Time to kill the filibuster

So she telling me about the USSR personally in Chicago makes me a Russian?

Well you did post in the pro russian thread

Russia is correct this lawlessness in America must stop

The spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin says ...
More pro Putin posts from Bear513

We need Putin more than ever now to save us from the enemy with in. - bear513
Its not going to happen if I am hearing the only two level headed democrats in the senate correctly...besides you dems will rue the day that you did this...you won't be in power much longer....and then we will have the fillibusterless senate....remember we warned Reid and you all laughed and now the GOP has the Supreme court....be careful what you wish for....
Nothing says a few more seats on the court couldn't happen. It would be much more likely to happen in the current environment where repubs are the party of NO than it would be if there was even a small amount of cooperation. I would suggest you might be the one who should be careful of what you wish for.
That will never happen...the backlash across the nation would doom the dems for generations and the GOP would just switch it all back anyway....so please go for it....
If there was any chance the repubs would cooperate in any way, what you say might matter. Unfortunately, republicans have made it clear they will be the party of no for the foreseeable future. Refusing to cooperate on something as important as the insurrection investigation shows they intend to just act like petulant children for the next 4 years. If anything is to get done the filibuster has to go. We can't afford to go 4 years without taking care of the country's business. If your party insists on acting like selfish children, they will be treated like selfish children.
Bear513 defends Putin once again

Putin v. Hitler. do you agree that these 2 tyrants are very similar in many ways ?
No - bear513
If there was any chance the repubs would cooperate in any way, what you say might matter. Unfortunately, republicans have made it clear they will be the party of no for the foreseeable future. Refusing to cooperate on something as important as the insurrection investigation shows they intend to just act like petulant children for the next 4 years. If anything is to get done the filibuster has to go.
As agree that the filibuster as it now stands has to go. But I say "mend it not end it"

Make the filibuster a true filibuster, with the requirement to hold the floor and speak on topic for hours, days or weeks.
Nobody wanted to kill the filibuster. I didn't want to kill the filibuster. All that was true before the republicans refused to agree to a bipartisan 1/6 commission to investigate the attack on the capitol. Before the vote, repubs made demands for their cooperation, and democrats agreed to every one of them. Repubs still refused to cooperate. If they refuse to cooperate on something so momentous as that, it's obvious they won't cooperate on anything else. The country can't afford to capitulate to the party of NO for a full four years. The insurrectionists built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting “KILL MIKE PENCE!!” There are pictures of republicans stacking furniture to block the door in an effort to keep the insurrectionists out. Those were the same republicans who voted against the bipartisan investigation. Only an idiot wouldn't see that we need to drop the politics and discover what really happened, and who was instrumental in planning it. They obviously care more about protecting trump, and their members who were instrumental in planning the attempted coup than they care about taking care of the country's business. I would prefer to keep the filibuster, but the repubs are forcing the issue so that our only choice is to end it. Once that is done, it won't seem like such a big deal to reconsider statehood for DC and Puerto Rico or a few more seats on the Supreme court. If the republicans keep insisting on being obstinate, there is not much else we can do but to play hardball just like they are doing.

End the filibuster and it will comeback to bite us in the ass in the future. Changing the rules to benefit now, will hurt later, we have seen it so many times. I think we all need to be careful, we need to investigate what, how and who, then what we all can do to prevent this in the future. I'm not seeing why the House can't just investigate like they did with Benghazi or the inquiry to the Trump impeachment.
Nobody wanted to kill the filibuster. I didn't want to kill the filibuster. All that was true before the republicans refused to agree to a bipartisan 1/6 commission to investigate the attack on the capitol. Before the vote, repubs made demands for their cooperation, and democrats agreed to every one of them. Repubs still refused to cooperate. If they refuse to cooperate on something so momentous as that, it's obvious they won't cooperate on anything else. The country can't afford to capitulate to the party of NO for a full four years. The insurrectionists built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting “KILL MIKE PENCE!!” There are pictures of republicans stacking furniture to block the door in an effort to keep the insurrectionists out. Those were the same republicans who voted against the bipartisan investigation. Only an idiot wouldn't see that we need to drop the politics and discover what really happened, and who was instrumental in planning it. They obviously care more about protecting trump, and their members who were instrumental in planning the attempted coup than they care about taking care of the country's business. I would prefer to keep the filibuster, but the repubs are forcing the issue so that our only choice is to end it. Once that is done, it won't seem like such a big deal to reconsider statehood for DC and Puerto Rico or a few more seats on the Supreme court. If the republicans keep insisting on being obstinate, there is not much else we can do but to play hardball just like they are doing.

If the D's are having a hard time getting things done, why don't the REACH ACROSS THE AISLE and actually work in a bipartisan way with the R's? There are plenty of issues that the D's could change their stand on and agree with the GOP concerning, if they truly wanted to be Big Tent.
The Ds agreed to every demand the Rs made on the bipartisan investigation, but they refused to cooperate anyway. You can't reach across the isle if they refuse everything, even when all their demands are met.
Bear513 defends Putin once again

Putin v. Hitler. do you agree that these 2 tyrants are very similar in many ways ?
No - bear513
Putin isn't quite on the same level as Hitler, however Putin is an evil man that cannot and should not be trusted.
Nobody wanted to kill the filibuster. I didn't want to kill the filibuster. All that was true before the republicans refused to agree to a bipartisan 1/6 commission to investigate the attack on the capitol. Before the vote, repubs made demands for their cooperation, and democrats agreed to every one of them. Repubs still refused to cooperate. If they refuse to cooperate on something so momentous as that, it's obvious they won't cooperate on anything else. The country can't afford to capitulate to the party of NO for a full four years. The insurrectionists built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting “KILL MIKE PENCE!!” There are pictures of republicans stacking furniture to block the door in an effort to keep the insurrectionists out. Those were the same republicans who voted against the bipartisan investigation. Only an idiot wouldn't see that we need to drop the politics and discover what really happened, and who was instrumental in planning it. They obviously care more about protecting trump, and their members who were instrumental in planning the attempted coup than they care about taking care of the country's business. I would prefer to keep the filibuster, but the repubs are forcing the issue so that our only choice is to end it. Once that is done, it won't seem like such a big deal to reconsider statehood for DC and Puerto Rico or a few more seats on the Supreme court. If the republicans keep insisting on being obstinate, there is not much else we can do but to play hardball just like they are doing.

So when the left is in charge you want to flame the rules?

Sounds like a dictatorship
What part of ending the filibuster is illegal? If we learned anything from trump it was that if you can do it, you should do it.
The Ds agreed to every demand the Rs made on the bipartisan investigation, but they refused to cooperate anyway. You can't reach across the isle if they refuse everything, even when all their demands are met.
Republicans plan is to stop all democratic legislation by stalling or outright opposition.

Part 1, stall. By talking and seeming to bargain to stall for time, knowing they're never going to vote for it.
Similar to running out the clock. After stalling it for weeks or months, vote NO anyway.
Nobody wanted to kill the filibuster. I didn't want to kill the filibuster. All that was true before the republicans refused to agree to a bipartisan 1/6 commission to investigate the attack on the capitol. Before the vote, repubs made demands for their cooperation, and democrats agreed to every one of them. Repubs still refused to cooperate. If they refuse to cooperate on something so momentous as that, it's obvious they won't cooperate on anything else. The country can't afford to capitulate to the party of NO for a full four years. The insurrectionists built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting “KILL MIKE PENCE!!” There are pictures of republicans stacking furniture to block the door in an effort to keep the insurrectionists out. Those were the same republicans who voted against the bipartisan investigation. Only an idiot wouldn't see that we need to drop the politics and discover what really happened, and who was instrumental in planning it. They obviously care more about protecting trump, and their members who were instrumental in planning the attempted coup than they care about taking care of the country's business. I would prefer to keep the filibuster, but the repubs are forcing the issue so that our only choice is to end it. Once that is done, it won't seem like such a big deal to reconsider statehood for DC and Puerto Rico or a few more seats on the Supreme court. If the republicans keep insisting on being obstinate, there is not much else we can do but to play hardball just like they are doing.

Can you clutch those pearls just a little bit tighter? No one is fooled by democrats pretense that they want to know what happened. We have the FBI that is perfectly capable of investigating the January 6th protest. What democrats actually want is to get their so called "commission" put together so they can get nightly newscast help in trying to harangue republicans during the 2022 elections. They want it to use as a battering ram and nothing more.
Not a problem. Pelosi will still have an investigation. Odd that repubs didn't want any input into it. Why do you think they didn't want to participate?
Nobody wanted to kill the filibuster. I didn't want to kill the filibuster. All that was true before the republicans refused to agree to a bipartisan 1/6 commission to investigate the attack on the capitol. Before the vote, repubs made demands for their cooperation, and democrats agreed to every one of them. Repubs still refused to cooperate. If they refuse to cooperate on something so momentous as that, it's obvious they won't cooperate on anything else. The country can't afford to capitulate to the party of NO for a full four years. The insurrectionists built a gallows on the lawn and were chanting “KILL MIKE PENCE!!” There are pictures of republicans stacking furniture to block the door in an effort to keep the insurrectionists out. Those were the same republicans who voted against the bipartisan investigation. Only an idiot wouldn't see that we need to drop the politics and discover what really happened, and who was instrumental in planning it. They obviously care more about protecting trump, and their members who were instrumental in planning the attempted coup than they care about taking care of the country's business. I would prefer to keep the filibuster, but the repubs are forcing the issue so that our only choice is to end it. Once that is done, it won't seem like such a big deal to reconsider statehood for DC and Puerto Rico or a few more seats on the Supreme court. If the republicans keep insisting on being obstinate, there is not much else we can do but to play hardball just like they are doing.

I think the only thing worse than having the filibuster is not having it.

One thing I think would help is bizarrely making the filibuster stronger. Meaning that if SB1 is filibustered by Senator Jane Doe. SB2, SB3, SB4 etc.... are shelved until SB1 is addressed.

This would force some compromise

Whatever is changed, it has to be an amendment in the Constitution....the Senate can make and ignore rules at will as we saw with Garland and ACB.
No need to kill it. Just make it painful enough to reduce it's use. Put it back to it's original form. Make them stand there and talk. And the onus is on party doing the fillibuster to come up with the votes (they stay and listen).

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