Time to kick Bachmann out of the intelligence committee.

OH. My. God. LOLberals are outraged at the appointment of a conservative.

News at 11.

Nope, not outraged that she's conservative. Disgusted that someone as ridiculous as her sits on the intelligence committee.

I'd feel the same way if Kucinich or Saunders was on that committee. And they aren't crazy. They are just too clouded by ideology to be effective members.
OH. My. God. LOLberals are outraged at the appointment of a conservative.

News at 11.

She doesn't know her own husband is gay. How 'intelligent' can she be.

Because he isn't. Just because you like insulting people by accusing them of being gay doesn't mean he becomes so. That's the problem with lying. If you lie too much you start believing your lies.
OH. My. God. LOLberals are outraged at the appointment of a conservative.

News at 11.

She doesn't know her own husband is gay. How 'intelligent' can she be.

Because he isn't. Just because you like insulting people by accusing them of being gay doesn't mean he becomes so. That's the problem with lying. If you lie too much you start believing your lies.

Just like claiming hiliary faked a blood clot in her head on NO evidence whats so ever.
OH. My. God. LOLberals are outraged at the appointment of a conservative.

News at 11.

No, not really. People capable of rational thought are concerned that she is wholly inappropriate for that position.

Pity you're not included in that population.

Pity you aren't either.

The ironic thing, as you've proven over and over here, is that you simply wouldn't know.

Pray hard and hold the BOM really tight, and maybe you'll get an answer.
This woman should be no where near sensitive government material.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) barely survived a Democratic challenge in November, despite a massive cash and spending advantage. Last week, however, Bachmann was back to business as usual, mounting another effort to repeal Obamacare before proudly announcing that she'd been reappointed to a key position on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The committee decision by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was particularly upsetting for People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group and ardent Bachmann foe, which found the appointment an "outrage" in light of the Minnesota Republican's controversial crusade against Muslim members of President Barack Obama's administration last year.

"While Rep. Bachmann’s Islamophobic fear mongering is a hit in conspiratorial right-wing circles, it’s beneath the level of discourse Americans should expect from members of Congress," Ben Betz of PFAW said in an email to supporters on Tuesday. "And her views are nothing short of terrifying for someone sitting on the powerful Intelligence Committee."
Michele Bachmann Intelligence Committee Reappointment Draws Petition From PFAW

It's high time Republicans started acting responsibly at least where national security is concerned.

This woman is a dangerous radical with shit for brains.

What a terrific topic!! Who belongs near sensitive government material!

1. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive. The committees increased the number of CIA officials subject to Senate confirmation, condemned the agency for its contacts with unscrupulous characters, prohibited any further contact with these bad characters, insisted that the United States not engage or assist in any coup which may harm a foreign leader, and overwhelmed the agency with interminable requests for briefings (some 600 alone in 1996).

2. [A]s Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”

3. Senator Robert Torricelli of New Jersey, who led the charge in the mid-1990s to prevent the CIA from hiring unsavory characters. Torricelli rallied to the defense of State Department employee Robert Nuccio, who leaked classified material dealing with CIA operations in Guatemala to Torricelli, who in turn held a press conference and revealed the information to the media. It was these revelations that led to congressional restrictions on the ability of agents in the field to deal with “bad people.”

4. [C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

5. The sad reality is that a CIA operative with any hope of infiltrating a terrorist cell would need to demonstrate his bona fides in any number of reprehensible ways. These are unpleasant thoughts to contemplate, and they certainly do not fit our conception of the way the world ought to work. But America cannot have it both ways -- it cannot expect to deter an Osama bin Laden and keep its hands clean at the same time.
History News Network

Every one of the destroyers of our intelligence capabilities is a Democrat!!!

And a strong case can be made that the above information is what allowed 9/11.

Thanks for bringing up the subject of Democrat iniquities.

BTW....did you know that Teddy Kennedy tried to work with the Russians against the United States President?
We can't go upsetting People for the American Way now can we?

She's been making some extremely serious accusations against people with absolutely nothing to back it up. She sits on a committee where there are some pretty sensitive materials that's she's able to peruse on a pretty regular basis. It's very irresponsible to have someone with that sort of behavior sitting in the position she's in at the moment.

You mean like accusing Romney of not paying taxes?

Someone should give her a black eye.

This woman should be no where near sensitive government material.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) barely survived a Democratic challenge in November, despite a massive cash and spending advantage. Last week, however, Bachmann was back to business as usual, mounting another effort to repeal Obamacare before proudly announcing that she'd been reappointed to a key position on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The committee decision by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was particularly upsetting for People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group and ardent Bachmann foe, which found the appointment an "outrage" in light of the Minnesota Republican's controversial crusade against Muslim members of President Barack Obama's administration last year.

"While Rep. Bachmann’s Islamophobic fear mongering is a hit in conspiratorial right-wing circles, it’s beneath the level of discourse Americans should expect from members of Congress," Ben Betz of PFAW said in an email to supporters on Tuesday. "And her views are nothing short of terrifying for someone sitting on the powerful Intelligence Committee."
Michele Bachmann Intelligence Committee Reappointment Draws Petition From PFAW

It's high time Republicans started acting responsibly at least where national security is concerned.

This woman is a dangerous radical with shit for brains.

What a terrific topic!! Who belongs near sensitive government material!

1. The damage done to the CIA by this congressional oversight regime (Democrat-controlled Pike and Church Committees) is quite extensive. The committees increased the number of CIA officials subject to Senate confirmation, condemned the agency for its contacts with unscrupulous characters, prohibited any further contact with these bad characters, insisted that the United States not engage or assist in any coup which may harm a foreign leader, and overwhelmed the agency with interminable requests for briefings (some 600 alone in 1996).

2. [A]s Henry Kissinger once observed about the Church Committee, that it is an illusion that “tranquility can be achieved by an abstract purity of motive for which history offers no example.” It is precisely this illusion which has prevailed in congressional circles since the heyday of Frank Church and Otis Pike. As Church himself once argued, the United States should not “fight fire with fire . . . evil with evil.”

3. Senator Robert Torricelli of New Jersey, who led the charge in the mid-1990s to prevent the CIA from hiring unsavory characters. Torricelli rallied to the defense of State Department employee Robert Nuccio, who leaked classified material dealing with CIA operations in Guatemala to Torricelli, who in turn held a press conference and revealed the information to the media. It was these revelations that led to congressional restrictions on the ability of agents in the field to deal with “bad people.”

4. [C]hairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Joseph Biden,…[t]he Delaware Democrat was one of seventeen Senators who voted in 1974 to ban all covert operations, and proudly noted during his 1988 campaign for president that he had threatened to “go public” with covert action plans by the Reagan administration, causing them to cancel the operations.

5. The sad reality is that a CIA operative with any hope of infiltrating a terrorist cell would need to demonstrate his bona fides in any number of reprehensible ways. These are unpleasant thoughts to contemplate, and they certainly do not fit our conception of the way the world ought to work. But America cannot have it both ways -- it cannot expect to deter an Osama bin Laden and keep its hands clean at the same time.
History News Network

Every one of the destroyers of our intelligence capabilities is a Democrat!!!

And a strong case can be made that the above information is what allowed 9/11.

Thanks for bringing up the subject of Democrat iniquities.

BTW....did you know that Teddy Kennedy tried to work with the Russians against the United States President?

I stopped at Henry Kissinger. One of the most evil people on the planet.
We can't go upsetting People for the American Way now can we?

She's been making some extremely serious accusations against people with absolutely nothing to back it up. She sits on a committee where there are some pretty sensitive materials that's she's able to peruse on a pretty regular basis. It's very irresponsible to have someone with that sort of behavior sitting in the position she's in at the moment.

You mean like accusing Romney of not paying taxes?

Someone should give her a black eye.

View attachment 23708

And that's not a bingo, ace.

Intelligence and Politics don't mix.


This woman should be no where near sensitive government material.

Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) barely survived a Democratic challenge in November, despite a massive cash and spending advantage. Last week, however, Bachmann was back to business as usual, mounting another effort to repeal Obamacare before proudly announcing that she'd been reappointed to a key position on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence.

The committee decision by House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) was particularly upsetting for People for the American Way, a liberal advocacy group and ardent Bachmann foe, which found the appointment an "outrage" in light of the Minnesota Republican's controversial crusade against Muslim members of President Barack Obama's administration last year.

"While Rep. Bachmann’s Islamophobic fear mongering is a hit in conspiratorial right-wing circles, it’s beneath the level of discourse Americans should expect from members of Congress," Ben Betz of PFAW said in an email to supporters on Tuesday. "And her views are nothing short of terrifying for someone sitting on the powerful Intelligence Committee."
Michele Bachmann Intelligence Committee Reappointment Draws Petition From PFAW

It's high time Republicans started acting responsibly at least where national security is concerned.

This woman is a dangerous radical with shit for brains.

Shallow is afraid Bachmann will get to the bottom of the Benghazi scandal...typical pansy fear of the powerful woman.

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