete bulbs, without opposing government force across the board.

The whole concept that it actually HELPS to stop building more grid generation is completely ludicrous. Because any savings in the lighting has been offset by NEW INCREASED usage.

Why would savings be offset by new usage? The switch to more efficient bulbs has already eliminated the need for about 30 new power plants in the country.

At the SAME TIME the govt is FORCING folks to pull 1Watt out of the wall --- they are SUBSIDIZING all manner of electric hogging vehicles that VIRTUALLY DOUBLE the electrical use of a household. It's brainless and ineffective. Let the MARKET determine what bulbs people use.. Let the electric trophy car subsidies GO AWAY. And let govt focus on providing FUTURE electric generation needs.

The subsidies of electric cars is vulgar. And, not at all comparable to the phase out of obsolete bulbs.

The phase-out of old-style incandescent bulbs is more comparable to the phase out of freon in air conditioners. Why isn't anyone here crying about the freon ban? The only difference is ignorance. You notice the bulb ban, but you don't notice the freon ban. That's because freon you don't buy directly yourself.
How long before the moderately rabid leftists on this site start demanding houses be searched for incandescent lamps and all the occupants be frog-marched to the village square to be burned?

Theirs is variety of Rabies that vaccines apparently cannot touch. It's spread by the spit they spew when they try to speak.
How long before the moderately rabid leftists on this site start demanding houses be searched for incandescent lamps and all the occupants be frog-marched to the village square to be burned?

The government phased out production of the most inefficient kind of bulb, and you think this might escalate into house-to-house searches? When I say you have sh1t for brains, it's not a reflection of how strongly I desire to oppress you with with better bulbs, it's a reflection of how utterly sh1t-headed you are.

When the government phased out Freon, did you rant about it and stock up on it?
How long before the moderately rabid leftists on this site start demanding houses be searched for incandescent lamps and all the occupants be frog-marched to the village square to be burned?

The government phased out production of the most inefficient kind of bulb, and you think this might escalate into house-to-house searches? When I say you have sh1t for brains, it's not a reflection of how strongly I desire to oppress you with with better bulbs, it's a reflection of how utterly sh1t-headed you are.

When the government phased out Freon, did you rant about it and stock up on it?

The government phased out production of the most inefficient kind of bulb

GE simply moved production to china

which was a real win/win for the big corporations

smooth move leftards

When the government phased out Freon

actually it is still available

hey liar you paint with broad brush ya fucking troll

which has nothing to do with not liking LEDS retard
Are you claiming conservatives didn't have a hissy-fit over light bulbs in 2011?

it is obvious you are begging for attention with your made up allegations ya lying troll
Made up? I posted three threads - click on them, then tell me that conservatives weren't apoplectic over the phasing out of incandescent bulbs.

Try to be honest for once in your life.

the links are real your allegations are a lie

ya lying troll
What do you think my allegation is?

That wingnuts went ballistic over losing their incandescent light bulbs? That is true.
And, you really are spending hundreds of dollar extra each year by not going to LED bulbs.

Please show me where two-60 watt incandescent bulbs burning 6-12 hours per day cost me two hundred dollars a year each.

I much prefer the color.

There was no purpose served in mandating we quit manufacturing incandescent bulb of 60 and 100 watts forcing people to buy A bulb for $25.00-$50.00 which required a hazmat team if one was broken. Once again the Progressives, the saviors of the low-income household did the most damage to the low-income household.

Once the price of alternative light bulbs became competitive, they would have phased themselves out without the government's intervention.
When the government phased out Freon, did you rant about it and stock up on it?

Yes, I did and the cost of the new stuff is astronomical. ar

Cars had to have their compressor's converted AGAIN hurting the low-income family the most while bothering the middle and upper-income people, not at all. Frequently using it as an excuse to buy a new car.

Yep, Progressives sure do have a peculiar way of helping their constituents.
There was no purpose served in mandating we quit manufacturing incandescent bulb of 60 and 100 watts forcing people to buy A bulb for $25.00-$50.00 which required a hazmat team if one was broken. Once again the Progressives, the saviors of the low-income household did the most damage to the low-income household.

Once the price of alternative light bulbs became competitive, they would have phased themselves out without the government's intervention.

People have excessive fear of CFL mercury, but CFLs are far from ideal replacements for incandescent bulbs. LEDs are ideal replacements. And, CFLs really did help low-income people. Old, cheap 60W bulbs were still available until CFLs become pretty cheap.

Yes, eventually most people would have switched to LEDs. But, the government's gentle shoving has prevented a great deal of waste. Many people are stupid. They can't factor into their thinking the much lower operating cost of an LED, or other benefits, when they're looking at bulbs on a store's shelf and only see a price tag. Some people wouldn't realize for yeas that an LED is nothing but a far better light bulb. "What's uh L.. E.. D? I just need a regular light bulb."

When the government phased out Freon

actually it is still available

Yeah, Freon is still available. It hasn't yet been totally phased out. But, starting with 2020, the manufacture of Freon will be totally banned. So, stock up, dumb@ss.

even the old "banned " stuff is available

hey dip shit the old style machines that use that type of freon

are havent been made for years by 2020 they will non existent

quit living in a bubble of ignorance
hey liar you paint with broad brush ya fucking troll

which has nothing to do with not liking LEDS retard
Are you claiming conservatives didn't have a hissy-fit over light bulbs in 2011?

it is obvious you are begging for attention with your made up allegations ya lying troll
Made up? I posted three threads - click on them, then tell me that conservatives weren't apoplectic over the phasing out of incandescent bulbs.

Try to be honest for once in your life.

the links are real your allegations are a lie

ya lying troll
What do you think my allegation is?

That wingnuts went ballistic over losing their incandescent light bulbs? That is true.

hey fuckhead your the one saying "all " conservatives hate LED you are still doing it ya lying troll
Just another jackass moron liberal who knows nothing while thinking you know everything and you JUST CAN'T STAND anyone disagreeing with your opinion! I so love it when you name-calling morons put your feet in your own mouth!

You are a true dumb@ss. You said, "I bought a SHITLOAD of incandescent bulbs! ... that heat goes a ways towards heating my home." That implicitly means you burn a lot of energy in bulbs. Then when I point out what an idiot you are because of all the money heating your home with incandescent bulbs costs (especially in summer), you change your pathetic tune and claim you only run about 80 watts of light.

Charging your mobile devices is now comparable to operating a refrigerator. One fancy phone will equal the load of a refrigerator by itself. Not to mention all the electric tools we were driven to because the gas powered ones now don't work or last because of regulation. So many chargers now in a common household that it all adds up.

Not to mention the Leaf or chargeable car that MIGHT be in the driveway.. The concept of ME being demanded to run a certain bulb or to "pull my chargers out of the wall when not in use" is ludicrous. I'm doing this because my NEIGHBOR might have a trophy Tesla that requires a 50KW-hr charge at 5KWatt PEAKS??? Get off my cloud..
Dude, you don't even know the types of oppressive regulations that the scumbag Democrats what to attack you with. Here's a little info for you. After the Democrats rode the 9/11 truther wave into control of congress we were one filibuster away from a federal building code that would require people to install multiple very expensive charging stations for electric cars at their residences and businesses.

With the possible exception of anally penetrating themselves with dead baby parts there is nothing that Democrats love more than ripping off Americans.
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For instance, in the winter incandescent bulbs can actually lower utility bills for some people, especially the elderly who are often on a fixed income. You jackass authoritarian assholes are just too fucking brainwashed, ignorant and stupid to comprehend that fact.

Under no circumstance can incandescent bulbs lower utility bills for people on fixed incomes. Incandescent bulbs are the most expensive way to heat a home. This has already been explained in this thread, if you'd like to try to practice some literacy skills. Stop being a f1cktard spreading raw ignorance.

My aunt if a huge fan of incandescent bulbs and like myself she has stocked up a lifetime supply of them. She uses a 150 watt incandescent bulb in her lamp on a table by her rocking chair. She'll sit there rocking and knitting for hours. The thereputic radiation literally penetrates right into her bones and sooths the pain from her arthritis.

At best, you have an argument of the use of one incandescent bulb in the home, in her lamp by her chair. Your aunt just likes the warmth near the lamp because otherwise the room fools cold to her. And, what of summer when she's using that lamp for light, and running the A/C more to take out that 150 watts of heat, not to mention the heat from all her other incandescent bulbs.

She's using the bulb as a space heater, but most of the heat doesn't go towards her. If she replaced that lamp with a directional space heater, she could save some money. She could turn down the furnace more, and still be warmer. And, when it's not winter, the heater isn't used.

Since I am a very health conscious I prefer to use incandescents for most applications. But I also use full spectrum fluorescents that I get from the pet store and LED bulbs for when I want a very bright light. Banning any of them is idiocy.

You idiot Democrats are authoritarian assholes. Get out of my light sockets!

Oh great, you're an anarchist who thinks all recreational drugs should be legalized, all prescription drugs should become OTC, that building codes should be abolished, that alcohol and tobacco "sin" taxes should be eliminated, you want to legalize all the banned food additives, etc.

People don't have philosophical, religious, economic, or practical reasons to not use LEDs. Ignorance is the only reason people avoid LEDs. And, no one is banned from using incandescent bulbs, if they have them.

Does your aunt collect SS? When Seniors pressure government for SS increases, because of the cost of living, everyone else pays for those increases. So, when they burn their money on incandescent bulbs, everyone else is stuck paying for it. The power plant that makes the electricity for her bulbs pollutes my air. And, every so often, the electric company says it needs more capacity, and want so raise rates significantly to pay for new generating facilities.

Your ignorant excuses affects me, as well as causes economic hardship to your aunt who herself would be happy with a a space heater, if she were offered one.
I tried to educate you, however, apparently you choose to remain ignorant.

I'm convinced that you are too stupid to understand the complicated physics involved regarding human biology and electromagnetic radiation.

The infrared and near infrared electromagnetic radiation emanating from incandescent bulbs warms a person's body very efficiently and even stimulates mitochondria. It promotes healing. It is very therapeutic.

You will never accept that fact because you have been brainwashed by Democrats. They have thoroughly stupified you. They could tell you that you're a gay fish from planet Kanye and you would believe them.

I can show you this image...


... and the minds of simpletons such as yourself will not be able to comprehend it's significance. You are too stupid to understand why some people prefer this light bulb or that light bulb or another light bulb. You are too ignorant of science to know why I prefer a total-spectrum CFL over the herb garden in my kitchen, prefer LEDs in my flashlights, and prefer incandescents in my dining room and livingroom.

Fuck off, jackass.
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I'm convinced that you are too stupid to understand the complicated physics involved regarding human biology and electromagnetic radiation.

I literally have more intelligence in my pinkie than you have in your entire body. Of course, my great brain is not confined to my cranium.... I mean, if it were, my head would be as big as beach ball, instead of insanely handsome and perfectly proportioned.

The infrared and near infrared electromagnetic radiation emanating from incandescent bulbs warms a person's body very efficiently and even stimulates mitochondria. It promotes healing. It is very therapeutic.

Fine. Get an LED bulb for the lamp and an infrared space heater that directs the magic straight at your aunt. If you stick the the high-watt bulb in the lamp, most of that magical therapeutic energy is wasted in the room and ceiling, not to mention causing higher cooling bills in summer.

You are too stupid to understand why some people prefer this light bulb or that light bulb or another light bulb. You are too ignorant of science to know why I prefer a total-spectrum CFL over the herb garden in my kitchen, prefer LEDs in my flashlights, and prefer incandescents in my dining room and livingroom.

Fuck off, jackass.

Full-spectrum CFL kitchen herb garden, how ghetto. :biggrin:
I'm convinced that you are too stupid to understand the complicated physics involved regarding human biology and electromagnetic radiation.

Dude, save your blood-pressure for something worthwhile. I've met more idiot jackasses here that are either juvenile pricks or about as dense as lead than anywhere else I have ever been, and Bullethead is right at the top of the list! He actually believes his crap and probably imagines himself with a red cape, but it is really his mother's beach towel. How anyone could CARE much less make such an issue over a light bulb just furthers the proof that they have NO life.

Understand that liberals argue not for agreement, proof or convincing others of anything, they argue only because it makes them feel important! It gives them relevancy in their life and their sole purpose is to put down others as a desperate means of trying to elevating themselves in their own mind as a means of coping with their own gross inadequacies. In psychological parlance, it is known as projection.

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