Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
Mueller is a lifelong republican.
Dumbass, is that all you got? So is Jeff the Flake. But that doesn't explain why ALL of Mueller's subordinates are Democratic thugs with a single mission in mind, to indict and remove the president and his associates, regardless of what the facts point to, or whether there was any collusion or not. Why are they not going after Hillary, other FBI officials, and Obama admin officials for obvious crimes that occured?
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I think Sessions needs to go. A new AG would not to be recused from any of the investigations.
Sessions did a lot of damage to this country and presidency. Trump should have known better appointing a deep stater.

Trump's choices have sucked pretty bad. Just look at DeVos, and Rick Perry.
And yet the country continues to do extremely well under him.

Thanks to what Obama left him.
With 1% growth and the world in a mess? Good joke.

Remember how you Leftards predicted a total collapse of the stock market and economy, and a world war should Trump get elected? What happened to that tune?
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A pervert president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Again, what happened to the "we just want to find out if there was any collusion"?
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So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.
So Mueller is leading a witch hunt into a $150,000 donation to The Trump Organization. There is no evidence to support claims it influenced policy, which is especially true given Trump was a private citizen at the time.

But Mueller is not investigating why that same Ukrainian businessman gave the Clintons up to $25 million in 2016, which was just prior to the election that Hillary Clinton was heavily favored to win.‘Witch Hunt’ FBI Raid For $150K Donation, Mueller Disregards $25 Million Paid To Clintons
The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Mueller is a republican. The legal raid was approved by Rosenstein, a republican, and the local district attorney...a Trump appointed republican.

So no, you are misinformed. They are not democratic bitch puppets.
Yawn yawn and triple yawn. Repeating the talking points of the fake news media doesn't make you right. So was Comey "a republican". Mueller was best friends with Comey. Mueller's crew are all well known Democratic hit men. Both Mueller and Rosenstein have an ax to grind with Trump. It is obvious what is going on. Remember, Rosenstein is the one who signed off on the illegal and unconstitutional FISA warrants. Which is why Trump is contemplating firing him. This whole crisis was created by Jeff Session when he recused himself.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Mueller is a republican. The legal raid was approved by Rosenstein, a republican, and the local district attorney...a Trump appointed republican.

So no, you are misinformed. They are not democratic bitch puppets.
Yawn yawn and triple yawn. Repeating the talking points of the fake news media doesn't make you right. So was Comey "a republican". Mueller was best friends with Comey. Mueller's crew are all well known Democratic hit men. Both Mueller and Rosenstein have an ax to grind with Trump. It is obvious what is going on. Remember, Rosenstein is the one who signed off on the illegal and unconstitutional FISA warrants. Which is why Trump is contemplating firing him. This whole crisis was created by Jeff Session when he recused himself.

Well that is what the president is saying, but he's a whiny little spoiled baby.
You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .
If black men would not behave like animals and do what police say they wouldn't get shot.
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The investigation has been a big joke and a hoax on the American people. It has now moved on to an investigation of whether a porn star and an attorney signed a valid NDA.

Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get the house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Mueller is a republican. The legal raid was approved by Rosenstein, a republican, and the local district attorney...a Trump appointed republican.

So no, you are misinformed. They are not democratic bitch puppets.
Yawn yawn and triple yawn. Repeating the talking points of the fake news media doesn't make you right. So was Comey "a republican". Mueller was best friends with Comey. Mueller's crew are all well known Democratic hit men. Both Mueller and Rosenstein have an ax to grind with Trump. It is obvious what is going on. Remember, Rosenstein is the one who signed off on the illegal and unconstitutional FISA warrants. Which is why Trump is contemplating firing him. This whole crisis was created by Jeff Session when he recused himself.

Well that is what the president is saying, but he's a whiny little spoiled baby.
Again, nobody cares about this so called NDA with a porn star other than the desperate Dems and the fake news media. Like I said, this all because Mueller has failed to find jack shit on collusion.
Whitewater took more than 4 years. It started out as an investigation into a failed business deal and ended up investigating a consensual blowjob. You can complain in another 3 years or so.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Mueller is a republican. The legal raid was approved by Rosenstein, a republican, and the local district attorney...a Trump appointed republican.

So no, you are misinformed. They are not democratic bitch puppets.
Yawn yawn and triple yawn. Repeating the talking points of the fake news media doesn't make you right. So was Comey "a republican". Mueller was best friends with Comey. Mueller's crew are all well known Democratic hit men. Both Mueller and Rosenstein have an ax to grind with Trump. It is obvious what is going on. Remember, Rosenstein is the one who signed off on the illegal and unconstitutional FISA warrants. Which is why Trump is contemplating firing him. This whole crisis was created by Jeff Session when he recused himself.

Well that is what the president is saying, but he's a whiny little spoiled baby.
Again, nobody cares about this so called NDA with a porn star other than the desperate Dems and the fake news media. Like I said, this all because Mueller has failed to find jack shit on collusion.

I know what you said. That's why I'm still giggling.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

You poor little snowflakes.

Of course if anything happens to Trump you shout it is illegal.

You will say anything- believe anything- to protect your Dear Leader.
A prevent president taking advantage of a 20 year old intern and getting blown in the sanctity of the Oval Office is quite different from a porn star signing an NDA about something that she has no proof of its occurrence over ten years ago.

Trump-0 already acknowledged that it happened. Nobody cares if he humped a porn star. It's the breaking of campaign finance laws that he has his nuts in a vice over.
Ya okay. Keep thinking that, no republican in congress is interested in this tabloid democrat concocted BS. This is not about desperate Dems finding something, anything, on Trump. The investigation's mandate is collusion. If there is no collusion the investigation is wrapped up and Mueller is set out to pasture.

I wouldn't put too much faith in how many Republicans there are for now in Congress. In a few months, there will be quite a bit fewer.
At best Dems will get a house, not the Senate. And not enough majority to vote successfully for impeachment. If crooked Dems gain the house they will move to impeachment which will be a charade, will drive their approval even lower than what it is now, and cost them major losses 2020. American people are not interesting in this constant bickering that is caused by the Dems.

I guess you could be right, but I really doubt it.
What is in doubt? There will not be a big enough majority to impeach that is a fact. The Dems are indeed stupid enough to impeach, regardless of whether a "high crime" has occured. It will look like a joke and the country will see right through what the Dems are trying to do, remove a duly elected president from power. Trump will stay as president and Dems will get killed in 2020 because they have not had any positive message but "we hate Trump" to offer the American people since 2016.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

You poor little snowflakes.

Of course if anything happens to Trump you shout it is illegal.

You will say anything- believe anything- to protect your Dear Leader.
There are investigations occurring now that will bring indictments and will prove you wrong. McCabe's firing was just the beginning.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Mueller is a republican. The legal raid was approved by Rosenstein, a republican, and the local district attorney...a Trump appointed republican.

So no, you are misinformed. They are not democratic bitch puppets.
Yawn yawn and triple yawn. Repeating the talking points of the fake news media doesn't make you right. So was Comey "a republican". Mueller was best friends with Comey. Mueller's crew are all well known Democratic hit men. Both Mueller and Rosenstein have an ax to grind with Trump. It is obvious what is going on. Remember, Rosenstein is the one who signed off on the illegal and unconstitutional FISA warrants. Which is why Trump is contemplating firing him. This whole crisis was created by Jeff Session when he recused himself.

Well that is what the president is saying, but he's a whiny little spoiled baby.
Again, nobody cares about this so called NDA with a porn star other than the desperate Dems and the fake news media. Like I said, this all because Mueller has failed to find jack shit on collusion.

I know what you said. That's why I'm still giggling.
Liberalism is a mental disorder. Giggle all you want.
It's gotten out of hand. Raiding Trump's lawyer's office? Really?

Ordering 70 blank signed subpeonas? Wtf? Fire that sumbitch! Blank subpeonas..that leaves no doubt that it's an open-ended witch hunt on the taxpayer's dime.

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