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Time to get him GONE!

Trump's 'Civil War' threat is 'beyond repugnant,' says GOP Rep. Kinzinger

Not only him, but any elected num nuts who supports this very dangerous fool. He is no longer just an embarrassment to our country; now he's a very dangerous demagogue. He is calling for violence, both against the legal whistle blower, and the rest of those who opposes him as well.

GET HIM GONE, by whatever means necessary! It is vital to America and all Americans.

We should all applaud Nancy Pelosi and Adam Schiff for standing up to this tyrant!

This is a parody post, correct?
You know better than that
And that's all Republicans cared about with that Benghazi bullshit?

Who were the Americans killed in Benghazi?
Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.


J. Christopher Stevens,
U.S. Ambassador to Libya

Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service
Information Management Officer

Glen Doherty

Tyrone S. Woods

The families of these 4 men who served America and made the Ultimate Sacrifice probably have a special message just for you......something like.....

I want what the Democrats want. And that's not what you just said.

Back in the day we had a strong middle class. The middle class has all but disappeared bub. Trump's policies are like Reagan's. Not worth it overall unless you are rich. Blue collar is still struggling and doing worse than before Bush ruined the economy. Obama put the country back together again. Trump's huge tax break only stimulated things for a year. Now our taxes have to go up to pay for it and social security benefits and medicare have to be cut. I know the GOP agenda. I'm not stupid like you.

I don't know who you are or what you do but if you are like most people, you should not be voting for GOP.

I make 6 figures and have zero bills and I can't see why you vote GOP. I'm white, male, college educated, straight. It takes a greedy or ignorant person to vote for Trump. How rich are you? If you are not rich, you'r ignorant. Fact.
The Dem's 2020 hopefuls have been very upfront about what they want for America's future but only raging MORONS would vote for the gun-confiscating, abortion-loving, socialism-embracing, open border demanding, impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories whining of what is our "new & improved," AOC-led Democrat Socialist Party.

And wiggle all you like there is no getting around any of that.

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

No one wants to confiscate guns except beto orourke. Pro choice? Yes we love freedom and choice. Socialism like social security and medicare? Are you going to kill those programs? You'll try if you win. Further making the middle class even poorer just to pay for those tax breaks. Are you rich? Dummy.

And the nominee won't want open borders either. Just they won't waste money on a wall.
Why do you ask if everyone is rich? Why is that relevant to anything? And maybe you love freedom and choice but your Democratic leaders spend their energies on removing choice, limiting freedoms and transferring wealth and power to the State.

Because the GOP are the party of the rich and you are too stupid to see they have made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

You'll come back with "what did Obama do about it" well the answer is he didn't pass policies that specifically made the rich richer at the middle classes expense.

I don't expect you to understand this or to agree. I just want you to know you are a stupid brainwashed sheep. The GOP got your broke ass with god, gays, guns and racism. They even get you to deny the obvious like man made climate change. God Americans, or at least half of them, are stupid as fuck. It's frustrating.

I don't want to go into it. Please don't respond and try to get a conversation going about this. I told you what I think and now I just want to drop it. It's not what we are talking about here. Stay focused. It's about ridding the USA of the fascist republicans.

We need to replace RBG with a liberal judge.

It is quite possible I have more money than you and I am certainly more logical. I already told you that your description of yourself is quite similar to me but like all Democrats you ignore what's presented to you because it doesn't fit in your rigidly defined view of the world.

You NEED Trump supporters to be stupid rednecks waving confederate flags screaming AMERICA FUCK YEAH (which is awesome BTW). I am sorry to inform you that Trump supporters are a very wide range of America, poor, middle class, rich, college educated or not, White and non White. That is reality.
I know how they duped you into supporting them.
LMAO. I read the transcript and all Trump did was ask the President to look in into what happened with Hunter and his Dad. He never said a word about either Barr or Giuliani and the Biden's.

The rest of your post is drivel at its finest.

Carry on.
Imagine what Democrats could accomplish if they didn't spend all of their time on creative ways to Impeach Donald Trump?
Imagine what Trump could have accomplished if instead of wasting his time calling Ukraine about Biden he focused on real issues.
Yeah, we shouldn't be investigating corruption if Democrats are involved! That's just wrong!
Did you ever find any wrong-doing?

And weren’t republicans doing those things too? Like playing politics from the White House, having affairs, lying, deleting emails
And that's all Republicans cared about with that Benghazi bullshit?

Who were the Americans killed in Benghazi?
Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.


J. Christopher Stevens,
U.S. Ambassador to Libya

Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service
Information Management Officer

Glen Doherty

Tyrone S. Woods

The families of these 4 men who served America and made the Ultimate Sacrifice probably have a special message just for you......something like.....

I knew you’d go there.

Trump has probably had 5 Benghazi’s but you just don’t know it because democrats don’t play politics with shit like that.
Get him gone by whatever means necessary is what the far left has been trying to do since he was sworn in ironically all they are accomplishing is increasing his chances of getting re-elected.
The proof of this is where? Not here.
CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
In a week or two the polls will go the other way you saw this with the Russian collusion and obstruction of justice narratives as well. Big hype of media coverage bad poll numbers for Trump then people calm down look past the headline and see there is little to nothing there.
Get him gone by whatever means necessary is what the far left has been trying to do since he was sworn in ironically all they are accomplishing is increasing his chances of getting re-elected.
The proof of this is where? Not here.
CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
CNN has been promoting lies since Trump came down the escalator. What makes them suddenly believable?
Get him gone by whatever means necessary is what the far left has been trying to do since he was sworn in ironically all they are accomplishing is increasing his chances of getting re-elected.
The proof of this is where? Not here.
CNN Poll: Support for impeaching Trump rises among independents and Republicans - CNNPolitics
CNN has been promoting lies since Trump came down the escalator. What makes them suddenly believable?
What ever made trump believable? Get back to us when CNN passes the 12,000 lie mark.
The Dem's 2020 hopefuls have been very upfront about what they want for America's future but only raging MORONS would vote for the gun-confiscating, abortion-loving, socialism-embracing, open border demanding, impeachment-in-lieu-of-election-victories whining of what is our "new & improved," AOC-led Democrat Socialist Party.

And wiggle all you like there is no getting around any of that.

DNC Chief: ‘Our nominee won't stand a chance against Trump’

No one wants to confiscate guns except beto orourke. Pro choice? Yes we love freedom and choice. Socialism like social security and medicare? Are you going to kill those programs? You'll try if you win. Further making the middle class even poorer just to pay for those tax breaks. Are you rich? Dummy.

And the nominee won't want open borders either. Just they won't waste money on a wall.
Why do you ask if everyone is rich? Why is that relevant to anything? And maybe you love freedom and choice but your Democratic leaders spend their energies on removing choice, limiting freedoms and transferring wealth and power to the State.

Because the GOP are the party of the rich and you are too stupid to see they have made the middle class poorer and the rich richer.

You'll come back with "what did Obama do about it" well the answer is he didn't pass policies that specifically made the rich richer at the middle classes expense.

I don't expect you to understand this or to agree. I just want you to know you are a stupid brainwashed sheep. The GOP got your broke ass with god, gays, guns and racism. They even get you to deny the obvious like man made climate change. God Americans, or at least half of them, are stupid as fuck. It's frustrating.

I don't want to go into it. Please don't respond and try to get a conversation going about this. I told you what I think and now I just want to drop it. It's not what we are talking about here. Stay focused. It's about ridding the USA of the fascist republicans.

We need to replace RBG with a liberal judge.

It is quite possible I have more money than you and I am certainly more logical. I already told you that your description of yourself is quite similar to me but like all Democrats you ignore what's presented to you because it doesn't fit in your rigidly defined view of the world.

You NEED Trump supporters to be stupid rednecks waving confederate flags screaming AMERICA FUCK YEAH (which is awesome BTW). I am sorry to inform you that Trump supporters are a very wide range of America, poor, middle class, rich, college educated or not, White and non White. That is reality.
I know how they duped you into supporting them.
Quite frankly you don't know much. You speculate a lot.
And that's all Republicans cared about with that Benghazi bullshit?

Who were the Americans killed in Benghazi?
Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.


J. Christopher Stevens,
U.S. Ambassador to Libya

Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service
Information Management Officer

Glen Doherty

Tyrone S. Woods

The families of these 4 men who served America and made the Ultimate Sacrifice probably have a special message just for you......something like.....

I knew you’d go there.

Trump has probably had 5 Benghazi’s but you just don’t know it because democrats don’t play politics with shit like that.
Right. Trying to blame the massacre on some random video, no politics there eh? Obama hiding in the White House and ordering a stand down because it would look bad politically. No politics there eh?
I knew you’d go there.
Trump has probably had 5 Benghazi’s but you just don’t know it because democrats don’t play politics with shit like that.

List them...and the dead. Waiting.

Trump’s Benghazi? Ambush of U.S. soldiers in Niger goes unnoticed
Four dead Americans in Africa: Why hasn't this act of terror drawn the same feverish scrutiny?

The New York Times reported that when the soldiers were ambushed, no American helicopters came to their rescue. Although Congress has never authorized the mission in Niger -- as is required by the Constitution -- the military’s Africa command asked lawmakers for more help months before the attack, the Times also reported.

The only difference is us Democrats didn't turn it into a Benghazi.

Identified as Staff Sgt. Bryan Black of Washington state, Staff Sgt. Jeremiah Johnson of Ohio, Sgt. La David Johnson of Florida and Staff Sgt. Dustin Wright of Georgia, the four dead Americans, part of the Third Special Forces Group based at North Carolina’s Fort Bragg, haven’t received much attention. The White House said Trump was notified about the attack in Niger shortly after it happened last Wednesday night. A week later, he still hasn’t sent one tweet or released any official statement about the death of the four Americans. He has written more than 60 tweets about Benghazi, another terror attack in the same region of Africa that resulted in four dead Americans.

The White House has remained curiously mum about this terror attack, exactly the sort of event it would normally use to score political points. Even though he sent Vice President Mike Pence to Indiana -- at great taxpayer expense -- to showboat over the flag at an NFL game on Sunday, Trump couldn’t be bothered to head to Dover Air Force Base to greet the flag-draped coffin of one of the soldiers he claims to honor, on Monday. Instead, the president was busy playing golf with Sen. Lindsey Graham.

Recall how much was made of President Obama’s round of golf after stopping to address the beheading of American James Foley by ISIS? Or the hours of cable news coverage devoted to then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s supposedly disingenuous statement to the grieving families three days after the Benghazi attack?

Republicans were quick to accuse the Obama administration of crafting a faulty political narrative in the aftermath of Benghazi. Fox News told its viewers for years that Obama may have "sacrificed Americans" as part of a "political calculation" to win re-election.

Now that such an attack has happened on Trump’s watch, where are the specious accusations of a stand-down order?

Kris “Tanto” Paronto, one of the surviving U.S. security contractors who were on the ground in Benghazi during the terrorist attack, slammed Clinton for lacking a “sense of urgency.” Well, the military’s Africa command asked lawmakers for more help months before the attack in Niger but got none. Why aren't they slamming Trump for lacking a sense of urgency?

Because Democrats aren't going to turn the Niger incident into another Benghazi.
And that's all Republicans cared about with that Benghazi bullshit?

Who were the Americans killed in Benghazi?
Four Americans died in the 2012 Benghazi attack: Ambassador Chris Stevens, Information Officer Sean Smith, and two CIA operatives, Glen Doherty and Tyrone Woods, both former Navy SEALs.


J. Christopher Stevens,
U.S. Ambassador to Libya

Sean Smith, U.S. Foreign Service
Information Management Officer

Glen Doherty

Tyrone S. Woods

The families of these 4 men who served America and made the Ultimate Sacrifice probably have a special message just for you......something like.....

I knew you’d go there.

Trump has probably had 5 Benghazi’s but you just don’t know it because democrats don’t play politics with shit like that.
Right. Trying to blame the massacre on some random video, no politics there eh? Obama hiding in the White House and ordering a stand down because it would look bad politically. No politics there eh?
See my previous post.

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