Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Remember this face. This fucker wants you prosecuted if you criticize Muslims.

Representative Andre Carson

In accordance with a ten year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement United Nations’ Resolution 16:18 which criminalizes all criticism of Islam worldwide, the U.S. House of Representatives issued H. Res. 569 condemning violence, bigotry, and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the United States.

This proposal comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post San Bernardino promise to prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. It is clear that Ms. Lynch is firing a canon at a fly.

According to FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, there were 1014 hate crime incidents motivated by religious bias in 2014. Of those, 154 – 15.2 percent — were anti-Islamic.

More than half were anti-Jewish incidents.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness
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Remember this face. This fucker wants you prosecuted if you criticize Muslims.

Representative Andre Carson

In accordance with a ten year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement United Nations’ Resolution 16:18 which criminalizes all criticism of Islam worldwide, the U.S. House of Representatives issued H. Res. 569 condemning violence, bigotry, and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the United States.

This proposal comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post San Bernardino promise to prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. It is clear that Ms. Lynch is firing a canon at a fly.

According to FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, there were 1014 hate crime incidents motivated by religious bias in 2014. Of those, 154 – 15.2 percent — were anti-Islamic.

More than half were anti-Jewish incidents.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Ewwww, fugly. No, I do NOT wanna remember that face.
Remember this face. This fucker wants you prosecuted if you criticize Muslims.

Representative Andre Carson

In accordance with a ten year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement United Nations’ Resolution 16:18 which criminalizes all criticism of Islam worldwide, the U.S. House of Representatives issued H. Res. 569 condemning violence, bigotry, and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the United States.

This proposal comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post San Bernardino promise to prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. It is clear that Ms. Lynch is firing a canon at a fly.

According to FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, there were 1014 hate crime incidents motivated by religious bias in 2014. Of those, 154 – 15.2 percent — were anti-Islamic.

More than half were anti-Jewish incidents.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Ewwww, fugly. No, I do NOT wanna remember that face.

Remember the name then, and remember it's the devil.
"Why then do progressive elites accuse critics of radical Islam as Islamophobic? According to French Prime Minister Valls this tactic is a weapon by Islam’s apologists to silence their critics. It is a cudgel of political correctness to silence the opposition."
In America we have a right for bigoted and hateful speech. This guy's proposal is unconstitutional. But he is not the devil.
Remember this face. This fucker wants you prosecuted if you criticize Muslims.

Representative Andre Carson

In accordance with a ten year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement United Nations’ Resolution 16:18 which criminalizes all criticism of Islam worldwide, the U.S. House of Representatives issued H. Res. 569 condemning violence, bigotry, and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the United States.

This proposal comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post San Bernardino promise to prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. It is clear that Ms. Lynch is firing a canon at a fly.

According to FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, there were 1014 hate crime incidents motivated by religious bias in 2014. Of those, 154 – 15.2 percent — were anti-Islamic.

More than half were anti-Jewish incidents.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
Socialist racist satan worshiper.
"Why then do progressive elites accuse critics of radical Islam as Islamophobic? According to French Prime Minister Valls this tactic is a weapon by Islam’s apologists to silence their critics. It is a cudgel of political correctness to silence the opposition."
-------------------------------------- sure it is , all the modern phobia's are just BS from homophobia to islamaphobia , its just silliness as i told 'tehon' and Dani in another thread !!
The problem here is that there is a right to free speech, and the right isn't rigid in that it says what you can and cannot say, but often people don't understand what free speech is.

Basically there needs to be discussion about what is acceptable when it comes to talking about religion and what not, so that people are more aware.
Well all I can tell the Federal Government and those that want to silence those that might criticize Islam or any other religion is to fuck off...

If they are free to speak freely then leave those like me alone and no Islam should not get special treatment ever nor any other religion, and you know I am tire of the Political Correctness of this worthless damn society.

I mean how dare anyone tell another person they can not criticize someone religion when you know damn well most Muslim's criticize Jews, Christians, oh hell the entire world, and yet their damn religion is off limits?

No, we live in a nation that allow us to speak our mind and I will be damn if some worthless fuck tell me I can not, and if they tell me I will be arrested then so be it, and I would prefer sitting in Prison or dead for speaking my mind than being a Politically Correct coward that allow someone religion tell me what I can or can not say or write about them...

So again if you did not get what I was writing then they can fuck off and I know so can I...
Remember this face. This fucker wants you prosecuted if you criticize Muslims.

Representative Andre Carson

In accordance with a ten year plan of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to implement United Nations’ Resolution 16:18 which criminalizes all criticism of Islam worldwide, the U.S. House of Representatives issued H. Res. 569 condemning violence, bigotry, and “hateful rhetoric” toward Muslims in the United States.

This proposal comes on the heels of Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s post San Bernardino promise to prosecute anyone guilty of anti-Muslim speech. It is clear that Ms. Lynch is firing a canon at a fly.

According to FBI’s annual Uniform Crime Report, there were 1014 hate crime incidents motivated by religious bias in 2014. Of those, 154 – 15.2 percent — were anti-Islamic.

More than half were anti-Jewish incidents.

Read Latest Breaking News from Newsmax.com Time to End Radical Islam Political Correctness
Urgent: Rate Obama on His Job Performance. Vote Here Now!
But of course you realize that Carson is a Muslim (a fact the Democrats readily accept)...

Pelosi to name first Muslim lawmaker to House intelligence committee

So once again, the Democrats are all for denying US citizens their First Amendment rights if it offends a Liberal...
Recently Rep. André Carson of Indiana took the lead in condemning presidential candidate Ben Carson for his remarks regarding unwillingness to support a sharia-adherent Muslim for the position of President of the United States.

Ben Carson has said:

I do not believe Sharia is consistent with the Constitution of this country,” Carson said, referencing the Islamic law derived from the Koran and traditions of Islam. “Muslims feel that their religion is very much a part of your public life and what you do as a public official, and that’s inconsistent with our principles and our Constitution.”

Carson said that the only exception he’d make would be if the Muslim running for office “publicly rejected all the tenets of Sharia and lived a life consistent with that.”

Rep. André Carson has publicly called the Republican hopeful’s position “asinine”and has been featured in the press attacking Ben Carson for his statement. Carson has been featured on MSNBC, CNN, and NPR denouncing Ben Carson’s statement.

André Carson’s stance is unsurprising, not simply because he himself is Muslim, but because he embodies perfectly the exact concerns which are being raised.

Rep. André Carson has spent his entire political career in the company of, and advocating on behalf of, Muslim Brotherhood-linked organizations. Carson has extensive ties to the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the Muslim American Society (MAS), and others revealed in federal law enforcement documents to be tied to the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood, and (in the case of CAIR and ISNA) to the terrorist organization Hamas. He has been both funded by Islamists, as well spoken at fundraisers on their behalf.

Of course the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood’s goal is inherently anti-constitutional, as expressed in the “Explanatory Memorandum” which details the Brotherhood’s long term plan for America:

“The lkhwan must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and "sabotaging" its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions.”

Having as president an individual who believes (or whose allies believe, as Carson’s certainly do) that the goal should be to see Islam “made victorious” over other religions is a far greater threat to religious liberty than any suggestion made by Ben Carson.

It was after all, André Carson, not Ben Carson, who sought to have European Parliamentarian Geert Wilders banned from entering the United States over his immigration views and views on Islam. The idea that the U.S. should be a country which bans people on the basis of their speech shows its Rep. Carson who have a problem with the fundamental principles which form the Constitution, in particular the 1st Amendment. As legal scholar Eugene Volokh noted in the Washington Post:

“The Congressmen [referring to Rep. André Carson and Rep. Keith Ellison] quite clearly don’t want to allow Rep. Wilders to debate such matters here in the U.S.” But their “In the U.S.” paragraph suggests that they view even such debates by Americans as constitutionally unprotected.”

Carson also sought to have the Department of Justice carry out a criminal civil rights probe against protesters who held a rally outside the Islamic Community Center of Phoenix simply because some protestors chose to legally exercise their second amendment right at the same time. The ICCP was chosen as a protest site because the Muslim Brotherhood-linked Mosque was the home of Garland, Texas shooters Nadir Soofi and Elton Simpson, whose attempt to slaughter attendees (including Geert Wilders) at a cartoon contest was averted only by armed security and quick thinking police.

Rep. André Carson clearly has a major problem with understanding the free exercise of the 1st (and perhaps 2nd) amendment.

Carson did not have a problem however publicly praising Muslim Brotherhood leader Tariq Ramadan in 2014. Ramadan had previously been banned from entering the United States under the Bush administration for having provided material support to Hamas.

Given the choice between the constitutionally-protected but Sharia-violating speech on Islam, and the illegal under American law but obligatory under Sharia material support for jihad, André Carson appears to favor Sharia every time.

This makes him an excellent spokesman to prove Ben Carson’s point.

Kyle Shideler - André Carson Proves Ben Carson’s Point on Sharia
He's a Muslim so what can we expect? Islam cannot coexist with democracy, freedom, equality, and human rights. A true Muslim will always chose Shariah Law over the Constitution. This is why Muslims shouldn't be allowed to be elected to public office and the practice of Islam should be banned from all Western nations.

André D. Carson
(born October 16, 1974) is the U.S. Representative for Indiana's 7th congressional district, serving since a special election in 2008. He is a member of the Democratic Party.

He is the grandson of his predecessor, former U.S. Representative Julia Carson (1938–2007). Carson is the second Muslim to be elected to the United States Congress, following Keith Ellison in 2006.
posted for the information and also posted because this NEWS is something that muslims like 'andre carson' would like to see suppressed or modified so that the news would be meaningless !! --- Turkish Teen Arrested After Machete Attack in Southern France --- happened in France , the muslim was 15 years old !!

Thank G-d for the Torah, literally!

A Turkish teen who was arrested for stabbing his Jewish teacher in Marseille, France, on Monday stated that he was acting on behalf of Daesh.

The 15-year-old student rushed at the teacher in broad daylight, chasing him and stabbing him from behind until he fell.


Daesh Claims Responsibility for Cairo Attack on Police Officers

The 35-year-old teacher’s shoulder and hand were injured in the attack. He survived by kicking the teenager off and using a Torah he was carrying as a shield.
posted for the information and also posted because this NEWS is something that muslims like 'andre carson' would like to see suppressed or modified so that the news would be meaningless !! --- Turkish Teen Arrested After Machete Attack in Southern France --- happened in France , the muslim was 15 years old !!

Sooner or later they'll be wanting a law that forbids news organizations from reporting anything negative about Islam or it's followers.

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