Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.
ah those libbery lib lib liberals....

Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Your 2 nd grade Ed knows more than us all?
I thought it was all done legally.
You know, we are a country of laws as they say.
M, R etc all repubs
Obama, ex Obama admin officials, Bill and Hillary Clinton, FBI AND CIA leadership, Democrat party officials and congresspersons, and the media are all complicit in a series of treasonous plots including colluding with the Russians to create a fake dossier, and lying to the FISA court in order to spy on trump and his associates, in order to bring down Trump both before he got elected and after. It is more than obvious that our democracy has been hijacked by the left and their puppets.
Yawn, bunch of Leftard hogwash. Rosenstein was appointed by Sessions, and B, Mueller should have never been appointed by Rosenstein due to massive conflict and bias. Mueller was Comey's mentor, and, once Trump refused to hire him as FBI director, Mueller had an ax to grind with Trump.
This entire white wing fantasy thread is hot garbage. Firing Mueller would be the FAST way of relieving the world of President Trump. Trump will resign, before he fires Mueller.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.
Exactly, it was a handoff, the district attorney that carried out the raid Mueller couldn't, will now provide Mueller with possible information he would not have been able to acquire otherwise, due to client attorny privilege.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.
Exactly, it was a handoff, the district attorney that carried out the raid will now provide Mueller with possible information he would not have been able to acquire otherwise due to client attorny privilege.
But your man is innocent and, therefore, has nothing to worry about!

You said so yourself 1000s of times!

Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Just another Trumpanzee with about as much brain power as Cadet Bone Spurs himself. Do a little research Dumb Ass. "privileged client attorney documents" doesn't apply in this case. Faux News is turning your brain (and the Cadet's) to mush! Bigly!!!!!

Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Just another Trumpanzee with about as much brain power as Cadet Bone Spurs himself. Do a little research Dumb Ass. "privileged client attorney documents" doesn't apply in this case. Faux News is turning your brain (and the Cadet's) to mush! Bigly!!!!!

View attachment 187273
So just remind us were Hillary's attorneys invaded like bank robbers and charged after, or before, they destroyed the 30,000 requested emails, and smashed 12 cellphones to the smitherenes with hammers, like mafia thugs. Or was it after her top secret emails were found on convicted pervert Weiner's laptop? Or did the court not find enough probable cause for evidence tampering and obstruction of justice by Hillary, her attorneys, and her associates? Or perhaps you're a fucking mentally ill Libtard acting like he knows what he's talking about? Ha ha ha.

But relax, looks like Trump and Cohen knew this raid was coming. Looks like you guys have been set up again. Sorry to interrupt your jerkoff session.
As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.
Exactly, it was a handoff, the district attorney that carried out the raid will now provide Mueller with possible information he would not have been able to acquire otherwise due to client attorny privilege.
But your man is innocent and, therefore, has nothing to worry about!

You said so yourself 1000s of times!

Show us evidence of guilt and stop your whining. Put up or shut up?
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Are you drunk? That is not what happened at all! Are you drunk..or maybe stoned?

They had a legal warrant.. not illegal at all. Attorney/client privilege is being protected..if it applies..since if there is an on-going criminal conspiracy..there is not privilege.

Not that facts are going to slow you down...right?
"Legal warrant" my ass, judge shopped in Leftwing NYC and getting a permission slip to break client attorney privileges and raid a PRESIDENT's personal attorneys offices like thugs, over what? A stupid NDA with a fucking greedy porn star whore? You gotta be kidding me!

You Leftards have no respect for the office of the presidency, our country, the constitution, law and order, and long held traditions and institutions.
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Fire Rosey, Wray, and Sessions. Drop the big one, and see what happens.
I have rethought the situation. At this point, I'm not sure if Mueller didn't drop this bomb for Trump to take his bait and do exactly that, in order to force impeachment proceedings. Now that Mueller and his clowns have hit a brick wall and found absolutely nothing on collusion. Looks like Cohen and Trump were expecting something like this. If the bastards can lie to a FISA Court to spy on Americans they're capable of anything at this point.
Fire Rosey, Wray, and Sessions. Drop the big one, and see what happens.
I have rethought the situation. At this point, I'm not sure if Mueller didn't drop this bomb for Trump to take his bait and do exactly that, in order to force impeachment proceedings. Now that Mueller and his clowns have hit a brick wall and found absolutely nothing on collusion. Looks like Cohen and Trump were expecting something like this. If the bastards can lie to a FISA Court to spy on Americans they're capable of anything at this point.
So what. It's past obvious that they're not investigating anything in a fair and impartial manner, they're out to get Trump. So, fire them. They work for the Executive branch and he's their boss. They're out to impeach him, anyway. Fire them, step back and see.
So what. It's past obvious that they're not investigating anything in a fair and impartial manner, they're out to get Trump. So, fire them. They work for the Executive branch and he's their boss. They're out to impeach him, anyway. Fire them, step back and see.
They intend to drag this nonsense to November and beyond to INFLUENCE elections. What they are doing is morally and ethically wrong. Not firing him is playing POLITICS. It's Past time to fire this pawn of the left and the never Trumpers.
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Show us evidence of guilt and stop your whining.
That makes no sense, dumbass. I didn't say he was guilty....and even then, why would you ask me for evidence? It's Mueller who is conducting the investigation. Duh. You can find him putting Trump's friends in jail, if you are looking for him.
RE: Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?
※→ toomuchtime_, bodecea, Roudy, theDoctorisIn, et al,

There are several huge actions taken that have emerged in the last week that are raising some serious questions.

• Pursuit of the possible criminal activity.
• Preserving the Confidences and Secrets of a Client.
• Maintaining the Public Trust in the integrity of the legal system.
• Maintaining confidence in the abilities of the legal profession and its insulation from political manipulation.
• Protecting the United States from the otherthrow of the Presidency under the color of law through perfidity of legal manipulation and the cover of an non-feasant Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court is disabled and probably afraid to take action on the issues. Certainly, the SCOTUS is very much afraid to weigh in on the implications that could taint the legal system and allow it to be used to take control of the White House. But there is something rotten on the DC. It appears to me that the highest law enforcement and legal offices in the land may be intentionally doing taking actions that they can legally find that they have both the authority and ability to do, without oversight and review. Knowing that they have no morally right to do --- because they could not get access to certain information otherwise. Knowingly exceeding authority for so that one agency (the FBI in a separate investigation) seizes the evidence and then hands it over to the Special Prosecutor.

So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words, it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.

There is the question as to whether or not the actions, as they have unfolded, intentionally damaged the ability of the White House to function properly, and if that, in itself, constitutes a threat to the United States.

There is a question as to whether or not the usefulness of the SCOTUS has outlived its usefulness since it seems unable to resolve some of the most basic issues in the practices being performed.

And it is important to the credibility of the Congress (politicians being more trustworthy than the SCOTUS) has lost even more loyalty in the face of the American People.

Most Respectfully,
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Fire Rosey, Wray, and Sessions. Drop the big one, and see what happens.
I have rethought the situation. At this point, I'm not sure if Mueller didn't drop this bomb for Trump to take his bait and do exactly that, in order to force impeachment proceedings. Now that Mueller and his clowns have hit a brick wall and found absolutely nothing on collusion. Looks like Cohen and Trump were expecting something like this. If the bastards can lie to a FISA Court to spy on Americans they're capable of anything at this point.
So what. It's past obvious that they're not investigating anything in a fair and impartial manner, they're out to get Trump. So, fire them. They work for the Executive branch and he's their boss. They're out to impeach him, anyway. Fire them, step back and see.
Well we aren't sure what will happen, considering we have some republican swamp dwellers who also have an ax to grind with Trump, such as McCain and Graham, who are partially in bed with the Dems behind the scenes.

Let Mueller and his lackeys keep shooting these empty blanks, which will lead to nowhere. At this point the American people have already discounted all of the bullshit investigations as futile delusional attempts by the left and the media to remove this president from power, and will vote on issues relating to their pockets, jobs and security.
RE: Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?
※→ toomuchtime_, bodecea, Roudy, theDoctorisIn, et al,

There are several huge actions taken that have emerged in the last week that are raising some serious questions.

• Pursuit of the possible criminal activity.
• Preserving the Confidences and Secrets of a Client.
• Maintaining the Public Trust in the integrity of the legal system.
• Maintaining confidence in the abilities of the legal profession and its insulation from political manipulation.
• Protecting the United States from the otherthrow of the Presidency under the color of law through perfidity of legal manipulation and the cover of an non-feasant Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court is disabled and probably afraid to take action on the issues. Certainly, the SCOTUS is very much afraid to weigh in on the implications that could taint the legal system and allow it to be used to take control of the White House. But there is something rotten on the DC. It appears to me that the highest law enforcement and legal offices in the land may be intentionally doing taking actions that they can legally find that they have both the authority and ability to do, without oversight and review. Knowing that they have no morally right to do --- because they could not get access to certain information otherwise. Knowingly exceeding authority for so that one agency (the FBI in a separate investigation) seizes the evidence and then hands it over to the Special Prosecutor.

So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words, it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
Not at all. Mueller referred the issue to Rosenstein who decided not to go to a federal grand jury for a search warrant, but to pick a judge to ask for the warrant.

There is the question as to whether or not the actions, as they have unfolded, intentionally damaged the ability of the White House to function properly, and if that, in itself, constitutes a threat to the United States.

There is a question as to whether or not the usefulness of the SCOTUS has outlived its usefulness since it seems unable to resolve some of the most basic issues in the practices being performed.

And it is important to the credibility of the Congress (politicians being more trustworthy than the SCOTUS) has lost even more loyalty in the face of the American People.

Most Respectfully,
It's getting to a point that if the House and / or Senate are in the hands of a party in opposition to the president, they will move to impeach the president for the duration of their reign. Politicians have truly destroyed our democracy.

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