Time to DENY illegals free childbirth in our hospitals


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I'm sure you're aware that ERs are required to give free emergency care to illegals because of the treasonous EMTALA Act passed by our congresstraitors in 1986. But childbirth is not an emergency. The mother has months and months of time to

1. save up the money to pay for the birth

2. get an abortion

3. return to her country for hospital care.

Childbirth is NOT an emergency and these illegal parasites demanding a $5,000 hospital birth at america's expense need to be turned away. This would also solve the anchor baby problem since without a hospital birth certificate the parasites would have no way to prove the kid was born in america.
You could have just said "Time to deny illegals" and that'd cover it.

Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D
You could have just said "Time to deny illegals" and that'd cover it.

Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D

Granted... but it sure would work in places like San Deigo and El Passo. :tongue:

What needs to be done is to round them up before they have a chance to weigh anchor. In the very least the mother should be immediately deported... the child can go with her or she is free to abandon it here.
Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D

We're not talking about that. The illegal should be denied ER use for childbirth. What she does next is up to her.
You could have just said "Time to deny illegals" and that'd cover it.

Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D

Granted... but it sure would work in places like San Deigo and El Passo. :tongue:

What needs to be done is to round them up before they have a chance to weigh anchor. In the very least the mother should be immediately deported... the child can go with her or she is free to abandon it here.

Too bad they didn't do that before George Romney had a chance to stick us with Mittens the Anchor Baby.
Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D

We're not talking about that. The illegal should be denied ER use for childbirth. What she does next is up to her.

I agree. American people first. They shouldn't be here to begin with.
Then costs for Americans will drop.
Illegal immigration is a very serious problem, but the kind of ill-considered emoting we see on threads like this is not practical or productive. You're just venting like angry children, and that will solve nothing.
A lot of ignorance and hate in this thread. Telling, and sad.

Uh....have the above posters thought this through? Sending a woman in labor on a plane or bus to her "own country" will not delay the 'proceedings'. :D

We're not talking about that. The illegal should be denied ER use for childbirth. What she does next is up to her.

I agree. American people first. They shouldn't be here to begin with.
Then costs for Americans will drop.

The child born is an American citizen.

One can only hope those electing to exhibit their ignorance and hate in this thread represent a small minority of Americans.
Illegal immigration is a very serious problem, but the kind of ill-considered emoting we see on threads like this is not practical or productive. You're just venting like angry children, and that will solve nothing.

What would solve the problem is not giving birth certificates to babies born of illegals. If it no longer pays to have them here the flood of them may stop. If there is no advantage for an anchor baby they may stay in their own countries.
Illegal immigration is a very serious problem, but the kind of ill-considered emoting we see on threads like this is not practical or productive. You're just venting like angry children, and that will solve nothing.

What would solve the problem is not giving birth certificates to babies born of illegals. If it no longer pays to have them here the flood of them may stop. If there is no advantage for an anchor baby they may stay in their own countries.

What will solve the problem is controlling our borders. If we can't/won't do that then anything else will be only marginally effective. Getting serious about our borders is a lot more practical than trying to Amend the Constitution.
Illegal immigration is a very serious problem, but the kind of ill-considered emoting we see on threads like this is not practical or productive. You're just venting like angry children, and that will solve nothing.

What would solve the problem is not giving birth certificates to babies born of illegals. If it no longer pays to have them here the flood of them may stop. If there is no advantage for an anchor baby they may stay in their own countries.

What will solve the problem is controlling our borders. If we can't/won't do that then anything else will be only marginally effective. Getting serious about our borders is a lot more practical than trying to Amend the Constitution.

i agree 100%
Hey dummies, illegal immigration is and has been declining, the trend now is many are going home because of the recession. but go ahead and demand babies be executed for being illegal and that would force all women to never want to go to a hospital. We can kill them all and let God sort out them, right!?
Hmmm...how do you feel about abortion, moonglow?

Is that executing babies?

Anyway, illegals are guaranteed medical when they're pregnant here. We waive citizenship and everything else in order to provide them with medical care. And the kids have it the moment they hit that cold birthing room air...and it's good for a year. Mom's is good for two months postpartum.

Which is one reason illegals love to come here when they start their families.
A lot of ignorance and hate in this thread. Telling, and sad.

We're not talking about that. The illegal should be denied ER use for childbirth. What she does next is up to her.

I agree. American people first. They shouldn't be here to begin with.
Then costs for Americans will drop.

The child born is an American citizen.

One can only hope those electing to exhibit their ignorance and hate in this thread represent a small minority of Americans.

Oh enough with the hyperbole and drama ya fucking HACK!

It's not about HATE, but maybe IGNORANCE on YOUR part. This thread is about illegals BLEEDING AMERICAN HOSPITALS DRY, and the illegals INTENTIONALLY coming here to pump out their babies, also because of our OUT DATED and MISINTERPRETED constitution.

Get a clue jag off.
Until or unless you can amend the Constitution you are wasting your time emoting over how US CITIZENS got here. Focus that energy on making the damn government control our borders.
Until or unless you can amend the Constitution you are wasting your time emoting over how US CITIZENS got here. Focus that energy on making the damn government control our borders.

By God Unkie has it right... :clap2:
Illegal immigration is a very serious problem, but the kind of ill-considered emoting we see on threads like this is not practical or productive. You're just venting like angry children, and that will solve nothing.

What would solve the problem is not giving birth certificates to babies born of illegals. If it no longer pays to have them here the flood of them may stop. If there is no advantage for an anchor baby they may stay in their own countries.

That would be one thing but I don't think it would stop illegal immigration completely, alot of the illegals are just here for the American cash to send home to Mexico or wherever, they are not interested in becoming Americans or assimilating into this culture. If we change it to where even if the kids of illegals born here do not get American citizenship that may deter some but not all, this isn't about becoming Americans to them its about the cash.

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