Time to check in: are republicans STILL in denial about Trump?

This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
neither will the lies liars push cause they're permanently 12 years old mad they're not getting their binky back.

Donald Trump not personally under investigation, top senators say
No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI

so can i just blame asshole liars like the one you will one day stare at when you're old enough to shave?

Trump retains Marc Kasowitz as private attorney for Russia probe

Trump Personally Asked Comey to End Flynn Investigation: Report

Weeks after taking office, President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey in a phone call when the FBI would publicly announce that he was not personally under investigation, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Comey, at the time, advised the president to go send the request to the Justice Department through the White House counsel rather than contact him directly.



I'd like to know how the older folks who post here feel about Trump taking a huge deuce on your Medicare and SSI.

Is he?

'Splain Lucy.

Here I'll keep it easy.


A point to begin negotiations. Nothing more.

Again, Trump put it in black and white he shits on you and you say he doesn't mean it. Lol

He's not shitting on me. On you perhaps.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
neither will the lies liars push cause they're permanently 12 years old mad they're not getting their binky back.

Donald Trump not personally under investigation, top senators say
No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI

so can i just blame asshole liars like the one you will one day stare at when you're old enough to shave?

Trump retains Marc Kasowitz as private attorney for Russia probe

Trump Personally Asked Comey to End Flynn Investigation: Report

Weeks after taking office, President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey in a phone call when the FBI would publicly announce that he was not personally under investigation, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Comey, at the time, advised the president to go send the request to the Justice Department through the White House counsel rather than contact him directly.



Lock him up, eh? Can't you just admit that the real reason you want to lock him up is because he pissed in your corn flakes by getting elected and ruined your plans to establish a one-party government? Trying to convict him of a crime, based on innuendo and hearsay isn't gonna cut it.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
neither will the lies liars push cause they're permanently 12 years old mad they're not getting their binky back.

Donald Trump not personally under investigation, top senators say
No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI

so can i just blame asshole liars like the one you will one day stare at when you're old enough to shave?

Trump retains Marc Kasowitz as private attorney for Russia probe

Trump Personally Asked Comey to End Flynn Investigation: Report

Weeks after taking office, President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey in a phone call when the FBI would publicly announce that he was not personally under investigation, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Comey, at the time, advised the president to go send the request to the Justice Department through the White House counsel rather than contact him directly.


You show a newspaper from last July, Jon...with an inflammatory headline going after Donal Trump? So it's coming up on a year later and I have yet to see any proof of collusion between Trump and Russia. Where's your evidence?


This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
another one? bwhaaaaaaa
There IS no evidence. If there were, it would have been leaked long ago.
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away
neither will the lies liars push cause they're permanently 12 years old mad they're not getting their binky back.

Donald Trump not personally under investigation, top senators say
No, Trump Isn’t Under Criminal Investigation by the FBI

so can i just blame asshole liars like the one you will one day stare at when you're old enough to shave?

Trump retains Marc Kasowitz as private attorney for Russia probe

Trump Personally Asked Comey to End Flynn Investigation: Report

Weeks after taking office, President Trump asked FBI Director James Comey in a phone call when the FBI would publicly announce that he was not personally under investigation, The New York Times reported Thursday.

Comey, at the time, advised the president to go send the request to the Justice Department through the White House counsel rather than contact him directly.

Trump asked Comey when FBI would announce he wasn't under investigation


Well said.
I'd like to know how the older folks who post here feel about Trump taking a huge deuce on your Medicare and SSI.

Then I'd like to know the upside in cutting your nose off despite your fucking face.
which bill did that?
Lol you can't even explain HOW.

I can

regulations have been reduced

business owners and people that create things are optimistic for the 1st time in over a decade

illegal immigration is down & looks to continue to decrease

we expect some kind of tax cut before the end of the year

common sense has been restored insofar as foreign policy is concerned

Gorsuch, which, in and of itself is enough

this president has kept or attempted to keep more promises than any I have ever seen

I am so thankful for what he is doing, I don't know that I can adequately express it

unfortunately, his 8 years in office will probably not be enough to undo all of the damage Obama did; especially with the uniparty fighting his every move

the good news is that most people no longer trust "traditional media" and that Trump will likely get at least 2 more SCOTUS appointees AND he is getting damn near 100 lower court appointees that Obama was unable to fill

thanks for your concern baw
Deregulation has proven to do little to create actual job growth. All it accomplishes is corporations saving money.

The economy was already dramatically improving under Obama. Either way, NOTHING Trump has done has improved it. That's because he's barely done anything at all.

Obama deported more illegals than any president before him. Facts are facts.

Lol you expect some kind of tax cut? You're funny. Based on what? Republicans like Trump have always given cuts to ONLY the top earners.

Stop deluding yourselves into thinking he's kept his promises when objectively we already know he's deliberately broken many of them.
Now, Billy, you know your post is going to bring out the most delusional, the crudest and most vile posters at this site.
Yep, and there you are alongside Billy000, spewing your hate once again.
You know I'm right.
No, Billy000. I know you hate, that's all you project and it's what you're known for.
I definitely hate the stupidity of the rightwing. You got me there.
so why do you wish to have exchanges with us?
Yep, and there you are alongside Billy000, spewing your hate once again.
You know I'm right.
No, Billy000. I know you hate, that's all you project and it's what you're known for.
I definitely hate the stupidity of the rightwing. You got me there.
You hate anyone who doesn't hate who you hate. You're consumed by your own hate.
lol this isn't even about me. What this is about is the detriment to this country because of electing republicans.
you can't have your way, waaaah
This thread can be your safe space. The liberals are here for you. Just admit you were wrong about him all along.

After all, he has broken all of his core campaign promises involving his first 100 days and budget policies.

He's also under criminal investigation.

You can all blame the liberal media all you want, but the reality of Trump will never go away

Will you ever admit that Trump live rent free in your head?

Of course not because most Trotskies rather deflect than look inward and discover the miserable being they are!

As for Trump, well next time run a damn candidate that can win the damn electoral college and if not then suffer!
Now, Billy, you know your post is going to bring out the most delusional, the crudest and most vile posters at this site.
Yep, and there you are alongside Billy000, spewing your hate once again.
You know I'm right.
No, Billy000. I know you hate, that's all you project and it's what you're known for.
I definitely hate the stupidity of the rightwing. You got me there.

You hate anyone that is not to the Trotsky left of you, so just admit that you hate free will and choice and would prefer a one political party system of your choice!
I'd like to know how the older folks who post here feel about Trump taking a huge deuce on your Medicare and SSI.

Then I'd like to know the upside in cutting your nose off despite your fucking face.

This old person didn't vote for Trump, but have I missed something? Haven't seen him do anything about Medicare and Social Security yet. SSI is supplemental social security and I don't know any old folks that draw it, but younger ones do. SSDI is social security disability and most younger folks draw it.

But I do believe he will try to touch Medicare and SS.

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