Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Panic time for the loyal trumpanzees.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Panic time for the loyal trumpanzees.
Nah, just more jerkoff material for Libtards in advance of the Horowotz report's imminent release, and 1.5 million FBI documents which will expose treason and corruption at the highest levels of govt. In other words, this is the equivalent of a last minute Hail Mary by Mueller, in other to save the FBI's face, as well as the legitimacy of his witch hunt investigation.

Plus, I have a feeling that after the Maniford raid, Trump and Cohen were totally expecting and ready for something like this to happen. Based on Trump's tame reaction so far. In other words, it was a total SET-UP!
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You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .
Wrong thread, Farrakhan.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:
You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .
If the Left and their cronies in the FBI and CIA are trying to instigate a civil war in the US, the first shot was just fired today.
By all means...get out there and start shooting.
another peaceful Leftwingnut?
Currently, an amused Leftie.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

I find it hysterical that the same folks who thought that a stalled investigation of a land deal the Clinton's lost money on justified an investigation into a private affair between Bill and Monica, but man, you start invetigating the porn star stuff, and it's just terrible.

This is the man you elected and foisted on us.
He's the duly elected president of the United States, that the Democrats and their puppets in the FBI, CIA, and media have tried to overthrow from the day he has been inaugurated. These treasonous conpiracies are being investigated and people will be indicted and going to prison very soon.
What a bunch of bullshit. Donald Trump has nobody to blame for this fiasco but himself. Why can't you fools see this?
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
"He instigated the whole thing..." Never the fault of the person being investigated, is it?
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
The President, the DOJ, and FBI are part of the Executive Branch. Methinks thou art confused as to what separation of powers means.
The Democrat party in the congress is using it's puppets in the FBI and CIA leadership in order to overthrow a duly elected president.
Because the Democrats in Congress are in charge of everything.

He's much more of a patriot that treasonous Obama and the Dems:





You think that Trump in a fake military uniform will make people forget that he's a coward with "bone spurs"?

New York Military Academy isn't the actual military.
Military academy alumni are taught values and ethics your pot smoking anti American commie hero aren't.

Nice to see someone not faking it.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

Your 2 nd grade Ed knows more than us all?
I thought it was all done legally.
You know, we are a country of laws as they say.
M, R etc all repubs
You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .
If the Left and their cronies in the FBI and CIA are trying to instigate a civil war in the US, the first shot was just fired today.
I'm sure you will be the first in the trenches, battling away with the dreaded commies.
Heard of the S and P 500?
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Are you drunk? That is not what happened at all! Are you drunk..or maybe stoned?

They had a legal warrant.. not illegal at all. Attorney/client privilege is being protected..if it applies..since if there is an on-going criminal conspiracy..there is not privilege.

Not that facts are going to slow you down...right?
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
He instigated the whole thing by sending it over to the NY district attorney, who then went judge shopping in order to get this unconstitutional illegal raid. In other words it was a handoff.
Getting a search warrant on a lawyer requires a tad more than "judge shopping", my friend. :71:

How? Just find a liberal. Done deal!

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