Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
Did Mueller use the Stormy Daniels debacle as a way or open doorway to raid the president's lawyer's office in hopes to find documents or anything possibly related to collusion ?? Mueller could careless about Stormy Daniels, but rather will use her as an excuse to raid offices in hopes to find anything to justify collusion.
Is the witch hunt continuing on an on until a rock is finally turned over, even if it takes using a porn star to get under that rock ?

Larry Flynt would be proud, and might even pay the investigator's some of that money he put up a while back.

Has Mueller run out of options, and is now trying for a 60 yard field goal ??

Did this come on the heels of the document request made by the DOJ on the FBI ? Is Washington burning down in a symbolic way ??

Does this nation need a situation where we have a sitting president who is deep in world affairs, now being distracted by an investigation that has run out of steam, and yet has become a huge thorn in the nation's side because it might lead to irrational decision making that may lead this nation into a horrific war ??? A distracted president under serious duress is no one that needs to be making huge decisions concerning war, strikes on other countries etc.

Chuck Shumer constantly threatening our president is another aggravation, where as who made the Demon-crats the rulers of America, and the know all end all in every situation ??

Julian Assange ⌛️ on Twitter
I find it hilarious that whenever one of Trump's homeboys gets busted by the Feds or Mueller, you all want to cry foul and fire Mueller. What do you have to hide if you've done nothing wrong?

Why so nervous? Perhaps, maybe you Kool-aid drinkers know deep down inside that Trump and his gang are shady.

You know the more Mueller investigates, the closer he is to ending Trump's presidency.
Have you right wingers forgotten it was Republicans who chose Mueller?

You're only mad now because he's actually doing a decent job.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.
It's sure looking that way. Good grief, Mueller must be desperate.
Well he had to produce SOMETHING after a year of this witch hunt and millions of dollars spent.
Have you right wingers forgotten it was Republicans who chose Mueller?

You're only mad now because he's actually doing a decent job.
No actually, Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein when Trump refused to appoint Mueller to FBI Director after firing Mueller's adopted baby boy, Comey. So Mueller definitely had an ax to grind.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
hahahaha... is even Trump that stupid? I think maybe he is, actually.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.
Mueller called the Southern NY FBI and passedit off tot hem.

Apparently these police state tactics are becoming the norm for the FBI.
Don't you think it's about time the people took back control?

Proportional Representation is the way forward.

as in a rep / populace ratio?

so instead of 435, we'd be somewhere in the vicinity of 4350?


they couldn't buy them all, at least not as easily, could they?

So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

I find it hysterical that the same folks who thought that a stalled investigation of a land deal the Clinton's lost money on justified an investigation into a private affair between Bill and Monica, but man, you start invetigating the porn star stuff, and it's just terrible.

This is the man you elected and foisted on us.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
The President, the DOJ, and FBI are part of the Executive Branch. Methinks thou art confused as to what separation of powers means.

Methinks they are. They are to serve at the pleasure of the president. He probably meant "due process"
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

I find it hysterical that the same folks who thought that a stalled investigation of a land deal the Clinton's lost money on justified an investigation into a private affair between Bill and Monica, but man, you start invetigating the porn star stuff, and it's just terrible.

This is the man you elected and foisted on us.
He's the duly elected president of the United States, that the Democrats and their puppets in the FBI, CIA, and media have tried to overthrow from the day he has been inaugurated. These treasonous conpiracies are being investigated and people will be indicted and going to prison very soon.
You righties back your jackboots 100% when they murder unarmed black men.

But when they come for thee, you sing a different tune .

Would that be the unarmed black pounding person head on concrete, or the unarmed one reaching in police car hitting police.

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