Time to go public with Soleimani attack intel

Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
So if it was so easy why has this ben going on for nearly 20 years and 2 trillion dollars.
PG1 is NOT going on --it's over
So our troops are home and we have quit spending money huh?LOL
PG1 is over --we went through them very fast--undeniable
undeniable? you are a true dumb fuck! So we have no troops in iraq or afganastan and we have stopped swpending money and we no longer have military ops going huh? IQ of a fucking rock here.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
So if it was so easy why has this ben going on for nearly 20 years and 2 trillion dollars.
PG1 is NOT going on --it's over
So our troops are home and we have quit spending money huh?LOL
PG1 is over --we went through them very fast--undeniable
undeniable? you are a true dumb fuck! So we have no troops in iraq or afganastan and we have stopped swpending money and we no longer have military ops going huh? IQ of a fucking rock here.
the topic was military vs military---not occupational problems
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
It don’t make a lot of sense but it the reasoning the admin is going with which is why I think the intel needs to be made public

There’s lots of “intelligence” the public should never be privy to. If filthy LefTards will feel fucked off by the Trump admin for not sharing this bit of intel my bet is he won’t release it.
intel that starts a war is pretty damn important don’t you think? WMDs ring a bell? In retrospect don’t you think that intel should have been shared and verified?

Have you ever requested to see the “intel” that may explain why Mexicrats want to keep Mexico’s people flowing in despite their propensity to suck the taxpayer tit, to pillage, rape and murder Americans?
Who fucks us over more....Iran or Mexico?
stick to the subject. We aren’t talking about Mexico
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
So if it was so easy why has this ben going on for nearly 20 years and 2 trillion dollars.
PG1 is NOT going on --it's over
So our troops are home and we have quit spending money huh?LOL
PG1 is over --we went through them very fast--undeniable
undeniable? you are a true dumb fuck! So we have no troops in iraq or afganastan and we have stopped swpending money and we no longer have military ops going huh? IQ of a fucking rock here.
..why are you so emotional? using foul languange/insults??
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.

You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
We can't get the name of the alleged "whistle blower" in the Trump impeachment and you want intel on an ongoing military operation to be made public? You have it backwards don't you?
No I don’t. We have laws protecting whistleblowers and we are talking about justifying actions that may start a war with Iran. Two very different situations.
So if it was so easy why has this ben going on for nearly 20 years and 2 trillion dollars.
PG1 is NOT going on --it's over
So our troops are home and we have quit spending money huh?LOL
PG1 is over --we went through them very fast--undeniable
undeniable? you are a true dumb fuck! So we have no troops in iraq or afganastan and we have stopped swpending money and we no longer have military ops going huh? IQ of a fucking rock here.
the topic was military vs military---not occupational problems
hahahahhah! dumb fuck!hahhahhahaha dunb fuck . To stupid to pay attention to
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

It is an interesting juxtaposition, we have had hundreds of threads on this forum decrying the intelligence community, we have been told they are nothing but the deep state in its truest form and cannot be trusted...and then these same people never once even thought about questioning this.

Just shows how deeply everything is tied to partisanship.
PG1 is NOT going on --it's over
So our troops are home and we have quit spending money huh?LOL
PG1 is over --we went through them very fast--undeniable
undeniable? you are a true dumb fuck! So we have no troops in iraq or afganastan and we have stopped swpending money and we no longer have military ops going huh? IQ of a fucking rock here.
the topic was military vs military---not occupational problems
hahahahhah! dumb fuck!hahhahhahaha dunb fuck . To stupid to pay attention to
so mature of you ....
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
I agree in general, and I think the world would accept solid evidence (except for those who won't accept anything for other reasons).

The problem is always this: Exposing critical intel may also expose the methodology we used to acquire it. So reporting it may be counter-productive, and leaving it out might not be persuasive. A Catch-22.

What I'd like to see is leaders from the opposing party being shown the intel, and then coming out in favor of what happened. Unfortunately, I really can't trust them to be honest (regardless of the party), so that might be a waste of time, too.

Maybe having another country come out in support after seeing the intel might work. It's a shame that it's so difficult to trust people in such critical times.
I agree, wouldn’t want to compromise sources and methods but the stakes are pretty damn high here and I see a country morning the loss of a highly respected general who we assassinated. They are vowing retribution which could very well lead to war. War involves not just our country but likely our allies so it is imperative to share our intel with our congress and our allies. I think a public explanation needs to be made. Either show the evidence of what threat we faced or gather statements from our leaders and our allies to stand behind the actions.
....hahahhahaha--key word is ''respected''' ---as in the Iranians respect him ----like the Germans respected hitler and Heydrich
here-- research this jackass Soleimani bastard
Heydrich [ Soleimani ] assassinated
yes their country’s people obviously respected the guy. They may have been fed completely different intel about what this guy has done throughout his career. Who knows what is what with the fake news media, right? All you know about this guy is from what the fake news media and deep state government has told you so how confident are you in what you believe?

fact remains there is a country of people who respected this guy. We assassinated him and now the people are demanding retribution, just like we would if Iran assassinated one of our generals... so now I believe it is best for us to show the world why we did what we did. We are talking about another war. Now is the time to make our case and justify our actions. You don’t agree?
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month
Need I remind you that America has a shitty record of winning the peace? Any dummy can drop a bunch of bombs but we have not been justified in any use of force since WW2 ended.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
I agree in general, and I think the world would accept solid evidence (except for those who won't accept anything for other reasons).

The problem is always this: Exposing critical intel may also expose the methodology we used to acquire it. So reporting it may be counter-productive, and leaving it out might not be persuasive. A Catch-22.

What I'd like to see is leaders from the opposing party being shown the intel, and then coming out in favor of what happened. Unfortunately, I really can't trust them to be honest (regardless of the party), so that might be a waste of time, too.

Maybe having another country come out in support after seeing the intel might work. It's a shame that it's so difficult to trust people in such critical times.
I agree, wouldn’t want to compromise sources and methods but the stakes are pretty damn high here and I see a country morning the loss of a highly respected general who we assassinated. They are vowing retribution which could very well lead to war. War involves not just our country but likely our allies so it is imperative to share our intel with our congress and our allies.

There are factions in Congress with which it would be unwise to share information. They cannot be trusted. That's a fact.

Europe ran to the arms of socialism almost as soon as the Wall came down. Our allies are changing seats.
well perhaps our leader should focus more on building trust and cooperation instead of sewing hate division... it’s time like these when we need allies and unity. Tough when nobody trusts a thing our POTUS says

Building trust? It would be the height of madness to trust that which we spent half the 20th Century defeating. Consider Merkel. She's destroyed her own country. What would be the advantage?
I always see advantage in having strong and trusting relationships with allied countries
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

I think your entire supposition is stupid. He was a enemy general in a war zone.
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
/----/ Maybe President Trump should have invited him over to the WH for a Beer Summit like Obozo would have.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month
Need I remind you that America has a shitty record of winning the peace? Any dummy can drop a bunch of bombs but we have not been justified in any use of force since WW2 ended.
Korea? PG1? --when saddam [ who started TWO wars, gassed his own people/etc ] invaded tiny Kuwait--like hitler and stalin invaded Poland???!!!
...we won in Korea and PG1 [ please be careful of your response, unless you want to be shown--again--you are ignorant ]

..you prove you have no knowledge of history/military/wars....
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?
There is no real protocol protecting Generals walking around a battle area, not in their own country.
The imminent attack excuse does not make sense. This man was a general in charge of a large international operation. Killing him does practically nothing to stop any ongoing operation that we can assume was handled through whatever command structure that exists. They are lying. Someone else will be promoted to his position and Iran has a new martyr to rally around. You can't kill martyrs.
you also do not know about history or military history
..there are great generals and there are idiot generals...if they replace him with an idiot general--that's good
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.

You grant them power they don't possess. Iran is ranked 21st, down from 14th a few years ago.

We're #1.

These are the 25 most powerful militaries in the world — and there's a clear winner
Our track record on our wars is not that good. I can only look back at the past for how all this will go. Endless expensive quagmire for years followed by an inconclusive retreat followed by wondering why we ever did it.
After watching the public reaction to Soleimani’s murder followed by vows of revenge by Iran, we are apparently on the brink of war. At this point it seems obvious that we need to go public with the intel we have showing the imminent attack that was being planned against Americans.

This intel should clearly show the world that Soleimani was a clear and present danger and we had no choice but to go outside of protocol and assassinate him. Do you agree? Thoughts?

I think your entire supposition is stupid. He was a enemy general in a war zone.
And assassinating him could provoke a war with Iran. This is quite different than Bin Laden, you understand that right?
Looks like you think we are dealing with the military retards who worked for Saddam. You'll see we are dealing with something way harder to defeat if Trump can't find some way to deescalate things.
hahahha-Iran is also a shithole like the rest of the Middle East
......Iraq had one of the largest, combat EXPERIENCED armies in the world--much more combat experience than the US forces -----yet we went through them like a hot knife through butter ...and Iran didn't defeat Iraq in the YEARS long Iran-Iraq War
You do not know what you are talking about. I can guarantee that the realist generals who have to actually conduct a war are sweating bullets. Not saying that Iran can win but they will make victory so expensive that it seems like a defeat.
..that's EXACTLY what they said about PG1--with the ground attack that lasted about a month
Need I remind you that America has a shitty record of winning the peace? Any dummy can drop a bunch of bombs but we have not been justified in any use of force since WW2 ended.
Korea? PG1? --when saddam [ who started TWO wars, gassed his own people/etc ] invaded tiny Kuwait--like hitler and stalin invaded Poland???!!!
...we won in Korea and PG1 [ please be careful of your response, unless you want to be shown--again--you are ignorant ]

..you prove you have no knowledge of history/military/wars....
Yeah Iraq is so peaceful now.

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