Time to come together as Americans!

speedy sunday

Sep 3, 2014
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.
I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.
I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.
You're a nut. Stopping the train wreck called Obama is the best thing we can do for the country. Most were duped into it by the leftwing smear machine running the media.
It's also odd that anyone would think the president is the only one that can fix things, to you he's a messiah, but power isn't concentrated in the presidency in this country.
Fine and good...but you can lead a president to the water but you can't make him drink.
what do you think he should do for us.
His job.
I guess I don't understand what you mean. if we unilaterally fight ISIS we have to also send our troops back over there in the middle of the 3000 year old civil war between the Sunni and the Shia. the Shia are Iran, Syria and Assad, there leade, and the new Iraq government that's a week old.The Sunnis are Saudi Arabia and Jordan our allis. that would mean that we're now fighting for Assad and Iran. Maybe instead of our men lost, we can use this opportunity to get Iran to give up the nuclear program and Assads dictatorship if we team up and supply the Iraqis again and the Kurds(which are great fighters) in the north. Also if we can be seen as doing a favor for the whole middle east maybe they won't use us coming in again as a recruitment tool for their terrorist groups like they always have in the past. That's where ISIS came from in the first place, us invading Iraq.
I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.
You're a nut. Stopping the train wreck called Obama is the best thing we can do for the country. Most were duped into it by the leftwing smear machine running the media.
It's also odd that anyone would think the president is the only one that can fix things, to you he's a messiah, but power isn't concentrated in the presidency in this country.
I understand what your saying. I was just talking about the next two years he is the commander in chief, like it or not, and I don't see what good it does to do nothing but try to make him look weak when we're facing such a psycho enemy.
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.

I think your post is misguided.

War is the health of the state...so the state loves war. This is why our political leadership and others love war...they get rich and more powerful when we are at war. This is also why many of our presidents lied us into war, with propaganda and false flag events.

So...why would any sane person support a lying politician like Obama, or any other politician advocating war?

I believe our president WANTS war, as do most of the two major political parties, the military industrial complex, the MSM, and the remainder of the power elite in our nation.

However BO does not want war in Iraq. That is Bush's war...so that is baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad....this may explain his reluctance to go after the murderous radical Islamists.

He does want war with Russia, for multiple reasons. Expect another false flag event soon....they tried one with the MH17.
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I don't agree with an effing thing this so called president says or does. Why would I help him?
because like it or not America elected him and for the next 2 years if you care about our country, he is the only one you can support to make our country prosper and succeed.
You're a nut. Stopping the train wreck called Obama is the best thing we can do for the country. Most were duped into it by the leftwing smear machine running the media.
It's also odd that anyone would think the president is the only one that can fix things, to you he's a messiah, but power isn't concentrated in the presidency in this country.
I understand what your saying. I was just talking about the next two years he is the commander in chief, like it or not, and I don't see what good it does to do nothing but try to make him look weak when we're facing such a psycho enemy.

Some are too bush picking out isolated words without context to support their absurd bias......and as of today, while that STRONG leader Cameron is protecting the UK, no UK air strikes or other MILITARY action against ISIS; none, nada, -0-.
I understand what your saying. I was just talking about the next two years he is the commander in chief, like it or not, and I don't see what good it does to do nothing but try to make him look weak when we're facing such a psycho enemy.
No one is making him look weak but himself. What he should be doing is building a united consensus and strategy for how to deal with these Islamic nuts. It's going to take a global effort, not just the US. All he does if give rhetorical tough talk no one believes at this point. Best thing he can do for the country is resign. Voting present isn't leadership.
I understand what your saying. I was just talking about the next two years he is the commander in chief, like it or not, and I don't see what good it does to do nothing but try to make him look weak when we're facing such a psycho enemy.
No one is making him look weak but himself. What he should be doing is building a united consensus and strategy for how to deal with these Islamic nuts. It's going to take a global effort, not just the US. All he does if give rhetorical tough talk no one believes at this point. Best thing he can do for the country is resign. Voting present isn't leadership.
I agree with all of that but my fear is another president might jump in before thinking how to get out as we did before or that they would succumb to the pressure of the neocons and not wait tobuild the coalition that we have this opportunity to build
I understand that we all have differing political and religious views, but in these troubled times we need to come together or we won't be able to effectively address our problems. After all I believe one thing we all very much have in common is a love for our country and a very strong desire to see us succeed. When it comes to fighting terrorist and Russia and whoever else right now we have to put our differences aside and support each other and our leaders regardless of our personal feelings. United we stand, devided we fall. Just look at Viet Nam. we can't fight another war like that, our country is already very war weary and whether you supported going into Iraq or not, we broke it and now here we are. We cannot ignore the savages known as ISIS. Maybe the President is waiting to long for some. Or taking to long to build a coalition which could make us look weak. Or maybe just making sure we have a way out once we're in. I don't know, but I know that the last thing we need right now is doing our enemies job for them and fracturing our resolve to defeat them by creating in-fighting. This is way to serious to allow anything to stop us, including each of our selfish reasons to spread negativity instead of confidence and the closeness that comes from common cause. Lets help our President, our congress and our leaders in the military take the fight to these extremist and maybe it will even help our ability to fix our domestic problems which are also in serious need of repair.

Down on your knees and capitulate to the rule of the mob. Maintain the never ending and mostly unnecessary warfare state. Got it.

Oh and...

Not only no, but hell no.
We're supposed to protest for the good of the country when a Republican is in office and come together when a Democrat is in office.
Come together? For what purpose? Under whose leadership?
I guess we the people must lead. call congress and the president. find common cause wherever we can to once again move the country in a positive direction. stop all the bickering over silly issues. don't believe what you hear from any news source do your own research. I've found that the truth of almost every issue is in between what you hear on fox and msnbc or between the NYT and The WSJ. Then find the common goals and compromise to move forward. If we stay at a permanent stalemate or give up, nothing will ever get done and in my opinion it's up to people like us who care to make something change. try to see all perspectives then without compromising your morals or ethics, see where the drive to make the country better can take us together. Then force the politicians to work it out. If we don't do it ,the way gerrymandering and money have screwed our political system, it will never get done.
I agree with all of that but my fear is another president might jump in before thinking how to get out as we did before or that they would succumb to the pressure of the neocons and not wait tobuild the coalition that we have this opportunity to build

So we sit and wait for him to do something...... just like the border...... race relations...... until then, we sit patiently while our all knowing, smartest POTUS ponders how not to offend the religion of peace

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