Time to fire that Democrat bitch puppet Mueller?

Should Mueller, Rosenstein, and anybody associated be fired by President Trump?

  • Yes, immediately

    Votes: 6 26.1%
  • Yes, fire Sessions as well

    Votes: 11 47.8%
  • No, not until Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • No, not even after Mueller produces his report

    Votes: 4 17.4%

  • Total voters
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.

As far as I understand, this raid had little or nothing to do with Mueller's investigation.

Then why does Mewler have his hands all in it?

He doesn't.

The case was handed over to the US Attorney for SDNY.

He's a Trump appointee, by the way.
The case was handed over by MUELLER.

He's much more of a patriot that treasonous Obama and the Dems:



Yes. He went to a private school where they wore uniforms and pretended to be part of the military. The closest he ever got to real military service was watching John Wayne in "The Flying Leathernecks"
Yeah yeah yeah, while he was being taught the values of hard work, love of country, and respect, Obama was smoking a doobie with the unrepentant anti American terrorist bombers.

And Trump got a bowling trophy too. Don't forget his bowling trophy.
What did Obama get? Biggest roofie smoked in the commie gathering? LOL

You smoke roofies?
He's much more of a patriot that treasonous Obama and the Dems:



Yes. He went to a private school where they wore uniforms and pretended to be part of the military. The closest he ever got to real military service was watching John Wayne in "The Flying Leathernecks"
Yeah yeah yeah, while he was being taught the values of hard work, love of country, and respect, Obama was smoking a doobie with the unrepentant anti American terrorist bombers.

And Trump got a bowling trophy too. Don't forget his bowling trophy.
What did Obama get? Biggest roofie smoked in the commie gathering? LOL

You smoke roofies?
We know that Obama did.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

So, if any of Trump's friends break the law, it's okay, they should not be prosecuted for anything? Should not be investigated? Nothing.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

So, if any of Trump's friends break the law, it's okay, they should not be prosecuted for anything? Should not be investigated? Nothing.

It's been the standard under Obama and Clinton before him. Why not now?
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

So, if any of Trump's friends break the law, it's okay, they should not be prosecuted for anything? Should not be investigated? Nothing.
This is his private attorney, moron. Do you understand the concept of client attorney privileges?

Attorney-Client Privilege
A legal privilege that works to keep communications between an attorney and his or her client secret. The privilege is asserted in the face of a legal demand for the communications, such as a discovery request or a demand that the lawyer testify under oath
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

So, if any of Trump's friends break the law, it's okay, they should not be prosecuted for anything? Should not be investigated? Nothing.

It's been the standard under Obama and Clinton before him. Why not now?

Don't you think it's about time the people took back control?

Proportional Representation is the way forward.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now acting using fascist police state tactics invading the president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the. boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.

So, if any of Trump's friends break the law, it's okay, they should not be prosecuted for anything? Should not be investigated? Nothing.
This is his private attorney, moron. Do you understand the concept of client attorney privileges?

Attorney-Client Privilege
A legal privilege that works to keep communications between an attorney and his or her client secret. The privilege is asserted in the face of a legal demand for the communications, such as a discovery request or a demand that the lawyer testify under oath

What the Attorney-Client Privilege Really Means – SGR Law

What the Attorney-Client Privilege Really Means
How can a client feel secure from the potential risk of having sensitive information fall into the wrong hands? In an extremely complex and competitive business climate saturated by consultants, technical advisors and outside experts, the sophisticated business owner might pause to consider one of the fundamental advantages of retaining legal counsel. By its very nature, the attorney-client relationship affords a distinct, invaluable right to have communications protected from compelled disclosure to any third party, including business associates and competitors, government agencies and even criminal justice authorities.
I tried to give him the benefit of a doubt at first, but he has failed all around.
He's much more of a patriot that treasonous Obama and the Dems:



Yes. He went to a private school where they wore uniforms and pretended to be part of the military. The closest he ever got to real military service was watching John Wayne in "The Flying Leathernecks"
Yeah yeah yeah, while he was being taught the values of hard work, love of country, and respect, Obama was smoking a doobie with the unrepentant anti American terrorist bombers.

And Trump got a bowling trophy too. Don't forget his bowling trophy.
What did Obama get? Biggest roofie smoked in the commie gathering? LOL
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Mueller is a Republican.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Mueller is a Republican.
He's much more of a patriot that treasonous Obama and the Dems:





You think that Trump in a fake military uniform will make people forget that he's a coward with "bone spurs"?

New York Military Academy isn't the actual military.

My HS played against NYMA in some sports. They were a bunch of pussies.
And how did they fare against Obama and his team of commie anti American terrorist bombers.
So where's the collusion? This was done because Mueller had hit a brick wall with regards to evidence of collusion, and he wanted to produce something for his Democrat puppet masters before he signs off.
It's sure looking that way. Good grief, Mueller must be desperate.
Based on today's events, where the FBI is now using fascist police state tactics invading the offices of president's attorney, basically like thieves breaking and entering, acquiring private / privileged client attorney documents. This is not only illegal, but a total violation of constitutional separation of powers where one party is using it's own deep state actors in the FBI to overthrow a president. It's time Rosenstein, Mueller, and anybody associated with them are given the boot.

We know this happened because the probe is getting very close to getting their hands on the 1.5 million documents showing treason at the FBI, CIA and previous Obama admin officials. They had no choice but to carry this outrageous attack on our Democracy as a way to protect themselves from being put in prison.
Mueller is a Republican.
. In a Demon-crat shirt ??

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