Time to re-think public restrooms and showers

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do

So a gay 14 year old boy can shower in the same shower with your daughter, right?

You want separation from sexuality and not gender so a Gay 14 year boy is no threat to your daughter and should be allow to use the same toilet as her, and the 14 year old Lesbian can use the same toilet you use, right?
Joe Preston Virginia politician supports separate bathrooms for gays.

If the core justification for bathroom segregation is to let both genders to void among people who could not be sexually attracted to them, then Preston’s proposal is perfectly logical. Gay men are attracted to other men; lesbians are attracted to other women. A lesbian using a women’s bathroom presumably presents the same threat that a man using a women’s bathroom does. If we, as a society, are really committed to maintaining bathroom segregation, we might as well take it to its logical conclusion. The current rules were invented long before homosexuality was openly acknowledged. Any honest update should either put gays in their own separate bathroom—or abolish this ridiculous segregation altogether. [/quote}

Although I disagree with abolishing the segregation, the article makes a lot of sense. It neglects to bring in the need for segregated showers, but that's almost a slam dunk if you agree with the writer

Why doesn't anyone ever say, "Public toilets are for pissing and shitting, not socializing. So what difference does it make who's in the stall next to you?" :)

Some people are way too concerned with who is in the stall next to them. Personally, I wouldn't care if a woman used the same bathroom as me. I'm not really interested in checking her out while she's taking a massive dump. That being said, there are some sick fucks out there.
So we only have your word that restrooms were set up dividing the sexes because rape. Kewl.

Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
I don't need code from anytime. I'd like you to prove what you've been saying about gender separated restrooms.

You can't see the signs?

The code, which has the force of law behind it, mandates seperate Ravi. Historically that is how it is. Privacy and safety are the reasons. If you have any information to the contrary, be so kind as to supply.

Regardless, they are mandated seperate (by gender) ,but equal
"His research suggests that sex segregation was seen by regulators at the time as "a kind of cure-all" for the era's social anxiety about working women."

Sex-segregated public restrooms an outdated relic of Victorian paternalism.
So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do
So you actually are okay with gay men showering with your daughter?
OMG, the butthurt

You're simply a troll now

Funny how when I flip the issue how your side makes gender and biology a priority

Laughing my ass off cuz time after time I've answered that I oppose non segregated showers and restrooms, and you must project.

Too friggin funny.

So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

I've answered troll.
Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do
So you actually are okay with gay men showering with your daughter?

No, but thanks for playing.
When I am sitting on the toilet my first thought is what the hell did I eat or drink that caused that awful smell, and the next thought is I hope there is some toilet paper to wipe myself with, and not if someone is gay or lesbian.

If I am in a public shower like a gym I do not wonder if the macho guy standing over in the corner is gay or not because I am more worried about getting the stench of the day off me and feeling fresh.

So this nonsense about separation of bathroom by sexuality is just trollish as can be and the OP'er is looking for any excuse to discriminate against same sex couples because of last Friday ruling.

The OP'er has argued about how a lesbian is attracted to girls and should not be allow the right to shower in the same shower as his daughter, but has yet to answer if a gay boy would be allow to shower with his daughter seeing the boy is attracted to girls and it is the sexuality that matters more than the gender to the OP'er.

The reality is the OP'er is a bigot and want society to be as close minded as they are, and the refusal to accept and endorse this train of thought has caused the OP'er to ask more strawman questions and reveal that they prefer segregation based on sexuality but does it really stop there with the OP'er or would they prefer the old ways where just WASP Americans sit at one table while everyone else sit outside waiting their turn?

In the end if you do not support the OP'er childish strawman thread then you are a troll to them while I still wonder why Mr. Herbert is such a pervert?
When I am sitting on the toilet my first thought is what the hell did I eat or drink that caused that awful smell, and the next thought is I hope there is some toilet paper to wipe myself with, and not if someone is gay or lesbian.

If I am in a public shower like a gym I do not wonder if the macho guy standing over in the corner is gay or not because I am more worried about getting the stench of the day off me and feeling fresh.

So this nonsense about separation of bathroom by sexuality is just trollish as can be and the OP'er is looking for any excuse to discriminate against same sex couples because of last Friday ruling.

The OP'er has argued about how a lesbian is attracted to girls and should not be allow the right to shower in the same shower as his daughter, but has yet to answer if a gay boy would be allow to shower with his daughter seeing the boy is attracted to girls and it is the sexuality that matters more than the gender to the OP'er.

The reality is the OP'er is a bigot and want society to be as close minded as they are, and the refusal to accept and endorse this train of thought has caused the OP'er to ask more strawman questions and reveal that they prefer segregation based on sexuality but does it really stop there with the OP'er or would they prefer the old ways where just WASP Americans sit at one table while everyone else sit outside waiting their turn?

In the end if you do not support the OP'er childish strawman thread then you are a troll to them while I still wonder why Mr. Herbert is such a pervert?

No, if you act the fool (example above)
you are a troll, go back and read the OP that you reference in which I say Im opposed to ending segregated gender restrooms and see how that fits with your rants.

Answer, it doesn't, so you are a troll
So you support segregation?

Now you're admitting you want white only heterosexual showers and toilets?

Hitler would be so proud of you!

Also your thread is a trollish one so please take note you started the trolling and dislike the fact I have answered your silly strawman question and pointed out the fact you are a racist demented perverted toilet sitting dullard...

Mr. Herbert why are you such a pervert?

Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

I've answered troll.

Sure you did.

Your answer is simple...

You want the old WASP way of life where you get to sit at the table while the rest of society sit outside waiting for their turn.

Your argument is childish and frankly stupid. Your daughter has a better chance of being raped by a child molesting pervert that is straight than being raped by a lesbian.

You are more likely to be laughed at a Gay man in the restroom because of your homophobic fears than them coming onto you.

The fact that you even wrote you want more segregation and less explain the simple mind you have and how you live in this fearful world that Gays and Lesbians are ruining your world but the reality it those like me are ruining your world because I do not support segregation at all.

So call me a troll, and dream of your 1950's world where you could tell a minority to ride in the back of the bus, beat your spouse for not having food on the table when you got home, and believe the only great society is the WASP society you long for...
Oh, I never said that. Here's a link

Section 890
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
I don't need code from anytime. I'd like you to prove what you've been saying about gender separated restrooms.

You can't see the signs?

The code, which has the force of law behind it, mandates seperate Ravi. Historically that is how it is. Privacy and safety are the reasons. If you have any information to the contrary, be so kind as to supply.

Regardless, they are mandated seperate (by gender) ,but equal
"His research suggests that sex segregation was seen by regulators at the time as "a kind of cure-all" for the era's social anxiety about working women."

Sex-segregated public restrooms an outdated relic of Victorian paternalism.

A cure all, what required the "cure"

When I am sitting on the toilet my first thought is what the hell did I eat or drink that caused that awful smell, and the next thought is I hope there is some toilet paper to wipe myself with, and not if someone is gay or lesbian.

If I am in a public shower like a gym I do not wonder if the macho guy standing over in the corner is gay or not because I am more worried about getting the stench of the day off me and feeling fresh.

So this nonsense about separation of bathroom by sexuality is just trollish as can be and the OP'er is looking for any excuse to discriminate against same sex couples because of last Friday ruling.

The OP'er has argued about how a lesbian is attracted to girls and should not be allow the right to shower in the same shower as his daughter, but has yet to answer if a gay boy would be allow to shower with his daughter seeing the boy is attracted to girls and it is the sexuality that matters more than the gender to the OP'er.

The reality is the OP'er is a bigot and want society to be as close minded as they are, and the refusal to accept and endorse this train of thought has caused the OP'er to ask more strawman questions and reveal that they prefer segregation based on sexuality but does it really stop there with the OP'er or would they prefer the old ways where just WASP Americans sit at one table while everyone else sit outside waiting their turn?

In the end if you do not support the OP'er childish strawman thread then you are a troll to them while I still wonder why Mr. Herbert is such a pervert?

No, if you act the fool (example above)
you are a troll, go back and read the OP that you reference in which I say Im opposed to ending segregated gender restrooms and see how that fits with your rants.

Answer, it doesn't, so you are a troll

read your responses and how it changed to you were more for segregation over sexuality than gender, so which one is the fool?

You just want segregation and are just a bigoted troll...
Trolling trolling. ^^^^^^

No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

I've answered troll.

Sure you did.

Your answer is simple...

You want the old WASP way of life where you get to sit at the table while the rest of society sit outside waiting for their turn.

Your argument is childish and frankly stupid. Your daughter has a better chance of being raped by a child molesting pervert that is straight than being raped by a lesbian.

You are more likely to be laughed at a Gay man in the restroom because of your homophobic fears than them coming onto you.

The fact that you even wrote you want more segregation and less explain the simple mind you have and how you live in this fearful world that Gays and Lesbians are ruining your world but the reality it those like me are ruining your world because I do not support segregation at all.

So call me a troll, and dream of your 1950's world where you could tell a minority to ride in the back of the bus, beat your spouse for not having food on the table when you got home, and believe the only great society is the WASP society you long for...

Wow, the fool gets caught being the fool, and cries like a spoiled child HUH?

Gee golly gosh, Pop actually answered your stupidity in the friggin OP.
When I am sitting on the toilet my first thought is what the hell did I eat or drink that caused that awful smell, and the next thought is I hope there is some toilet paper to wipe myself with, and not if someone is gay or lesbian.

If I am in a public shower like a gym I do not wonder if the macho guy standing over in the corner is gay or not because I am more worried about getting the stench of the day off me and feeling fresh.

So this nonsense about separation of bathroom by sexuality is just trollish as can be and the OP'er is looking for any excuse to discriminate against same sex couples because of last Friday ruling.

The OP'er has argued about how a lesbian is attracted to girls and should not be allow the right to shower in the same shower as his daughter, but has yet to answer if a gay boy would be allow to shower with his daughter seeing the boy is attracted to girls and it is the sexuality that matters more than the gender to the OP'er.

The reality is the OP'er is a bigot and want society to be as close minded as they are, and the refusal to accept and endorse this train of thought has caused the OP'er to ask more strawman questions and reveal that they prefer segregation based on sexuality but does it really stop there with the OP'er or would they prefer the old ways where just WASP Americans sit at one table while everyone else sit outside waiting their turn?

In the end if you do not support the OP'er childish strawman thread then you are a troll to them while I still wonder why Mr. Herbert is such a pervert?

No, if you act the fool (example above)
you are a troll, go back and read the OP that you reference in which I say Im opposed to ending segregated gender restrooms and see how that fits with your rants.

Answer, it doesn't, so you are a troll

read your responses and how it changed to you were more for segregation over sexuality than gender, so which one is the fool?

You just want segregation and are just a bigoted troll...

I suggested the segregation include sexuality with gender

Get with the times fool, you changed em afterall
No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do
So you actually are okay with gay men showering with your daughter?

No, but thanks for playing.
Wut? There would be no attraction and your entire premise is based on keeping people that are attracted to women out of their restroom. What a paradox!
No rebuttal?

You can proclaim something is trollish but the reality your OP is the most trollish part of this thread and your refusal to accept other posters opinion on the matter and just agreeing to disagree is just the typical tactic by sexually perverted dullards, so why are you like that?

I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

I've answered troll.

Sure you did.

Your answer is simple...

You want the old WASP way of life where you get to sit at the table while the rest of society sit outside waiting for their turn.

Your argument is childish and frankly stupid. Your daughter has a better chance of being raped by a child molesting pervert that is straight than being raped by a lesbian.

You are more likely to be laughed at a Gay man in the restroom because of your homophobic fears than them coming onto you.

The fact that you even wrote you want more segregation and less explain the simple mind you have and how you live in this fearful world that Gays and Lesbians are ruining your world but the reality it those like me are ruining your world because I do not support segregation at all.

So call me a troll, and dream of your 1950's world where you could tell a minority to ride in the back of the bus, beat your spouse for not having food on the table when you got home, and believe the only great society is the WASP society you long for...

Wow, the fool gets caught being the fool, and cries like a spoiled child HUH?

Gee golly gosh, Pop actually answered your stupidity in the friggin OP.

You also wrote about how you prefer segregation by sexuality more than gender, so you did not catch anything but stupidity as usual.
What does that have to do with the historical separating by gender?

You need code from how far back.
I don't need code from anytime. I'd like you to prove what you've been saying about gender separated restrooms.

You can't see the signs?

The code, which has the force of law behind it, mandates seperate Ravi. Historically that is how it is. Privacy and safety are the reasons. If you have any information to the contrary, be so kind as to supply.

Regardless, they are mandated seperate (by gender) ,but equal
"His research suggests that sex segregation was seen by regulators at the time as "a kind of cure-all" for the era's social anxiety about working women."

Sex-segregated public restrooms an outdated relic of Victorian paternalism.

A cure all, what required the "cure"

Men apparently needed protection from potentially nagging or gossipy women.
When I am sitting on the toilet my first thought is what the hell did I eat or drink that caused that awful smell, and the next thought is I hope there is some toilet paper to wipe myself with, and not if someone is gay or lesbian.

If I am in a public shower like a gym I do not wonder if the macho guy standing over in the corner is gay or not because I am more worried about getting the stench of the day off me and feeling fresh.

So this nonsense about separation of bathroom by sexuality is just trollish as can be and the OP'er is looking for any excuse to discriminate against same sex couples because of last Friday ruling.

The OP'er has argued about how a lesbian is attracted to girls and should not be allow the right to shower in the same shower as his daughter, but has yet to answer if a gay boy would be allow to shower with his daughter seeing the boy is attracted to girls and it is the sexuality that matters more than the gender to the OP'er.

The reality is the OP'er is a bigot and want society to be as close minded as they are, and the refusal to accept and endorse this train of thought has caused the OP'er to ask more strawman questions and reveal that they prefer segregation based on sexuality but does it really stop there with the OP'er or would they prefer the old ways where just WASP Americans sit at one table while everyone else sit outside waiting their turn?

In the end if you do not support the OP'er childish strawman thread then you are a troll to them while I still wonder why Mr. Herbert is such a pervert?

No, if you act the fool (example above)
you are a troll, go back and read the OP that you reference in which I say Im opposed to ending segregated gender restrooms and see how that fits with your rants.

Answer, it doesn't, so you are a troll

read your responses and how it changed to you were more for segregation over sexuality than gender, so which one is the fool?

You just want segregation and are just a bigoted troll...

I suggested the segregation include sexuality with gender

Get with the times fool, you changed em afterall

I am with the times and you are stuck in the 1950's and it is Mr. Buffoon and not Bafoon to you!
I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do
So you actually are okay with gay men showering with your daughter?

No, but thanks for playing.
Wut? There would be no attraction and your entire premise is based on keeping people that are attracted to women out of their restroom. What a paradox!

Changing tunes HUH Ravi.

You did see my earlier post right?

One for hetro females
One for hetro males
One for gay females
One for gay males

Equality is a bitch
I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

I've answered troll.

Sure you did.

Your answer is simple...

You want the old WASP way of life where you get to sit at the table while the rest of society sit outside waiting for their turn.

Your argument is childish and frankly stupid. Your daughter has a better chance of being raped by a child molesting pervert that is straight than being raped by a lesbian.

You are more likely to be laughed at a Gay man in the restroom because of your homophobic fears than them coming onto you.

The fact that you even wrote you want more segregation and less explain the simple mind you have and how you live in this fearful world that Gays and Lesbians are ruining your world but the reality it those like me are ruining your world because I do not support segregation at all.

So call me a troll, and dream of your 1950's world where you could tell a minority to ride in the back of the bus, beat your spouse for not having food on the table when you got home, and believe the only great society is the WASP society you long for...

Wow, the fool gets caught being the fool, and cries like a spoiled child HUH?

Gee golly gosh, Pop actually answered your stupidity in the friggin OP.

You also wrote about how you prefer segregation by sexuality more than gender, so you did not catch anything but stupidity as usual.

So I wasn't exclusive as you claimed I was.

You aren't even a competent troll.
I don't respond to trolls

Except to explain to trolls that I dont

Sure, and why are you fixated on someone sexuality?

Are you afraid if a Lesbian is in the same restroom your daughter will like Flannel, Baseball Caps, and want to drive a truck?

You do know you can not become gay or a lesbian by sharing a toilet or shower with them, and your daughter has a higher chance of being raped by some sick perverted man that worries about the sexuality of women than by a lesbian, right?

Also seeing you equate lesbians being like straight boys then my question to you is would you object if a gay 14 year old boy showered in the same shower with your daughter seeing he likes boys and not girls?

Hey troll, I have, and will continue to argue for separation between those with sexual attraction toward each other.

Now somehow you will project again

But that's what trolls do
So you actually are okay with gay men showering with your daughter?

No, but thanks for playing.
Wut? There would be no attraction and your entire premise is based on keeping people that are attracted to women out of their restroom. What a paradox!

Very true!

So it come to No Gays or Lesbians allow where POP is at, and he claims not to be a Homophobic bigot!

The entire premise of his question was that the Lesbian were attracted to women, and seeing Gay men are not why would he object to allowing them to shower with her?

I swear POP want his cake and crap it too... ( yes a toilet pun and it stunk )
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