Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .
If black men would behave like animals and do what police say they wouldn't get shot.

If trump would stop acting like a mobster he would be investigated .
He's not, but I wish he would. Lotta folks in DC need to sleep with the fishes.
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A pervert president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Again, what happened to the "we just want to find out if there was any collusion"?

She was 22.

And she didn’t pee on Bill.
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A pervert president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Again, what happened to the "we just want to find out if there was any collusion"?

She was 22.

And she didn’t pee on Bill.
Show us your video.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Just another Trumpanzee with about as much brain power as Cadet Bone Spurs himself. Do a little research Dumb Ass. "privileged client attorney documents" doesn't apply in this case. Faux News is turning your brain (and the Cadet's) to mush! Bigly!!!!!

View attachment 187273
So just remind us were Hillary's attorneys invaded like bank robbers and charged after, or before, they destroyed the 30,000 requested emails, and smashed 12 cellphones to the smitherenes with hammers, like mafia thugs. Or was it after her top secret emails were found on convicted pervert Weiner's laptop? Or did the court not find enough probable cause for evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by Hillary, her attorneys, and her associates? Or perhaps you're a fucking mentally ill Libtard acting like he knows what he's talking about? Ha ha ha.

But relax, looks like Trump and Cohen knew this raid was coming. Looks like you guys have been set up again. Sorry to interrupt your jerkoff session.
Can you list the content of the dreaded emails?
Amazing the PhD qualifications of the white boy trumpies.
Must be jealous of his wife raping
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A pervert president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Again, what happened to the "we just want to find out if there was any collusion"?

She was 22.

And she didn’t pee on Bill.
Or the curtains
ah those libbery lib lib liberals....

Pity you don't seem to know the def of liberal.
Liber = free.
For the individual and small gov.
No Latin in your PHD course?
Helps if you know the def of the words you spew
ah those libbery lib lib liberals....

Pity you don't seem to know the def of liberal.
Liber = free.
For the individual and small gov.
No Latin in your PHD course?
Helps if you know the def of the words you spew

Now now Iron dude

one really can't expect to converse with such lofty sorts like PHD's on this soul sucking device

much less come to definitive terms concerning political stripe

but hey, do i look fat in this liberal post?

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
What is in doubt? There will not be a big enough majority to impeach that is a fact. The Dems are indeed stupid enough to impeach, regardless of whether a "high crime" has occured. It will look like a joke and the country will see right through what the Dems are trying to do, remove a duly elected president from power. Trump will stay as president and Dems will get killed in 2020 because they have not had any positive message but "we hate Trump" to offer the American people since 2016.

Looks like you are assuming no republicans will join the democrats. Big mistake on your part. Just consider how many of those republicans were never Trumpers before he won the primary.
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A pervert president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Again, what happened to the "we just want to find out if there was any collusion"?

She was 22.

And she didn’t pee on Bill.
Show us your video.

Show us your tits.
If the repubs undermined their own as well, then they should pay the price at the ballot box. Let the country go to hell, it just might finally deserve it.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
What is in doubt? There will not be a big enough majority to impeach that is a fact. The Dems are indeed stupid enough to impeach, regardless of whether a "high crime" has occured. It will look like a joke and the country will see right through what the Dems are trying to do, remove a duly elected president from power. Trump will stay as president and Dems will get killed in 2020 because they have not had any positive message but "we hate Trump" to offer the American people since 2016.

Looks like you are assuming no republicans will join the democrats. Big mistake on your part. Just consider how many of those republicans were never Trumpers before he won the primary.
If any there may be one or two at best, and won't add up to 2/3 of both houses. No evidence of high crime means Dems are conducting a partisan witch hunt, because they suffered major butthurt in 2016 election and are now trying to conduct a coup d'etat and remove a duly elected president. Like I said even if they start the proceedings, the Americans will make them pay an even higher price than they already have.

But, be my guest and keep jerking off to those Libtard fantasies.
I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
What is in doubt? There will not be a big enough majority to impeach that is a fact. The Dems are indeed stupid enough to impeach, regardless of whether a "high crime" has occured. It will look like a joke and the country will see right through what the Dems are trying to do, remove a duly elected president from power. Trump will stay as president and Dems will get killed in 2020 because they have not had any positive message but "we hate Trump" to offer the American people since 2016.

Looks like you are assuming no republicans will join the democrats. Big mistake on your part. Just consider how many of those republicans were never Trumpers before he won the primary.
If any there may be one or two at best, and won't add up to 2/3 of both houses. No evidence of high crime means Dems are conducting a partisan witch hunt, because they suffered major butthurt in 2016 election and are now trying to conduct a coup d'etat and remove a duly elected president. Like I said even if they start the proceedings, the Americans will make them pay an even higher price than they already have.

But, be my guest and keep jerking off to those Libtard fantasies.
No evidence?
You mean in your small made up mind?
Patience my friend, watergate took 4 years
Libtard says it all.
Zero education
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

I get a huge kick how the most respected people in the country, by both parties, suddenly become the focus of the hacks as soon as they say/do anything Donnie boy doesn't like.

the embassy was already moved to Jerusalem. you can start giving a damn about THIS country now.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

I get a huge kick how the most respected people in the country, by both parties, suddenly become the focus of the hacks as soon as they say/do anything Donnie boy doesn't like.

the embassy was already moved to Jerusalem. you can start giving a damn about THIS country now.
Wow you lost me there. THIS COUNTRY and its duly elected president have been under siege by a crooked media, and corrupt and treasonous CIA, FBI, and ex Obama officials. Wake up!
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
What is in doubt? There will not be a big enough majority to impeach that is a fact. The Dems are indeed stupid enough to impeach, regardless of whether a "high crime" has occured. It will look like a joke and the country will see right through what the Dems are trying to do, remove a duly elected president from power. Trump will stay as president and Dems will get killed in 2020 because they have not had any positive message but "we hate Trump" to offer the American people since 2016.

Looks like you are assuming no republicans will join the democrats. Big mistake on your part. Just consider how many of those republicans were never Trumpers before he won the primary.
If any there may be one or two at best, and won't add up to 2/3 of both houses. No evidence of high crime means Dems are conducting a partisan witch hunt, because they suffered major butthurt in 2016 election and are now trying to conduct a coup d'etat and remove a duly elected president. Like I said even if they start the proceedings, the Americans will make them pay an even higher price than they already have.

But, be my guest and keep jerking off to those Libtard fantasies.
No evidence?
You mean in your small made up mind?
Patience my friend, watergate took 4 years
Libtard says it all.
Zero education
Yeah no evidence, so they got desperate and they raided and violated client attorney rights like jackbooted thugs, over an NDA with a whore.
The FBI is violating attorney-client privilege
son, you really need to step outside of the white.
I'm neither white nor anyone's son. And don't edit my posts, hillbilly.

All the more reason to fire them. It's more than a couple of Republicans. The FBI is violating attorney-client privilege, thus far refusing to turn over congressionally subpoenaed documents regarding FISA and Hillary after given a deadline, only to be given a new one, etc, etc.

They're running roughshod over the Constitution. Fire them and let them cry harder.
I didn't edit your post.
Yes you did. Don't do it any more, hillbilly.
No I didn't, you little crybaby.

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