Time to Pay the Piper

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
“Time to pay the piper” is an appropriate phrase for what I hope lies ahead in Washington, D.C.

The investigation of President Trump failed to find any collusion (or obstruction). The Democrats' hero Robert Mueller and his team of prosecutors spent two years and $30-plus million to tell most of us what we already knew. Their report, designed to allow continual Democrat attacks, exonerated Trump. Despite best efforts, they failed, at least in the eyes of the Democratic rabid base.

With that out of the way, it is now time to pay the piper.

Attorney General William Barr is now tasked to investigate the origins of the phony investigation against President Trump. The assault is over. The king is still alive and sounds of the piper can be faintly heard.

Speculation abounds regarding what was done and by whom. Like him or loathe him, Donald Trump is now on the offensive and he holds all the cards. Watergate may end up looking like a jaywalking violation by the time this investigation is over.

For the sake of the country, the investigation should be thorough, fair, and reasonably quick. The punishment need be commensurate with the offenses and painful enough to dissuade future corruption of this type. Sunshine, the best disinfectant, is anathema to both Dracula and the Deep State, but dawn is here.

(Excerpt) Read more at americanthinker.com ...

Until there are actual arrests, perp walks, trials and convictions, this means very little to the majority of Americans...BUT these investigations are just getting started ... Politically these could be the TRUMP .card for the 2020 election!

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