Time to Deport All Palestinians From Israel Who Don't Swear Allegiance

What percent of Palestinians would take such an oath for Israel?
Deport those that will not.
What if the Arab population of Palestine, required of every jew immigrant an oath to the Palestinian state before landing
There never has been a Palestine State, so any oath is meaningless.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?
We who live abroad are accustomed to believe that almost all Eretz Yisrael is now uninhabited desert and whoever wishes can buy land there as he pleases. But this is not true. It is very difficult to find in the land [ha'aretz] cultivated fields that are not used for planting. Only those sand fields or stone mountains that would require the investment of hard labor and great expense to make them good for planting remain uncultivated and that's because the Arabs do not like working too much in the present for a distant future. Therefore, it is very difficult to find good land for cattle. And not only peasants, but also rich landowners, are not selling good land so easily...
We who live abroad are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arab, like all the Semites, is sharp minded and shrewd. All the townships of Syria and Eretz Yisrael are full of Arab merchants who know how to exploit the masses and keep track of everyone with whom they deal – the same as in Europe. The Arabs, especially the urban elite, see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land, but they keep quiet and pretend not to notice anything. For now, they do not consider our actions as presenting a future danger to them. … But, if the time comes that our people's life in Eretz Yisrael will develop to a point where we are taking their place, either slightly or significantly, the natives are not going to just step aside so easily.[10]

About Jewish relationships to the native Arabs, a disappointed Ha'am wrote

We must surely learn, from both our past and present history, how careful we must be not to provoke the anger of the native people by doing them wrong, how we should be cautious in our dealings with a foreign people among whom we returned to live, to handle these people with love and respect and, needless to say, with justice and good judgment. And what do our brothers do? Exactly the opposite! They were slaves in their Diasporas, and suddenly they find themselves with unlimited freedom, wild freedom that only a country like Turkey [the Ottoman Empire] can offer. This sudden change has planted despotic tendencies in their hearts, as always happens to former slaves ['eved ki yimlokh – when a slave becomes king – Proverbs 30:22]. They deal with the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly, beat them shamefully for no sufficient reason, and even boast about their actions. There is no one to stop the flood and put an end to this despicable and dangerous tendency. Our brothers indeed were right when they said that the Arab only respects he who exhibits bravery and courage. But when these people feel that the law is on their rival's side and, even more so, if they are right to think their rival's actions are unjust and oppressive, then, even if they are silent and endlessly reserved, they keep their anger in their hearts. And these people will be revengeful like no other.[11]
Ahad Ha'am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's continue your American Indian analogy.
When's the last time Indians have blown up school kids?

Even as late as the late 1800s the native americans resisted anyway they could. They didn't have access to explosives, but they resisted the occupation. I had a thread going about how Zionists believe that the Palestinians behave differently than other people put in the same oppressive situation.

Compared to other groups, the Palestinians are extremely docile as an occupied people. Nothing like the ANC, the Algerians or the Mau Mau, for example.

We present this awful massacre as it was originally recorded from on eye witness, Mrs. Nancy Martin, one of the daughters of Mrs. Elizabeth Baggett, whose home was attacked by Indians, which is presented on another page. As you can see, these Indian attacks were vicious and bloody, terrorizing and killing many innocent victims."

An Indian Raid at a Schoolhouse

"Indian abductions in the 1860’s and 1870’s were not uncommon..................................... The abductions often started in a very violent way, with the Indians attacking and sometimes brutally killing the children’s families, stealing their horses, or burning down their farms. One abductee’s mother was shot twice with arrows, scalped alive, but still survived to bear a healthy child a month later."

The Captured: a True Story of Abductions by Indians on the Texas Frontier
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
What if the Arab population of Palestine, required of every jew immigrant an oath to the Palestinian state before landing
There never has been a Palestine State, so any oath is meaningless.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
There never has been a Palestine State, so any oath is meaningless.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Perhaps you can scour wiki for the leaders of the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters / land grabber version of so-called Pal'istanians.
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
There never has been a Palestine State, so any oath is meaningless.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Oh boy, now we are down the path of Arabs in Israel were led by a Christian.:cuckoo:
We who live abroad are accustomed to believe that almost all Eretz Yisrael is now uninhabited desert and whoever wishes can buy land there as he pleases. But this is not true. It is very difficult to find in the land [ha'aretz] cultivated fields that are not used for planting. Only those sand fields or stone mountains that would require the investment of hard labor and great expense to make them good for planting remain uncultivated and that's because the Arabs do not like working too much in the present for a distant future. Therefore, it is very difficult to find good land for cattle. And not only peasants, but also rich landowners, are not selling good land so easily...
We who live abroad are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arab, like all the Semites, is sharp minded and shrewd. All the townships of Syria and Eretz Yisrael are full of Arab merchants who know how to exploit the masses and keep track of everyone with whom they deal – the same as in Europe. The Arabs, especially the urban elite, see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land, but they keep quiet and pretend not to notice anything. For now, they do not consider our actions as presenting a future danger to them. … But, if the time comes that our people's life in Eretz Yisrael will develop to a point where we are taking their place, either slightly or significantly, the natives are not going to just step aside so easily.[10]

About Jewish relationships to the native Arabs, a disappointed Ha'am wrote

We must surely learn, from both our past and present history, how careful we must be not to provoke the anger of the native people by doing them wrong, how we should be cautious in our dealings with a foreign people among whom we returned to live, to handle these people with love and respect and, needless to say, with justice and good judgment. And what do our brothers do? Exactly the opposite! They were slaves in their Diasporas, and suddenly they find themselves with unlimited freedom, wild freedom that only a country like Turkey [the Ottoman Empire] can offer. This sudden change has planted despotic tendencies in their hearts, as always happens to former slaves ['eved ki yimlokh – when a slave becomes king – Proverbs 30:22]. They deal with the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly, beat them shamefully for no sufficient reason, and even boast about their actions. There is no one to stop the flood and put an end to this despicable and dangerous tendency. Our brothers indeed were right when they said that the Arab only respects he who exhibits bravery and courage. But when these people feel that the law is on their rival's side and, even more so, if they are right to think their rival's actions are unjust and oppressive, then, even if they are silent and endlessly reserved, they keep their anger in their hearts. And these people will be revengeful like no other.[11]
Ahad Ha'am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's continue your American Indian analogy.
When's the last time Indians have blown up school kids?

Even as late as the late 1800s the native americans resisted anyway they could. They didn't have access to explosives, but they resisted the occupation. I had a thread going about how Zionists believe that the Palestinians behave differently than other people put in the same oppressive situation.

Compared to other groups, the Palestinians are extremely docile as an occupied people. Nothing like the ANC, the Algerians or the Mau Mau, for example.

We present this awful massacre as it was originally recorded from on eye witness, Mrs. Nancy Martin, one of the daughters of Mrs. Elizabeth Baggett, whose home was attacked by Indians, which is presented on another page. As you can see, these Indian attacks were vicious and bloody, terrorizing and killing many innocent victims."

An Indian Raid at a Schoolhouse

"Indian abductions in the 1860’s and 1870’s were not uncommon..................................... The abductions often started in a very violent way, with the Indians attacking and sometimes brutally killing the children’s families, stealing their horses, or burning down their farms. One abductee’s mother was shot twice with arrows, scalped alive, but still survived to bear a healthy child a month later."

The Captured: a True Story of Abductions by Indians on the Texas Frontier
How about an event where someone's great great grandfather saw?

I live near a mass grave of about a hundred Indians. Slaughtered by the Mexicans in 1847 for siding with the white Americans.

So do you want to keep going to try to justify terrorism?
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
There never has been a Palestine State, so any oath is meaningless.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Ha ha ha. Look at the antisemite squirming while swimming in his own lies. Let me repeat: Ha ha ha.

How about naming any "Palestinian" leader of any "Palestinian group" 150 years ago or more.
We who live abroad are accustomed to believe that almost all Eretz Yisrael is now uninhabited desert and whoever wishes can buy land there as he pleases. But this is not true. It is very difficult to find in the land [ha'aretz] cultivated fields that are not used for planting. Only those sand fields or stone mountains that would require the investment of hard labor and great expense to make them good for planting remain uncultivated and that's because the Arabs do not like working too much in the present for a distant future. Therefore, it is very difficult to find good land for cattle. And not only peasants, but also rich landowners, are not selling good land so easily...
We who live abroad are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arab, like all the Semites, is sharp minded and shrewd. All the townships of Syria and Eretz Yisrael are full of Arab merchants who know how to exploit the masses and keep track of everyone with whom they deal – the same as in Europe. The Arabs, especially the urban elite, see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land, but they keep quiet and pretend not to notice anything. For now, they do not consider our actions as presenting a future danger to them. … But, if the time comes that our people's life in Eretz Yisrael will develop to a point where we are taking their place, either slightly or significantly, the natives are not going to just step aside so easily.[10]

About Jewish relationships to the native Arabs, a disappointed Ha'am wrote

We must surely learn, from both our past and present history, how careful we must be not to provoke the anger of the native people by doing them wrong, how we should be cautious in our dealings with a foreign people among whom we returned to live, to handle these people with love and respect and, needless to say, with justice and good judgment. And what do our brothers do? Exactly the opposite! They were slaves in their Diasporas, and suddenly they find themselves with unlimited freedom, wild freedom that only a country like Turkey [the Ottoman Empire] can offer. This sudden change has planted despotic tendencies in their hearts, as always happens to former slaves ['eved ki yimlokh – when a slave becomes king – Proverbs 30:22]. They deal with the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly, beat them shamefully for no sufficient reason, and even boast about their actions. There is no one to stop the flood and put an end to this despicable and dangerous tendency. Our brothers indeed were right when they said that the Arab only respects he who exhibits bravery and courage. But when these people feel that the law is on their rival's side and, even more so, if they are right to think their rival's actions are unjust and oppressive, then, even if they are silent and endlessly reserved, they keep their anger in their hearts. And these people will be revengeful like no other.[11]
Ahad Ha'am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's continue your American Indian analogy.
When's the last time Indians have blown up school kids?

Even as late as the late 1800s the native americans resisted anyway they could. They didn't have access to explosives, but they resisted the occupation. I had a thread going about how Zionists believe that the Palestinians behave differently than other people put in the same oppressive situation.

Compared to other groups, the Palestinians are extremely docile as an occupied people. Nothing like the ANC, the Algerians or the Mau Mau, for example.

We present this awful massacre as it was originally recorded from on eye witness, Mrs. Nancy Martin, one of the daughters of Mrs. Elizabeth Baggett, whose home was attacked by Indians, which is presented on another page. As you can see, these Indian attacks were vicious and bloody, terrorizing and killing many innocent victims."

An Indian Raid at a Schoolhouse

"Indian abductions in the 1860’s and 1870’s were not uncommon..................................... The abductions often started in a very violent way, with the Indians attacking and sometimes brutally killing the children’s families, stealing their horses, or burning down their farms. One abductee’s mother was shot twice with arrows, scalped alive, but still survived to bear a healthy child a month later."

The Captured: a True Story of Abductions by Indians on the Texas Frontier
How about an event where someone's great great grandfather saw?

I live near a mass grave of about a hundred Indians. Slaughtered by the Mexicans in 1847 for siding with the white Americans.

So do you want to keep going to try to justify terrorism?
Looks like you cornered the pig and its squealing.

Congratulations, but don't hold your breath for an answer to your question.
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Oh boy, now we are down the path of Arabs in Israel were led by a Christian.:cuckoo:

Only one tribe. The Orthodox Christians had a separate chief, the Sunni had a separate chief, etc. Just like the native americans.
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
There is today a Palestinian people, there has never been a cherokee, Sioux or Blackfoot state, yet they exist
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Perhaps you can scour wiki for the leaders of the Egyptian, Syrian and Lebanese squatters / land grabber version of so-called Pal'istanians.
But...but...but...wiki is "Hasbara" except of course the many times he's used it. :rofl:
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
Do tell us who the head of the Palestinian people was 150 years ago then.

I can tell you who the Indian tribes had has leaders then.

It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Oh boy, now we are down the path of Arabs in Israel were led by a Christian.:cuckoo:

Only one tribe. The Orthodox Christians had a separate chief, the Sunni had a separate chief, etc. Just like the native americans.
Ha ha ha. Link?
We who live abroad are accustomed to believe that almost all Eretz Yisrael is now uninhabited desert and whoever wishes can buy land there as he pleases. But this is not true. It is very difficult to find in the land [ha'aretz] cultivated fields that are not used for planting. Only those sand fields or stone mountains that would require the investment of hard labor and great expense to make them good for planting remain uncultivated and that's because the Arabs do not like working too much in the present for a distant future. Therefore, it is very difficult to find good land for cattle. And not only peasants, but also rich landowners, are not selling good land so easily...
We who live abroad are accustomed to believing that the Arabs are all wild desert people who, like donkeys, neither see nor understand what is happening around them. But this is a grave mistake. The Arab, like all the Semites, is sharp minded and shrewd. All the townships of Syria and Eretz Yisrael are full of Arab merchants who know how to exploit the masses and keep track of everyone with whom they deal – the same as in Europe. The Arabs, especially the urban elite, see and understand what we are doing and what we wish to do on the land, but they keep quiet and pretend not to notice anything. For now, they do not consider our actions as presenting a future danger to them. … But, if the time comes that our people's life in Eretz Yisrael will develop to a point where we are taking their place, either slightly or significantly, the natives are not going to just step aside so easily.[10]

About Jewish relationships to the native Arabs, a disappointed Ha'am wrote

We must surely learn, from both our past and present history, how careful we must be not to provoke the anger of the native people by doing them wrong, how we should be cautious in our dealings with a foreign people among whom we returned to live, to handle these people with love and respect and, needless to say, with justice and good judgment. And what do our brothers do? Exactly the opposite! They were slaves in their Diasporas, and suddenly they find themselves with unlimited freedom, wild freedom that only a country like Turkey [the Ottoman Empire] can offer. This sudden change has planted despotic tendencies in their hearts, as always happens to former slaves ['eved ki yimlokh – when a slave becomes king – Proverbs 30:22]. They deal with the Arabs with hostility and cruelty, trespass unjustly, beat them shamefully for no sufficient reason, and even boast about their actions. There is no one to stop the flood and put an end to this despicable and dangerous tendency. Our brothers indeed were right when they said that the Arab only respects he who exhibits bravery and courage. But when these people feel that the law is on their rival's side and, even more so, if they are right to think their rival's actions are unjust and oppressive, then, even if they are silent and endlessly reserved, they keep their anger in their hearts. And these people will be revengeful like no other.[11]
Ahad Ha'am - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Let's continue your American Indian analogy.
When's the last time Indians have blown up school kids?

Even as late as the late 1800s the native americans resisted anyway they could. They didn't have access to explosives, but they resisted the occupation. I had a thread going about how Zionists believe that the Palestinians behave differently than other people put in the same oppressive situation.

Compared to other groups, the Palestinians are extremely docile as an occupied people. Nothing like the ANC, the Algerians or the Mau Mau, for example.

We present this awful massacre as it was originally recorded from on eye witness, Mrs. Nancy Martin, one of the daughters of Mrs. Elizabeth Baggett, whose home was attacked by Indians, which is presented on another page. As you can see, these Indian attacks were vicious and bloody, terrorizing and killing many innocent victims."

An Indian Raid at a Schoolhouse

"Indian abductions in the 1860’s and 1870’s were not uncommon..................................... The abductions often started in a very violent way, with the Indians attacking and sometimes brutally killing the children’s families, stealing their horses, or burning down their farms. One abductee’s mother was shot twice with arrows, scalped alive, but still survived to bear a healthy child a month later."

The Captured: a True Story of Abductions by Indians on the Texas Frontier
How about an event where someone's great great grandfather saw?

I live near a mass grave of about a hundred Indians. Slaughtered by the Mexicans in 1847 for siding with the white Americans.

So do you want to keep going to try to justify terrorism?

Who is justifying anything. You claimed that the native american were docile and did not resist, comparing them to the aggressive Palestinians. It is you that is claiming that the behavior of the Palestinians is somehow different than other people in their same situation. You are mistaken.
Ha ha ha. He names an invader colonialist as a "Palestinian leader". Never seen somebody so fulla crap, and proud to be.

This guy he named isn't even a fuckin' native!

  1. Giuseppe Valerga was the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1847 until his death in 1872. He was the first resident Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem since the Crusades. He held the title of one of the fathers of the First Vatican Council.
    Born: April 9, 1813, Loano, Italy
    Died: Dec
    ember 2, 1872, Jerusalem, Israel
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
It depends on which religion. In the mid 1800s, for the Christians Giuseppe Valerga headed up the Roman Catholics and Procopius II headed up the Orthodox. The Druze had their own leader and so did the Sunni. Like the various native american tribes had different leaders. The equivalent of the "governor" of the Sanjak was always an Ottoman Turk, basically a foreign ruler. Interestingly, these "governors" communicated with the local leadership in French, as they only spoke Ottoman Turk and French that they studied as a foreign language.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Oh boy, now we are down the path of Arabs in Israel were led by a Christian.:cuckoo:

Only one tribe. The Orthodox Christians had a separate chief, the Sunni had a separate chief, etc. Just like the native americans.
Ha ha ha. Link?

The Orthodox leader during the period mentioned.

Kyrillos II 1845-1872

Ha ha ha. He names an invader colonialist as a "Palestinian leader". Never seen somebody so fulla crap, and proud to be.

This guy he named isn't even a fuckin' native!

  1. Giuseppe Valerga was the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1847 until his death in 1872. He was the first resident Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem since the Crusades. He held the title of one of the fathers of the First Vatican Council.
    Born: April 9, 1813, Loano, Italy
    Died: Dec
    ember 2, 1872, Jerusalem, Israel

The Latin Patriarch is almost always from Rome. That's how our church works.
Can't answer the question can you? Who was the leader of these mythical Palestinians 150 years ago?

I answered.
John Ross was the leader of the Cherokee people from 1822-1866.
Who was the leader of the Palestinians?

Which Palestinian group. Like the native americans were several Palestinian groups. Giuseppe Valerga was the leader of the Latins from 1847 to 1872.
Oh boy, now we are down the path of Arabs in Israel were led by a Christian.:cuckoo:

Only one tribe. The Orthodox Christians had a separate chief, the Sunni had a separate chief, etc. Just like the native americans.
Ha ha ha. Link?

The Orthodox leader during the period mentioned.

Kyrillos II 1845-1872


Ha ha ha. Speaking of colonial invaders, perhaps next time you'll name someone who isn't Vatican appointed and is actually a native!

Wow, you are pathetic.

  1. Giuseppe Valerga was the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1847 until his death in 1872. He was the first resident Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem since the Crusades. He held the title of one of the fathers of the First Vatican Council.
    Born: April 9, 1813, Loano, Italy
    Died: Dec
    ember 2, 1872, Jerusalem, Israel
Ha ha ha. He names an invader colonialist as a "Palestinian leader". Never seen somebody so fulla crap, and proud to be.

This guy he named isn't even a fuckin' native!

  1. Giuseppe Valerga was the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem from 1847 until his death in 1872. He was the first resident Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem since the Crusades. He held the title of one of the fathers of the First Vatican Council.
    Born: April 9, 1813, Loano, Italy
    Died: Dec
    ember 2, 1872, Jerusalem, Israel

The Latin Patriarch is almost always from Rome. That's how our church works.
Native of the land, my ass. Try again. How about you name a real leader? Oh wait.....
Ya gotta laugh. He's asked to name a native Palestinian leader from 150 years ago, and he names a Catholic colonialist crusader born in Italy.

Just shows the degree of mental illness.
Mohammed Tahir Mustafa Tahir al-Husayni was the Sunni leader, called the Qadi of Jerusalem.

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